reply to post by jhill76
Although I would hardly think a rant the best course of action, I do believe that someone needs to slap these morons in the head with logic, as well
as inspire a new debate in our society that emphasizes the need for the common man to be heard. My Ideas are not new, nor am I the best person fort
this job. However, if one was to want to, what would it take? What would they say? Since I hate open ended threads, hewre is what I would say,keeping
in mind that I am Joe Nobody.
I for one have written a series of essays that are titled, (for lack of anything exciting)
"Things to change and make America stronger"
These things were, in no order of importance:
1)Prison Reform- Encompassing the investigative, judicial, rehabilitation and punishment issues that plague our current system. These changes would
help to better address the crimes, and those that commit them, as well as providing a climate that encourages the actual development of those
individuals who are now doomed to a criminal cycle. These changes also address the issue of funding, becoming a system that is self reliant and uses
minimal budget funds.
2)Education reform- Uniforms, mandatory physical education and health & diet classes. Civics, ethics, and Government activism classes as a mandatory
as well. School year round, (look at retention levels for lessons with these long breaks. You can't say you want to keep up with the world when we
are the only ones doing this) with teachers working 2 years, and getting one half year off, and one half year paid schooling to stay current in their
3)Mandatory service to the country- 2 years of military, or peace corp, or whatever. In return they are given a paid schooling, as well as some wage
while working. Obviously, military and longer commitments would get much better benefits, but everyone would have to do something. (even disabled
people can fill any job they can do, depending on the disability) We would send out farmers kids to third world countries, to train people in better
farming. You could even let anyone who goes to college straight out of high school work after they graduate. Imagine sending thousands of teachers
aides to inner city schools, and medical students to areas that need their help all over the world.
These are just some, and I have a much more in depth look at all of these, as there are ten total. My favorite is prison reform, as I have some rally
good ideas. But I am no expert, and it might not be the ideas, as much as telling our leaders that they really, really, suck right now.