posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 10:01 PM
By my reg. date, I'm not an "old" member by any means, but I have been visiting and lurking around ATS almost since its inception.
It seems to me that for the past few years, the Fail-boat, while tugging along the short yellow bus, has repeatedly docked at the ATS port, unloading
its cargo of mentally unwashed, prepubescent morons. ATS/BTS used to be one of my favorite places to visit, not only for open minded discussions, but
for alternative theories and possibilities about our world, as well as the inner and outer universe surrounding us.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I thought that the motto of this place was "Deny Ignorance". Well, ignorance is mostly what seems to be emanating
ATS/BTS as of late. Misinformation runs rampant, with (mostly) newer members refusing to acknowledge when they are wrong, ignoring any information
that goes against their argument, or using circular reasoning to continue an argument that is invalid or simply doesn't exist, burdening the quality
of ATS even further.
Now it feels like one has to use a sifter to find anything that's remotely worth considering. Not only that, but I'm beginning to notice that thinly
veiled racism, under the guise of "political or social discussion" especially against Blacks, Muslims, and Hispanics is slowly seeping in, finding a
nice comfy home here, some seemingly with moderator approval. This appears especially true with newer members, but even some older ones do it too.
While it wasn't a concrete rule, it was considered general courtesy that when you quoted someone on an outside link, you listed the source, so
that those who were refuting you could check out your information for themselves. Lately though, all you have to do is put quote tags around anything
you write, provide little to no clues about your source, and other posters will automatically take your "quote" as an absolute fact, without any
curiosity or question as where you got your information. This sometimes leads threads to spiral out on the basis of misinformation or an outright
The open-minded discussions, theoretical discussions, and "heated", but interesting and respectful arguments seem as though they've all but
disappeared. Why has the mutual level of respect, as well as the quality of the posts here sunk so low? It leaves me feeling as if ATS/BTS is
teetering on the point of becoming a cesspool of knowledge...
Overall, I still have a high opinion of the majority of the members of ATS/BTS, as well as the people who maintain this place. But if this current
level of discourse is what is considered to be "denying ignorance", then please excuse me while I search for an alternative 'home'.