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Pics of Bigfoot Family

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posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

i also heard that guy on coast to coast, boy was he ever exageratting! I just hope we get some real proof before i leave this earth.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 07:55 AM

Can I get my 30 secs back?

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 11:49 AM
Perhaps it's like one of those "3 D" pictures that were "all the rage" a couple of years ago? You've got to skew your eyes a bit to see them... Yes... yes... It's working... I can see them. Oh and there's the Easter Bunny, and Santa, and Nessie, and...

Sorry for the sarcasm... But honestly. Pictures (and stories) like these does more harm than anything else.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 02:16 PM
I looked for a green bigfoot, didn't see one. That's about the only way something Could hide in that picture. I'd have trouble finding a sloth, sure. But the general description of a bigfoot includes big feet, dark fur or hair, being tall, and being big in general.
All I see is something that could be sold to a modern art musuem. With the same title, really.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 10:46 AM
Even if there is anything there, it seems near impossible to make it out. I don't understand why people come forward with pictures like these and expect people to believe a dark spot in some bushes could be big foot when it could just as easily be a simple shadow as well.

I live right beside a fairly sized forest, by that logic I could post a new picture of big foot every day and all I would have to do is go out and randomly snap pictures.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 11:02 AM
Seems to be the man looking for proof that his mind help him find them within a couple of shadows cast in the woods do to thick forestry.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 02:42 PM
I Want To Ask All The NaySayers On Here , Have Any Of You Ever Spent A lot Of Time In The Deep And Tangled Woods ? If So How Many Of You Are Hunters ? Any Hunters Here ? I Have Hunted My Entire Life . I Have Been In Some Of The Most inhospitable Forrest's And Lowlands Bottom lands To Some Of You That Understand What I'm Talking About . Any Way, Wild life In Nature Have Utilized Their Surroundings To The Greatest Extent To Conceal Their selves From Danger And From Predertors . They Are One With Their Surroundings . I Have Hunted Elk In Some Of The Thickest Woods You Can Imagine . And Believe Me An Animal That Large WitH Such Massive Racks *HORNS* Is Very Hard To Detect , And They Can Blend In And Slip Through These Tangled Vines , Snags , Trees , Etc . Without Making The Slightest Sounds . They Know How To Blend In With Their Surroundings And Can Become Almost Invisible To Us Humans And Sometimes Other Animals . Now I'm Going To Go Out On A limb Here And Will Probably Get Heckled Some But That's Alright . I See What The OP has Brought To Our Attention . Not Because Of The Outlines that were added to the picture .Instead I Looked Elsewhere First , Getting An Idea as To The Surrounding Area To Get An Idea As To What NOT to Look For . Ya Follow Me ? First I Look For What Might Not Belong There . Next I Look At The Ground . Then The Upper Areas Of The Picture . Next Any Thing That Is Breaking The Lines Of Patterns In The Brush lines And Foliage . And The Play Of Shadows . You Have To Take Everything In And Really Study Your Surroundings . That Said, I See Quite A Bit More Of These Creatures Than The Op . But I Do See The Ones That He Said Were There . It Is Subtle But They Are There . I Have Seen This Creature Myself A Few Times Hunting And Setting Traplines In Different Areas Of Our Country Here In The U.S. and Canada . They DO EXIST My Friends . Believe It Or Not That's Up To You . I Have Always Treated These Sightings As Something Very Special And Personal . Kinda Like A Gift That Was Given To Me Ya Know What I'm Trying To Say ? So Some Folks Will Say It's Nothing More Than Tricks Of Light And Shadow And People Wanting To See It So It's "THEIR IMAGINATION " . Sometimes This Could Be True But Not Always . People Have A Right To Their opinion And Thats Cool . But Respect Theirs As Well .

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 08:38 AM


posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 02:58 PM
I will list the objects hidden in the picture, and you guys have to find them.
1. Family of Bigfeetses
2. A Tenacious D. Album
3. A Package of Jack Links Jerky
4. A Promo Poster for the 1987 Movie Harry and the Hendersons
5. A Banana

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