posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 09:13 AM
Alex Collier suggested in his 1994 video interview that there was a portal of some kind somewhere between Earth and Sirius. Sort of the same region of
space from our point of view I guess?
Alex also suggested that the Milky Way galaxy is about to transcend (for lack of a better term) into a higher dimension of reality and consciousness
which he calls the 4th density. We are currently in the 3rd density of 12 densities of existence that have evolved so far.
Anyway, I speculate some theory here. First, possibly those three red ships are protecting that entrance into the MW from visitors (friendly or
otherwise) from other galaxies, that want in here to go through the transcendence with us. (Or maybe those visitors want in here to try and stop us
from going through this transcendence. see below.)
Alex suggested that the Alpha Draconians dont want our galaxy to move into 4th or 5th density. The Draco's cannot transcend with the rest of the
galaxy. They can only transcend via "mechanical" means here, possibly due to them not being a "native" of this galaxy (they were placed here by
another race from another universe if I understood correctly). So if the galactic transcendence takes place, the Draco's lose their "playground".
They lose control of their agenda of total control and domination of all, so they are trying to hold us back from this transcendence.
So either those three red ships are the Draconians stopping other races from coming in to the MW to help us or join us in transcendence (or to try and
stop the Draco's from trying to stop us from the transcendence), or those three red ships are the good guys protecting the portal from more
Draconians coming in to try and stop us.