posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 03:01 PM
Sorry, i tried to post anonymously but i think it went wrong, i had to request a new password since i forgot the old one, # "remember password"
browser features..
As i was saying, that got me thinking about how since we are always looking at the past when watching the sky, how come we don't see any space crafts
coming and going all the time, at least some of them should be visible, if they have been here for thousands of years, and i don't think space crafts
activity should be reduced only to our galaxy, they should also be on some other galaxies right? at least some again, and then we should be able to
see something on deep space, unless of course it is seen but we don't know because "they" hide the info from us.
Any way, my point was, if we are looking at the past on the sky, then, where are the alien ships...?