posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 01:43 PM
I like to think, that I wouldn't change anything...and that the regrets I have are just lessons I haven't learned yet (Sweetest Decline - Beth
Orton). The experiences I've had, make me the person that I am today... I had to go through all that crap first, to get to where I am now. If I
hadn't of had those experiences, would I still be sitting here where I am?
There are aspects of my personal life, I wish I could change...but..I'm starting to realize, that from each relationship, I've learned a lesson, and
I've taken that knowledge into the next relationship...knowledge I wouldn't have, unless i had of had those experiences...
But, if I could change something....I would have done better in school, I'd have so many more doors open to me, had I of studdied more and tried
- Carrot