posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 03:18 AM
Well, I know it may be hard for some to believe, but years ago - HippieontheHill was " The Man ". Yes, it's true. Let me tell you that every dumb
criminal I ever put in jail - practically talked himself or herself in there. The professional, smart criminals, they kept their mouths shut, and
walked time & time again. So, the question has been asked more times than I care to count. "Do I have to talk to the Police ?" The answer is " NO
". Now, to me this always was a matter of common sense. But some people need it spelled out to them. So, pay attention : The Police are tasked with
mantaining civil order (a absense of riots, looting, drunk drivers - driving on the sidewalks and other general mahame) and investigating criminal
matters. You know like who stole your car, etc... In the performance of their duties, they often interview (talk to) people. It is legal to do so.
However, If they do not have Probable Cause, to make contact with you - they can not detain you, question you or otherwise bother you. What is
Probable Cause - It is a belief, more that mere suspicion (gut feelings don't count) - That a person or group of persons, has, will or is at
the moment - engaged in Criminal Activity (example - stealing your car). And if the Officer presented the same direct observations, evidence (such as
recorded film) or credible witness statements to a reasonable and prudent person (a good and humble citizen) - that a crime, has, will or is presently
being committed; that citizen would come to the same conclusion and agree that the police should act on it - for the better good. If, there is no
Probable Cause, He has no reason to bother you. Just remember what your mom taught you - Be Nice. Being Rude - well it causes problems. Just every so
politely ask " Why are you speaking with me ? I would like to know what your Probable Cause to do so is ? If, you have no Probable Cause - am I free
to leave. If I am not free to leave why ? If, you can not provide a reason equal to Probable Cause - I will be leaving - thank you - have a nice day.
That is that. P.S. - Never agree to a search of your person, place of residence or car - without a warrant. Just politely say " If, you had a warrant
- I would allow it, since you don't - I will not." Again, delivery is important - Confident, not Rude - Rules the Day.. Be Nice.... Keep your
head, admitt to nothing, volunter nothing.. and even if he is a complete Jerk, who arrests you unjustly and takes you to jail - in the end you will
beat him; and take great joy in knowing your superior knowledge -was what kicked his *ss... There you have it.... Basic Law 101 - at no charge...