posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 12:20 AM
I doubt the pyrotechnics idea because one of the Objects lights or whatever they are zips from the right to the left above the trees almost
horizontally, im not an expert just a dad who lights some off once a year, if fireworks did that wouldnt it be illegal or at the very least dangerous?
anyway i discount fireworks because there is no downward motion as it travels to the left, gravity would have pulled it down even just a tiny bit.
Again not any kind of expert i point and click, most of the movement in the objects is exactly that the objects moving very fast, a few times when
they move you can clearly (for night) see the tree line and the tree line does not move during a few of the movements.
Deff not meteoids,
One thing did enter my mind after i had been watching it for the 20th time, i thought it could have been a ground lazer tracking an airbourne target?
getting very bright when it has hit what it was meant too, before moving onto another target, was just an idea that popped into my head as i said,
military lazer.
As ive proven time and time again on ATS im an immovable believer as far as UFO's and Aliens visiting us and landing go, im really hoping this turns
out to be something wonderful and other worldly, perhaps then we as a planet full of horror can begin to move past our petty differences, and begin to
live like Human beings again, i think it would take something as fantastic as Alien visitors to get the world talking to each other in a civilized
way, even if it is to discuss if they are friend or foe.
I love this little Planet we have as well as most of the folk who live on it, we all deserve better than our current state of world events, which seem
to be beyond our control right now, so ive got my fingers crossed as always, maybe tomorrow we will wake up to a whole new start? a new beginning?
Gnight all