posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 04:28 AM
FremenBlueEyes, in the FAQ, they say the charge time is 4hours and overnight charging will cost 1-2$ with Cali. energy rates. The slower the charge
rate, the more money you save, its also the same with gas cars and your acceleration rate.
They also say they are only selling them in Cali.. Personally, I think gas prices need to become so much that you NEED a job, to get to that job and
a second job to pay for everything else before people will buy it. Gas prices need to be that painful before people get over the "its dorky" or
"its too unsafe" ideas. Up till the gas started going up, it was a size/safty race with paranoid people who slow down for flashing lights, then it
was monkey see, monkey do for the rest of em.