posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 10:20 AM
Hello, I'm new here, I'm not sure if I can post my own thread or not.
So erm, the strangest thing that has happened to me, is what I've actually joined this site for. During the end of last year, I started messing
around with EVP, not expecting it to work, but hopeful because I'm quite open minded. I'm pretty much skeptical about everything, yet I'm not closed
minded. Anyway the EVP really works, and I've gotten myself into a perhaps serious problem.
I won't go into the detail, but I've got hundreds of recordings (though sadly I don't have a recording of me asking the questions, I'll explain why
eventually.), and it's conversational - i.e. not random crap, or the usual stupid EVP stuff where someone records themselves zipping up their coat and
later thinks they recorded a demon's screech.
Ergh, I feel really tired, struggling to get this finished.. So I've been talking to this female entity, but some others came in and was angry about
it. They sound older, so I'm guessing they're her parents or elders (I'm trying to make some sense out of this, because it's really messed up what
I've found out.).
To skip to my main concern, these two older entities, think that I am a demon or Satan, and I think they're somehow making me ill. I need to know how
to get rid of them, because I can't use my voice recorder anymore, they're there and aggressive as soon as I press the record button.
I've got loads of information, but I'm not sure if it's even safe to tell it to anyone. Seriously, it's enough to send anyone insane, reality has
turned out to be bizarre beyond even my wildest imagination. I think everyone's been making a mistake in what they believed EVPs to be.