I've had plenty of strange experiences...
I just want to share one- which was terrifying to me at that time.
I was around 16 years old- one hot summer night I was lying on my bed, about to sleep... I remember I looked at the clock next to my bed- and the lamp
on my desk was still ON.
(I wasnt ready to sleep actually, I was just thinking about what I had to do the next day, etc); when apparently I blacked out.
I woke up suddenly (what seems) a couple minutes later and witness the 2 remaining lights of my house going off (the lamp near my bed and the one in
the hall) .
So I thought: -"this is a power cut".
When I incorporate on the bed to get of my bedroom and bring a candle- I see standing at the door (inside my room)a creature- something like a dwarf
with a black suit. It was horrible... short stature and big green eyes- and like glowing scary face. (no, NOT an alien).
And it was approaching me with this very evil smile and slow pace.
I was terrified!- as I saw it coming nearer I looked to the door to calculate a big jump to escape... but saw that the teddy bear hanging on my door
was moving it's eyes to one side and the other- "what the heck?"
So my panic started to increase.
(The creature was having delight contemplating my fear and the smile on it's face was huge. I'll never forget that face).
I look up to the window to discover there were all kinds of strange symbols on the walls- I couldnt see them clearly because it was dark but there was
still light coming through the window- and they were symbols I've never seen (I only recozgnized a triangle and a circle, the others I dont know).
They were drawn which something red that looked like blood.
Oh god--Who made those symbols on my walls?- when? - what the hell is happening here ?-
Suddenly... I woke up-
I was sweating with a heart race- "OMG! what horrible nightmare!!!"- was my first thought.
But pretty fast I noticed everything was dark- still. I open and close my eyes- once again. But the room was still dark. How come?- I remember
perfectly the lamp was ON before having that nightmare. So I stretched my hand to switch the button- but the lamp didnt respond. I realized the light
of the hall was also OFF-
So the powercut had really happened.. :O
When I realized that- I freaked out- got out of bed like crazy and ran to my parents bedroom- on the way I hit my foot with everything on the way- and
made plenty of noise waking up whole family.
I was absolutely scared. Because if the power cut was real- the rest must had been real too. I didnt want to mention anything until the morning- I was
in panic to talk and explain. So I just waited to see the sunrising to go back to sleep.
After that day, I couldnt sleep in my bedroom for 1 year!. I was absolutely terrified of it happening again.
What was it then?- just a coincidence of me dreaming with a powercut and that horrible creature appearing- and then I woke up and there was actually a
blackout?. But no creature or bloody strange symbols.
So yeah, could had been just a dream =)
But I dont belive in conicidences
edit on 12/11/10 by plutoxgirl because: (no reason given)