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Pro Obama or Anti 3rd term? Can minds be changed?

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posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 02:06 PM
Six months ago I believed that Obama would be an acceptable and tolerable President. As the primaries lingered on and more information on Obama's policies and his questionable relationships surfaced, I lost all respect for him and started hoping that Hillary would earn the nomination. That didn't happen and now the possibility of Obama becomming our next President is very real.

When talking to people about Obama and even when reading the threads on ATS, two things pop out. First, it seems that the majority of Obama's supporters are not really fans of his ... they simply are supporting him because they are against what they feel would be Bush's 3rd term. Second, those behind Obama are so intense in their support they will follow him blindly no matter what he says or does. It's as if he can do no wrong in their eyes.

Why do you support Obama? Is it because of his issues or because you fear a third term of Bush?

And more importantly, as an Obama supporter, can you imagine ANY scenario that would cause you to vote AGAINST Obama???


posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Jemison
Why do you support Obama? Is it because of his issues or because you fear a third term of Bush?

I agree with him on most of the issues and I don't want another Bush term.

And more importantly, as an Obama supporter, can you imagine ANY scenario that would cause you to vote AGAINST Obama???

Sure. I can imagine plenty of scenarios that would change my mind. I still wouldn't vote for McCain, though.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 09:40 AM
I'm glad to hear that you do agree with some of his issues. It's scary to think that he could be elected WITHOUT having people agree with his policies!

If you decided not to vote for Obama does that mean you would stay home?


posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by Jemison
If you decided not to vote for Obama does that mean you would stay home?

Oh, hell, no! I would either vote for the Libertarian or Green Party candidate (I'd have to do some research) or write someone in.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Jemison

When talking to people about Obama and even when reading the threads on ATS, two things pop out. First, it seems that the majority of Obama's supporters are not really fans of his ... they simply are supporting him because they are against what they feel would be Bush's 3rd term. Second, those behind Obama are so intense in their support they will follow him blindly no matter what he says or does. It's as if he can do no wrong in their eyes.

With all due respect, maybe you should read most posts before you make vague assumptions

Many people here have the ability go give the good WITH the bad. A simple look around would have given you atleast One Thread that proves just that.

I also must cordially request that you reconsider your stance by syaing people blindly follow obama. While this is true, you omit the rest of that thought that says it happens to all politicians.

ALL politicians have a blind following bunch of groupies. Its because politics is nothing more than a pissing match, and it brings out the competitiveness in us all. Some people lack the IQ to debate issues and realize its not about "who's got a bigger one" and that its really about "if i elect this guy, im screwed"

So to turn around your argument

Are you anti-change, or just pro-mccain?

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:15 PM
I would like to focus on the second question posed in this thread. With just over 2 months before the election, for those of you that are supporting (or in some cases, simply backing) Obama, is there any possibility that you will have second thoughts or change your mind about voting for Obama between now and Election day?

What would it take for you to become disillusioned with Obama? If the Michelle Obama "whitey" tape suddenly emerged, would that cause you to have second thoughts? If footage of Obama and Rev Wright appeared that showed the two of them discussing how the Government created AIDS and all of the crazy allegations that Rev Wright made in his sermons, would THAT change your mind?

What scenario can you envision that would cause you to at least take a step back and think twice about voting for Obama?


posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Jemison

And more importantly, as an Obama supporter, can you imagine ANY scenario that would cause you to vote AGAINST Obama???


1.) He actually is the Devil
2.) The "Whitey" tape exists and can be proven without a doubt in any scientific minds that his wife is calling people a racially motivated name

there are many more very highly unlikely occurances which could change my mind

but i dont base my decision off of personal factors in obama's life

i base it off of his speech and his voting record

i agree with the direction he wants this country to go ( back on course )

and i agree with how we should handle POTENTIAL hostilities abroad

the butt of a gun never solved anything.

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 07:33 PM

I suggest everyone watch this wonderful video about McCain before deciding rather or not to vote for him

i knwo i know - its hard not to vote for him because you have the hots for his VP

but for once in your life - think of your country before yourself


posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 08:32 PM

I suggest everyone watch this wonderful video about McCain before deciding rather or not to vote for him

Oh. My. Gosh. Are you serious??? You think anyone with 1/2 a brain should take that video into consideration before deciding on which candidate is best???

My 10 year old daughter could put together a better, more accurate and far more convincing video. As a matter of fact, my 8 year old and 7 year old twins probably could as well!

Andrew, I have read many of your posts and while I rarely agree with the position you take politically, I am enjoy and respect the majority of your posts. It is my opinion that in asking people to watch the above video prior to picking a candidate, you are lowering yourself. You know darn well that McCain's words were twisted in regard to the Iraq war. He never said he would be fine fighting a war for 100 years - he mentioned maintaining a prescence in Iraq for as long as necessary. He also went on to clarify that it was not the amount of YEARS we are in Iraq that is of concern but rather the CASUALTIES in Iraq that concern him. Maintaining a small amount of troops in Iraq (just as we have in numerous countries throughout the world that we never hear about) for 100 years without casualties is what he was referring to as not bothering him. I KNOW you know that. Why do you feel it necessary to twist his words?

I am more than willing to watch videos suggested by fellow ATS'ers, but please, don't ask me, or anyone else for that matter, to watch something that you yourself know is deceitful and misleading.

And back to the original topic ... other than great speeches, what has Obama done that leads you to believe that he can change the course of this Country? From what I can tell, we have nothing to base his promise of 'change' on other than his words.

i knwo i know - its hard not to vote for him because you have the hots for his VP

No, clearly you do NOT know and you are simply ASSUMING something. I'm a happily married FEMALE and I do not have the 'hots' for Palin, physically or emotionally.


posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Jemison

My 10 year old daughter could put together a better, more accurate and far more convincing video. As a matter of fact, my 8 year old and 7 year old twins probably could as well!


So you think that a video showing McCain telling American workers that they CANT do something - that they CANT work - that they CANT get this and that they CANT get that is acceptable?

You think that the MCCAIN campaign's unofficial slogan of "no you cant" is noble like McCain calls the Iraq war?


I guess some people in this country have suffered severely from lowered expectations and what would appear to be a complete lobotomy.

oh, and deceitful?

No. See. McCains' words are in the video.

The DNC didnt hire someone named "techguy" to create the voice for them.

The script was written by mccain - he just didnt know they were in production

[edit on 8/31/2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 10:11 PM

oh, and deceitful?

No. See. McCains' words are in the video.

I KNOW you aren't that dumb. Your words are all over ATS. Just think how incredibly easy it would be for me to put together an "I love McCain" post, singing the praises of him and referring to him as "hot" all in quotes by YOU? Anyone can use someone else's voice or words and then edit them to give the impression that something totally different was said.

And yes, my 10 year old could make a better video. Maybe that's because my husbands day job is making video games so she has a little more knoweldge in that sort of thing than the average 10 year old, but still, even non tech-heads could do a decent job of putting something like that together.

I can't do much other than just shake my head with disbelief.


posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Jemison

So you're implying that Senator mccain didtn say those words
and that someone pieced them together to make it appear as though he said

"no you can't"


PLEASE tell me that this is what you're implying

please please please

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 11:02 PM

PLEASE tell me that this is what you're implying

I'm not saying that he did NOT ever say "no you can't", but when I hear Obama talking, half the time I'm yelling at the TV "no you can't". So WHAT if McCain has said "no you can't"? I mean, really, I bet I can find Obama saying that as well.

Because my husband is on the fence with how he will vote, I asked him to look at the video that you supplied and asked him if he thought it was a convincing piece. He said the best and only reliable part of it was where the name "barely political" appeared at the end of the video. He found it to be as much of a joke as I did and yes, he agreed that our children could video tape their teachers for a week and edit it in a way that made it appear as if their teachers were saying something that they absolutly did not intend to say.

It's all about the context. You know this and yet you continue to push the credibility of such a video?? I'm not sure if that's incredibly funny or incredibly sad.


posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by Jemison
Six months ago I believed that Obama would be an acceptable and tolerable President.

Yes i hear that alot from anti-Obamanians who want to tear him to shreds, I also hear plenty of them saying they were former Hillary and Ron Paul supporters. Whats my point? Well I hear this from 90% of anti-Obamanians, and to be frank I think its utter BS, its the political tactic of impartiality to justify ones deslike for another. I dont buy it.

As the primaries lingered on and more information on Obama's policies

The ones that he shares 95% of the time with Hillary? No no continue, youv already made up your mind regardless.

and his questionable relationships surfaced

Yes like that one cut up transcript of rev wright? Why dont you find another speech like that before March 2008, I mean I cant seem to find one. What relationships? Ill go down them with you one by one if you tell me.

I lost all respect for him and started hoping that Hillary would earn the nomination.

There was never any respect from yourside, you made up your mind when the neocons began pumping in the propaganda. Now, if you can tell us exactly where Obama went wrong for you, I would be happy to discuss this further.

When talking to people about Obama and even when reading the threads on ATS, two things pop out. First, it seems that the majority of Obama's supporters are not really fans of his ... they simply are supporting him because they are against what they feel would be Bush's 3rd term.

No thats not true, you see, this is an assumption from yourside. If you had actually spoken with Obama fans you would get mixed reasons, but you dont really do so, do you? I dont support McCain because I dont agree with conservative policies. I was against the Bush administration at a time you with called unpatriotic, yet I stood my ground and to this day I still stand by the Democrats and I refuse to support McCain with his 95% Bush voting record and flip flopping. Here you go, straight out from an Obama supporter.

Ofcourse Bush has an impact in my decision but its not the main reason.

Second, those behind Obama are so intense in their support they will follow him blindly no matter what he says or does. It's as if he can do no wrong in their eyes.

Jamison you know full well that this is an excuse, I support the man because he fits my liberal values and he will be withdrawing troops from Iraq. You will get the same answer from plenty of Obama supporters but you dont ask them yourself Jamison, you made up your mind for other reasons, right?

Why do you support Obama? Is it because of his issues or because you fear a third term of Bush?

I support him because I believe in universal healthcare.
I support him because he will withdraw troops from this war of lies and will focus on Afghanistan where the real tyrant is.
I support him because he best suits my liberal values.
I support him because the republicans lied and turned its back on half of the american people over these last 7years, now that its election year, they give a damn, and you seem to give into this political pandering easily.

And more importantly, as an Obama supporter, can you imagine ANY scenario that would cause you to vote AGAINST Obama???

Yes sure, if he said he will no longer be withdrawing troops from Iraq,
If he goes agains the rights of individual women.
If he turns conservative over night.


Yes you made up your mind long before you ever bothered to ask us why we actually supported the man, another case of somebody listening to propaganda again.

[edit on 1-9-2008 by southern_Guardian]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 09:28 AM

There was never any respect from yourside, you made up your mind when the neocons began pumping in the propaganda. Now, if you can tell us exactly where Obama went wrong for you, I would be happy to discuss this further.

You are wrong there, there was respect. I am a conservative so I never planned on voting for Obama or Hillary during the Primaries, but during the discussions that I had with my liberal friends, I actually CONGRATULATED them on a fine candidate. Dumb-dumb me actually thought that Obama, though not my preference, could turn out to be a good President.

I disagree with many of his policies but that isn't a reason to stop respecting him. I don't like his relationship with Rev Wright, Ayers, Rezco, etc. I don't like the way he played 'old school politics' for his state senate seat by having his running mates taken off of the ballot ...even HE thought that was dirty politics on his part. I think that his 'typical white' comment was insulting and racist.

Yes you made up your mind long before you ever bothered to ask us why we actually supported the man, another case of somebody listening to propaganda again.

Again, you are wrong. Some of my closest friends are Obama supporters and we have had long discussions on this. My husband is an undecided voter and until Obama chose Biden, was leaning more toward Obama. So while I may not have asked ATS'ers specifically why they were supporting Obama, in the real world, I've had more conversations about it than I care to admit! And most of the time, the reason people are voting for him and CHOOSING to ignore any negative press about him, is because they want change and they do NOT want a third term.

I'm glad that you are supporting Obama based on his policies ... I wish everyone who is backing Obama was doing it based on his policies and experience and not just his pretty speeches.


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