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The Religious Right: The NEW American Enemy

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posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 09:21 AM
I woke up this morning---refreshed--- and listened to Howard Stern because Iwas concerned whether he'd still be on the air or things would just blow over.

it worse than we think. They just mioght ban HOWARD! I grew up with Howard dammit! Here's an excerpt:

"Howard said he got a call from someone who tells him about what's going on inside the FCC. He said that he heard that the FCC is going to fine him and make it impossible for his company to keep him on. He said he has to get this message out before he's kicked off the air. He said he kept thinking of the KoRn video and Clear Channel. He said that Clear Channel set him up and threw him to the wolves. He wasn't under any investigation by the government when they kicked him off. There's a congressman out there saying that if Clear Channel got rid of him then Infinity has to do the same to level the playing field. Howard said that no one has gone to court and none of this has been declared indecent yet. "

Howard said that the FCC will probably issue the fines over the weekend. He went on to say that this Senator from Kansas by the name of Brownback, wrote a letter to Mel Karmazin and asked him why he hasn't taken Howard off the air yet. This is a guy who Howard claims, lives with some other politicians in a million dollar townhouse that's paid for by a religious organization. Howard said that this is disturbing to him and anyone living in a place like that has to bow to the pressure of the group. Howard said that the name of the group is The Fellowship. He read an article and said that these guys are out of control. They are in congress and in the senate. He said that the house is valued at $1.1 million and the people living there pay just $600 a month for rent. Howard said that the religious organization is actually the C Street Center which is part of The Fellowship.

Howard said he feels like he's in The Matrix or something and he's just waking up to see what's going on in the country now. He said it's all a bunch of little things going on that are opening his eyes. Howard told Ralph about how powerful the FCC is when they hold back licensing and stuff like that. It makes it impossible for the company to do business. Howard said that the FCC stopped their company from buying radio stations when they wanted to take them to court over the fines they had against them years ago. Howard said they had to pay the FCC off to get out of that. He said that his show is over. Ralph asked why the FCC doesn't react to the support they get from the fans who don't want him taken off. They just don't react to anything but complaints for some reason. Howard continued to say that his show is over no matter what. He said that he's too powerful and these people don't like that so they want him off the air. He has bigger ratings than the local news stations and that's power that people are afraid of.

Howard still thinks that this all started when he stopped supporting Bush. That's when Clear Channel pulled his show off of their stations. Howard said he knows that people think this is a bit but his days are over. He said his time has come and he's going to be taken off the air. Not willingly though. He told Vinnie to just remember him in November and vote against Bush. Howard said that people will have something to listen to once he's off the air. It'll probably be a Z-100 or something like that.

This is what's happening to America. We are being overrun by evil..the EVIL RELIGIOUS RIGHT!

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 09:27 AM
I can agree that there are dubious things happening in this country due to the religious right.

But we are not all bad closeminded evil zealots.

The FCC seems to be running unchecked for a long time with no reasonable check or balance. I am not even sure that one can contest a fine from the FCC, or that if they can would it be worth it?

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 09:31 AM
The FCC isn't running unchecked. They are doing exactly what the religious zealots of the right put Michael Powell in there to do. The repugnants always believe in "deregulation" except when it comes to personal freedom. Then, they use religon to tell you what to do. Just plain evil.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 09:34 AM
Agreed, but using religion to stiffle rights is not what we are all about, and some use it negatively.

It does not negate those who see clearly, nor does it negate our zeal for a better America.

There are a lot of use in my camp that despise people like that, they run themselves akin to the KKK who are ones that can not see that not even Jesus was not white.

They aline themselves with evil using non-evil justification, but it is not 100% true of us all.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 09:41 AM
Unfortunately, they tend to be exceedingly wealthy and are now imposing their bonehead ideals on the rest of us like Nazis. AND I HOPE THEY'RE READNG THIS!

[Edited on 5-3-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 09:46 AM
Yes, corruption and evil lives well and excels in the wicked world we live in, but it does not have a polical party.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
Yes, corruption and evil lives well and excels in the wicked world we live in, but it does not have a polical party.

I'm sorry. I believe this pareticular religious evil is acutely focused in the repugnant party. Let's not generalize and be candy-ass about it. Lets tell the truth.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 09:51 AM
I am telling the truth. I see first hand the bigotry and hate stemming from the Republicans.

They spew hate when talking of gay marriage, affermative action, and the likes and I hate it as do a number of other conservatives who have chosen to leave the Republican party.

On the other hand, I am firm in my resolve that evil lives in the human heart, and all men are privy to it's lure.

Not all Rep. are bad, and not all libs are good.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
I am telling the truth. I see first hand the bigotry and hate stemming from the Republicans.

They spew hate when talking of gay marriage, affermative action, and the likes and I hate it as do a number of other conservatives who have chosen to leave the Republican party.

On the other hand, I am firm in my resolve that evil lives in the human heart, and all men are privy to it's lure.

Not all Rep. are bad, and not all libs are good.

Yeah, I understand that evil lies in the human heart--in everyone, it knows no political affilitations---but this particular evil is coming from a sect in the repugnat party called the religious right and that is our immeidate problem.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 10:17 AM
Eh, true enough, and coming from a religious conservative, that is more powerful than from a liberal.

I do not nessisarily disagree with the views, but the manor in which is it carried out is despicable and shameful.

I see a lot of religious right folks being down right bigoted and discusting with respect to women, minorities, and homosexuals, which if they understood an iota of scripture, they would know that what they do IS with the spirit of cain.

trust me, I can see the evil and it bothers the hell out of me. I fight inside my own camp as much as I fight liberals, if not more.

A great purging is needed before I aline myself with the Republicans again.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 10:27 AM
You don't know how happy I am to hear that from you.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 10:32 AM
Well, I am as fair as is humanly possible.

The hate spewed forth from many of my fellow conservatives has given me a bad name, and that I can not tollerate.

I wish cancer on the KKK and the likes of them. If they only knew that minorities are the contributing factor to the success of America, they still wouldn't change their tune which makes them ignorant closeminded assholes.

Such it is with many of my party. But fear not, there are still some of us who fight these shaved monkeys from the inside.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 11:13 AM
Unbelievable. We've gotten to the point where people actually think that the Revolutionary war was fought so that people can be vulgar and filthy in public. People actually think that "religious right" is the enemy of the nation, while the vile garbage that is destroying our society and culture is protected speech. We have people that have been so brainwashed as to think that filth and profanity has never been discouraged, and the FCC, in doing what it has ALWAYS supposed to have done, is being highjacked by fanatics.

Ignorance is bliss. You have to be the happiest man alive, Esquire.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 11:28 AM
What are you talking about.

Well, actually I know what you are talking about, and it is not what we are.

While I agree with you, I can also see the hate and nastiness coming from the campaign to clean up America. The motive has always been there and is commendable.

But with the deepening divide in this country, both sides have engaged in vitriol that is against what the religious right is supposed to be against.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 11:35 AM
TC: Now, look what we have here, a goose-stepping representative of the religious right. The FCC is not supposed to allow one group and their views to domnate the airwaves---a la Clear Channel. If you don't like the views, don't listen, don't buy from their sponsors. But, don't impopse your views upon 18 MILLION listeners because YOU don't like his speech....nazi.

[Edited on 5-3-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 12:04 PM
The religious right built this country at a time when liberals didn't even exist. I'm trying to figure out who the "new" enemy is. LOL

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by kramtronix
The religious right built this country at a time when liberals didn't even exist. I'm trying to figure out who the "new" enemy is. LOL

*cough* Bull# *cough*

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 12:39 PM
I am with Colonel on this one. Not to the degree he is, but the basic idea is still shared.

Freedom of Speech is one of the cornerstones this nation was built upon.
I will always agree with free speech, even if what is being said offends me.

Good taste, morals and what defines vulgarity are for the most part, subjective at best.

Now I have listened to Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh and have been offended by both at different times. But I would NEVER question either's right to freedom of speech. I can always turn the radio or television off.

I was especially uspset at ClearChannel President Hogan when he said "We want to protect our listener's from this kind of content." REALLY?? What a condescending sob. I am a big boy and again, I can turn the dial on the radio or shut it off.

And for the "It's for the children" argument. It is NOT the Govt's job to babysit or sanitize the airwaves. It is the parents job to monitor what their children listen/watch and talk to them about it. I would rather have the FCC's budget slashed in half and have the money put into the schools so kids can be even better educated to make their own choices when it comes to taste in the media.

Now if they(Clearchannel& the FCC) really cared about Mr. Stern's affect on us all, they would have taken Howard off the air 5, 10, 15 or 20 years ago. I also grew up listening to Howard in NY and his show has been the same for years if not even more offensive back in the 80's. Sounds like money talks and BS walks to me.

Now as far as it being the religious right behind this....that I cannot say. It definitely raised an eyebrown when Stern, who is politically right leaning for the most part, went against voting for Bush. This country was founded by people who worked very hard to make sure there was a separation of religion and state. Hmmmm.....?

(I can hear Jefferson rolling over in his grave again!)

As I said, I will always agree with free speech, even if what is being said offends me. Because, if you censor one person, you have to censor everybody. That means we all lose.

[Edited on 5-3-2004 by Facefirst]

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by OXmanK

Originally posted by kramtronix
The religious right built this country at a time when liberals didn't even exist. I'm trying to figure out who the "new" enemy is. LOL

*cough* Bull# *cough*

Just like a liberal to claim something is incorrect without supplying contradictory evidence.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 12:59 PM
This country was founded by extremely left progressive thinkers. You have to look at the context of the time when the American Revolution occured.

To declare yourself a soveriegn nation with no monarchy was considered insane! Most nations at that time still had monarchies that ruled with considerable power.

At the time, the idea to go against the British Monarchy and Govt was considered extremely left. Almost off the scale. George Washington refusing to be "King" of America when it was offered to him after the war was considered extremely radical. He opted for democracy.

Why do you think NY is called the "Empire State" ? Because it was extremely conserative and held allegiance to Britian during the war.

Conservative is defined as : Opposed to change or in favor of traditional values. Fine. I just really can't think of too many right-wing conservative revolutions at the moment, but feel free to point them out. (i am not being sarcastic, i just can't think of any!)

[Edited on 5-3-2004 by Facefirst]

[Edited on 5-3-2004 by Facefirst]

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