posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 08:05 PM
I know this topic has been covered before but ill tell my story and see if anyone has anything to add.
about 7 years ago, i lived with my ex and would frequently hear a buzzing noise, somewhat akin to an eletcrical transformer.
I would mostly hear it at night when all was quiet and when going to bed, though not during sleep or when awakening.
The strange thing was if i raised my head above a certain level it would go away, lower my headit would return, even stranger is my ex heard it as
well and found the same results.
I would hunt about the house trying to find the source, yet could only find it when i lay in bed.
We moved to another house, I still kept ownerships of the first house, we split not long after moving, but one night in the new house, i had to get
out of the house, i could hear a very strong buzzing in the new house, so strong to the detrement that i could not sleep or be relaxed in the house
(this was occasionaly) but in the new house my ex could not hear it, it drove me nuts.
after we split i returned to the original house and used the other bedroom and on many times the same thing, s strange buzzing which would go away if
i moved from the layn down position in my bed only in one position did it occur , it did not mater where in bed i lay i could hear it but as soon as i
lay up it was gone. Now i woul dhave thought it was me , internally but my ex heard it as well?
Any ideas anyone?