reply to post by ALightinDarkness
You are a natual person. You are not an atificial person. All government and banking documents refer to you as an artificial person without your
consent or should I say through TACIT consent (if you did not object to it,
you agree to it) or if you did'nt say no you said yes with out saying yes.
Here in Canada Includes is another interesting legal term. If in a statute it reads eg motor vehicle act (not word for word) An accident is a
collision between two parties BLAh BLAH... then near the end of the diffinition of accident it reads an accident INCLUDES intentional
collisions(through Incluslo unis est exclusio alterius). This means every accident was intentional and the courts are only dealing with parties that
have confessed to intentional collisions because you've signed your liscence. This is only one of many examples of the term includes within statutes.
Look up includes in blacks , It says to confine within,attain,shut up, contain, inclose....... then read the definition following includes in blacks.
It's Incluslo unis est exclusio alterius- The inclusion of one is the exclusion of another.
Here are the three different levels of status you will have seen all three likley in your travels through life so far. followed by how you contract
with them.
John Doe - Capitis Diminutio Minima
The lowest or least comprehensisive degree of loss of status.This occurred where a man's family relations alone were changed.
It happened upon the arrogation (pride) of a person who had been his own master (surjuris) ( of his own right, not under any legal disability)
It left the rights of liberty and citizenship unaltered.
You are a soveriegn a country of your own under CD minima until you "plug in" to the legal system or social contract ie Bill of rights (Canada)
John DOE - Capitis Diminutio Media
A lesser or medium loss of status this occured where a man loses his rightsof citizenship, but without losing his liberty. It carried away also the
family rights.
JOHN DOE - Capitis Diminutio Maxima
The highest or most comprehensive loss of status. This occured when a man's conditionwas changed from one of freedom to one of bondage,
when he became a slave . It swept away with it all rights of citizenship and all family rights.
Rules are made to be boken however,
Federal interpretations act common names,
#38. The name commonly applied to any country , place , body, corporation, society, officer functionary, person, party or thing means the
country..(same as former list) or thing to which the name is not the formalor extended designation thereof.
So.. the formal name formation dos'nt matter until you get into contracts. If you are trying to find out if it's a natural or artificial person you
must find the source of creation of the name. OK?
Joinder of a natural and artificial person
What is a Joinder?
Joinder - Joining or coupling together uniting two or more constituents or elements in one, uniting another person in some legal step or proceeding
union concurrence.
How must occur?
Voluntary , Unconstrained by interferance unimpelled by another's influence spontanious acting on ones self. Proceeding from the free and
unrestricted will of the person.
Why must it be Voluntary?
Universal declaration of human rights Dec 10 1948
Article 4
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all there forms.
How can it occur?
Tacit consent is consent iferred from the fact that the party kept silence when he had an oppurtunity to forbid or refuse.
or if you did'nt say no you said yes.
Tacit Acceptance - In cival law a tacit acceptance of an inheritance (position) takes place when some act is done by the heir which nessesarily
supposes his intention to accept and which he would have no right to do, but in his capacity as heir (person)
Anyone who tries to tell capitalization in insignificant is either a liar or just dos'nt know any better and in some cases both.
There is also a hoax floating around the web that everyone seems to be eating up about Blacks Law Dictionary as being a hoax that was started in
april. I will provide a copy of the original one started in 2003.
Black's Law Dictionary Revealed as Hoax
Filed under:Manmade Law
May 28, 2003 - 11:59
Black's Law Dictionary Revealed as Hoax
Filed under:Manmade Law
May 28, 2003 - 11:59
Montreal, PQ (Reuters) - Sarah Medhurst (nee Black) shocked journalists and legal scholars at a press conference held at the Black family estate
Monday when she revealed that Black's Law Dictionary, a highly regarded legal reference text, was originally written as a joke by her eccentric great
grandfather Henry Campbell Black.
Medhurst appeared unapologetic, suggesting that the Black family had never tried very hard to keep it a secret. "Have any of you actually taken the
time to read it?” she asked, flipping open the renowned text.& nbsp; “Look at page 840 for instance. 'John-a-Nokes'? Or how about page 347?
'Correality – the quality or state of being correal." She then cast a challenging look around the room.
Medhurst admitted that the entire Black family has participated in the century-long ruse, working together to generate content for the ever-expanding
text. She credits her Uncle Bertrand with developing one of their most successful filler techniques: "We created more than 30 new entries just by
using the word 'actual'. Actual agency - see agency. Actual allegiance - see allegiance. Actual authority - see authority. And on and on - you get
the idea."
Medhurst admits that the family started to get lazy in later editions, at times resorting to stealing terms from other dictionaries. "I remember one
time my brother pulled 'Le Roi' (literally: "the king") right out of his French-English dictionary to meet the deadline for the 5th edition while
on a three-week ski trip in the French Alps." She claims the ploy has been used sparingly, however, and that the family put a stop to the practice
when her brother started bringing the Official Scrabble Dictionary to editorial meetings.
Henry Campbell Black had never intended - or even imagined - that his dictionary would become the authoritative source for legal terminology. "My
great granddad had actually written the text for an upcoming firm skit night", Medhurst explains. "It was his way of showing how convoluted and,
well, pompous the legal profession had become." The dictionary became an instant hit, however, and Henry Black's comedic intentions went unnoticed.
When the money started to roll in, Black elected to pursue a highly lucrative career in legal publishing instead of becoming a marginally talented
prop comic.
When asked why the family is revealing the fake after all this time, Medhurst stated that they had grown tired of living a lie, and were genuinely
concerned that the universally accepted legal lexicon "is actually just a bunch of made-up gibberish." The family is asking that lawyers and
students alike immediately dispose of any editions of Black's Law Dictionary into the nearest trash receptacle or recycle bin.