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does someone want to tell me about the masons? ***story inside***

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posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 05:02 PM
maybe a website that explains what they do in todays world and a possible history of them?

reason im asking.

my uncle went to the funeral of a guy who fought in world war II. In the 50's he became the head of some weapons development program. in the guys obituary it said he was a 32nd degree mason?? A group of masons were also at his funeral, a few of them had white robe things on, and the one main mason that made a speech had a purple one on. My uncle said he spoke in some type of code/dialect that was in english, but it wasnt how a normal person would talk.

i was extremely interested when my uncle told me this story

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 05:11 PM
Freemasonry Information can be found anywhere on the internet all you need to do is use Google. One of the websites that i like is:

Freemason Information

lots of great information on their, and i have met the guy who is the owner of that website, he is a very nice brother.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Swatman
My uncle said he spoke in some type of code/dialect that was in english, but it wasnt how a normal person would talk.
I don't know about speaking in code or dialect, but the vocabulary used in Masonry can differ from every day use. At first glance, this seems like it might be a good glossary, or at least a starting point. (Google "masonic glossary" for others.)

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 05:52 PM
Want to know all about the Freemasons? Its really quite simple if you really want to learn the truth. The history of Masonry is all over the net but beware...there is much that has been printed by the conspiracy theorists and those who want to frame the craft as evil, wrong doing and so forth. 99% of what you find will be hogwash. The best way to find out the real truth??
Ask one to be one

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by Swatman

A group of masons were also at his funeral, a few of them had white robe things on

These are aprons, made of Lamb Skin.

and the one main mason that made a speech had a purple one on.

It is not always purple, but also blue.. depends on where he gets it really. But usually that indicates Worshipful Master or Past Master. I have also never heard of a Freemason giving a speech when non-masons where present? .. Typically after a funeral, a separate ceremony where only Masons are present is preformed.

My uncle said he spoke in some type of code/dialect that was in english

The Vocabulary is Old English, from our Old English roots way back when. Sounds weird sure... but just try memorizing a 4 page speech in Old English!

Other then that, go to the site linked by Bushido it has some good information from what I see.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck

It is not always purple, but also blue.. depends on where he gets it really.

In my jurisdiction, purple lining on the apron signifies present or past Grand Lodge officer.

I have also never heard of a Freemason giving a speech when non-masons where present? .. Typically after a funeral, a separate ceremony where only Masons are present is preformed.

I suppose this is another jurisdictional difference. In most jurisdictions, Masonic funeral rites are open to the public. George Washington received public Masonic funeral rites.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 09:55 AM
Yes, Purple here also signifies Grand Lodge Officer, however, you can also have Purple on your Past Master apron as well. Most are blue, but every once in a while you'll see a really fancy purple one from a guy who likes to spoil himself.

And Funeral rites are, I believe but I could be wrong, private affairs. I will have to ask next time I am at lodge but I had always believed after the funeral another ceremony took place. Which is why when we become Masons we are to make a note in our final Will that we wish to be buried with our apron, who to leave our rings to, to give back the 33rd ring to the Grand Lodge and express a desire to have the last Masonic rites.

But again, I will have to get back to you on whether or not it really is private or public.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 10:47 AM
I bought this book about a week ago, it's great for new researchers. It is not critical or negative towards masons as it was written by a respected mason but he does not glorify the movement either for ex. the author stays honest when discussing the fabricated history of Freemasonry. The author keeps everything simple, sometimes the book lacks information but it's a good starter into a very difficult subject.
I also love this book, if you need more historical background this is what you need, but you'll need to know a bit about history and the craft:
Stay away from weird semi-conspiracy-pseudo-historical books and misleading or biased websites (the sites that look like crap).
Hope that helped someone!

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Swatman

hi, i found those 2 very good Documentary film. the freemasonry cult have maybe a good side like alot of religion, but they sure do, seems to have a secret side, to ! ! First documentary film and Seconde documentary film

freemason proclaimed their self as inoffensive fraternal organisation and others says they love, implementing, that "hidden in plain sight" rule being wolfs under a sheep disguise, but what is going on, on their Temples seems to be vague, i think the truth is probably somewhere between it, i'll continue my research.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Ooooh... A video!!! On the internet!!! It MUST be true!!!!!

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 12:36 PM

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck

And Funeral rites are, I believe but I could be wrong, private affairs. I will have to ask next time I am at lodge but I had always believed after the funeral another ceremony took place.

Please let me know; if so, it would be interesting, I wasn't aware that there were any jursidictions that had a private funeral rite.

In most jurisdictions, the Masonic rites are conferred at graveside, immediately following the benediction of the minister, and, if appropriate, military honors, while the mourners are still seated.

In the Southern Jurisdiction, there is also a Scottish Rite funeral service that a Brother of at least the 18° can request, and is performed by the Chapter of Rose Croix. This service is also public.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 03:22 PM
It'd probably be better if it is public, there's enough stuff going around without a closed funeral. It'd just provide more stuff for people to conspire on.

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