posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 06:55 PM
I am going to speak about an experience I had on December 31st, 2007. It is not the most easy of things to speak about, so I will use humor
accordingly. This experience will stay with me forever.
It was around 9:00pm, Eastern Daylight Time, and I was at my town house with my roommate and a friend. They were speaking of a party and alcohol, and
this was not the kind of thing I enjoyed. I was greatly depressed for many reasons I will not inform you of. They left to party or whatever they
wanted to do and I stayed home and drank. I drank until around 10:00pm and then decided how pleasant it would be to call upon the spirits. I was
depressed so you can imagine the sort of things that might be lurking in my room. I created a home-made ouija board, and started channeling anything
that would come through and take me away from this wretched world. Little did I know this was precisely what was about to happen.
I some how channeled something into my room that felt energized, like static electricity. It engulfed my entire room, and actually created a sort of
pulsing motion through my body. Something was in my room. I observed deep black swirls swimming through the air. They danced on the ceiling*NOTE: My
ears are ringing violently as I am typing this.* and shot through my body. I then stood up from my floor and grabbed my unopened Tylenol pm bottle,
downed all 100 pills and chased them with several bottles of beer. I turned of my lights, laid down on the bed, and called someone. I do not know who
I called, however there is no record of me calling anyone. I spoke to someone while I was holding my phone. I asked them questions about life and they
answered them for me. They told me truly scary things about the world and about myself. They were extremely intelligent and quick to answer. They knew
everything about myself and more.
Then next thing I know I hear snoring. I am quick to realize that it is I who am snoring. I could actually hear myself snoring. This was amazing, I
didn't know this was possible. I then open my eyes, and I am still snoring. Now I knew this couldn't be right. How can I be awake, yet still
snoring? So I sit up in bed and I have this really strange feeling that something isn't right. I then notice that the snoring is not from myself. I
look to my left and see someone in my bed, snoring very loudly, and I am upset. How dare someone sneak in my bed, I mean common, there are many places
to sleep in my house. I look a little closer and I get the shock of my life. I will never, ever, ever, ever forget this. The person that was in my
bed, snoring, was no other than I. I was at two places at the same time. Was this astral projecting? Was I really doing this? So as to make sure I
reached over and observed myself, and yes, I was wearing my white tee shirt and my red boxers. I looked very real, almost ugly. Humans look like this?
I am not a model but I used to think I was quite attractive, but this, this was not me, was it? After I observed myself for some time, I thought I
would test and make sure this wasn't just some dream. I reached over and shook my self by placing my right hand on my right shoulder. My other self
turned toward me and growled the most vicious growl that I have ever heard. Ladies and gentleman, this was not a human growl. I do not know what was
in my body but it was pissed and not to happy to see me. I was terror stricken, like the so called dragon fear you can read about in the dragon lance
novels. This WAS real, and I was either dead or out of my body. As soon as this happened I stood up and there was a flash or blur of some sort. I then
found myself in the bathroom puking violently. I puked for the next 3 days, went to the hospital and they claimed I was in perfect health, and this is
after they took ex rays and swabs and a whole bunch of tests. What happened that night? I personally believe I was dying, my higher self woke my
physical self up and saved my life.
This is a true story.