posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 12:50 PM
I just wanted to say goodbye to the fellow members and website for the time being. I am taking a break after discovering some much needed fresh
knowledge through mutual discourse. Thank you members, I appreciate it. It helped me sort out some things in my personal life.
You may think I'm crazy, some of you, but it's not because I don't know enough, I just know too much.
But I think you're crazy, just like me.
Goodbye ~♥~
Remember, peace is nice and all, so is love, but don't sacrifice the truth just to have it or you'll end up finding that you never had it at all'
love is the truth and the truth is love; only the truth brings about love and only true love stops only at truth. Always stand up for what is true
even if it goes against authoritative dogma.
In the intents of peace and love.
[edit on 16-6-2008 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]