posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 02:44 AM
I was browsing another topic on topsecret when the title of this thread caught my eye. I am not a registered user but I would like to contribute to
your discussion by letting you know that I have experienced the exact same thing you are describing.
I felt it for the first time about 8 years ago and it's important to note that the spasms started when I became ill resulting in a lot of time spent
with my head in the toilet bowl. The spasms, however, continued after I got better. I was in college at the time, with no health insurance to speak of
but got scared enough by its frequency, painfulness and duration to go to the on-campus physician. I am and have been over weight, heart disease is in
my family history on both sides and I too wondered if it was a minor heart attack. The physician had no answers for me, but told me this,"Well, your
21 years old. Your age group don't normally have heart attacks without other factors like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc. I wouldn't
worry about it unless it persists into your 30s."
So I just dealt with it and tried observing possible causes for the spasms. Like, how was I feeling, what did I eat, when did it happen, where did it
happen most, etc. I discovered that whenever it happened I was stressed, overwhelmed, depressed, anxious or angry.
I didn't want to write this much, I apologize, but let me ad that I learned to control the spasms by controlling my moods. I don't have them anymore
and I really hate to sound hokey but the best way for me to describe how I controlled it is by explaining the 4th chakra. The heart chakra deals with
issues such as love, hate, anger, forgiveness, trust, commitment, betrayal, fear, and self-centeredness. All were issues I was dealing with on a grand
scale. I was struggling financially and intellectually through college and got married on a whim to a man I hardly knew who began to beat me (btw that
ended when I almost put him in the hospital and I not him was arrested for domestic abuse). It took a few years, but I learned to approach my life in
a different way. And soon the spasms stopped. I only learned recently about the chakras and it all seems to make sense to me. If chakras are too
hokey a subject for you, just analyze your situation like I did. You already know that when you relax you are able to control it to an extent. Same
thing happened with me only I wanted to figure out how to get it to stop. If relaxing and taking deep breathes calmed it down before it went nuts,
which with me was often, then I figured that whatever was making me tense in the first place was the cause.
You are the only other person I know of who has suffered this and there are only question marks from the medical community on my end. I tend to think
we don't give our minds enough recognition or credit for our health issues. If thought originates in our brains and our brains are vital functioning
organs in our bodies then logically whatever our brains produce will effect the rest. Thoughts included. So good luck and I hope this helps.