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Will Obama or Mccain stop the American Abortion Holocaust ?

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posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
I agree Gazrok.

pikypiky, the problem is that when it comes to abortion in our nation that is a relgious agenda and an easy target to make into an issue.

it's not a religious agenda only. someone that is not religious can be against abortion. this is a crime against humanity.

yes it's an easy target because millions of babies are being murdered and for someone to view this as a non issue makes me

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by LLoyd45

i agree with you that there really is no excuse for a woman to have multiple abortions.

However, If a woman is making a habit of having abortions (2 or more), then "Yes", the government should intervene and sterilize them like a stray dog.

well i dont know about that one...but there should be some accountability imo.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by Scramjet76
reply to post by easynow


"Chopped up" at "mills?" Please. Regardlesss of where one sits on the political fence, no sane human thinks of babies as lumber to be chopped up at the mill.....

Hello there

no scrambled would be a good word to describe what some inhumane abortionist do.

its disgusting

imho there is not ONE valid reason for having one. I hope they both go for a total ban


posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by agent violet

In a sense, I couldn't really care less about this topic and personally find it as a rather miniscule, who-cares, what's-the-big-deal, type of issue.

congratulations ! you win the ' dumbest thing i ever read on ATS ' award.

you are exactly what's wrong with this country. people not caring about morality issues contributes to the decline of society. we are supposed to be going forward and finding way's to reduce abortions wich are most of the time needless murder.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by easynow]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by pikypiky

It's not so much if Obama of McCain will stop the abortion. It's the choice of the mothers, really.

well look what the choice of mothers has done for us....millions of innocent babies murdered. there is no accountability on either side of this.

the point of this thread really is what could the current Presidential candidates do to educate , enlighten and inspire people to reduce the number of abortions.

the problem i see is they dont have any real plans to address this issue, and show some real moral leadership to better the American people.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by drevill

no scrambled would be a good word to describe what some inhumane abortionist do.

its disgusting

imho there is not ONE valid reason for having one. I hope they both go for a total ban

there is not a word in the dictionary that could describe what's really going on. i agree with you that's it's disgusting.

i wont be so bold as to say there is not one reason for having one because most people that are on the other side of this will use the " what if your daughter was raped " scenerio to defend their position.

well i dont see a total ban as the answer here because it will just make women go to extremes and do it illegally and put their personal health at risk.

the answer imo is , having the correct leadership that is pro-active with this issue.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by marg6043

Threads like this ones are screaming propaganda, still in a nation and in this time an age people can no stay away from sticking their head in women issues.

womens rights groups are the ones screaming propaganda and using the womens issue argument is really old. it's a woman's choice to have an abortion and because of the ' Me Me Me ' attitude we have millions of crimes being committed.

They just can not get away from wanting to put a padlock on woman uterus and have them regulated by the government.

it is the woman's choice to have sex or not and look where that's gotten us so far. there has to be some accountability here or we are going to continue the needless murder.

How about castrating all those males that get the woman pregnant, I bet we can save all those littler fetuses, blaming the woman uterus and deeming then evil is nothing but gender racism.

umm...last time i checked , it's usually the womens decision if sex will be allowed. if you want to hold the male accountable i say ok , because then we would have some say in the matter.

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