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Is the world waking up?

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posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline
reply to post by mind is the universe

Would you like to talk in Hungarian? Just tell me what you'd like to hear. I can send you to hell on around dozen ways on this language, because our language is around six times greater and richer then the English language. We have many words for something what for you have only one, maybe two. But only real Hungarians knows how to speak or even write on this language. Not so many are able to learn it at all. That's the greatest thing in it. Only very few on the planet, my Nation is speaking on this beautiful language and not so many are able to learn it at all, because it's way to complex and quite more richer, then any other language. Only real Hungarians are able to speak and write fluently on this language. There are only few ancient languages still existing on the planet. My one is between them. It's not like the Yvrit (It's not equal with Hebrew. Real Hebrew is not existing.), which is containing around 500 words in the reality and their hosts are telling, it's the greatest and the richest language on the planet (Yeah. It was fabricated after 1945. But from your behavior I believe you already know this.). My language is a real one, just as real as I'm a real, proud, patriot Hungarian.

You don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about. But you know what? Remember for this nice conversation when everything what I said will become true. Because they're true, even if your dark mind cannot accept it. We're experiencing this day by day, do your little mind like this or not.

I believe you also don't even heard about that the EU is willing to rise the weekly work hours to 65 hours +. Yup. You must work for 13+ hours, instead of 8 on a day if they will pass this nice resolution, which may happen on this week. Do they ever asked you that you want this? I highly doubt it. So, who is the brainwashed kiddo? You don't have the freaking idea what about you're talking. You don't know anything about the EU. Or version B, you're just a freaking Zionist Jew, who is coming here to piss up someone and lying again that the Zionist EU is the greatest thing what is ever happened. No, it's not.

But don't worry. We're watching your Zionist kind. And I can assure that you will fail. If you don't like it, Shalom with you, and with Kol Hakavod, get your package and travel back to Israel to your freaking kind.

[edit on 16-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

Mod Edit: removed unnecessary personal attack.

[edit on 16-6-2008 by Crakeur]

Behave yourself. What age are you 6. Please stay on topic.

Stop insulting me thanks. I'm not jewish either. You keep saying I know nothing about Europe, you obviously are very picky with what you say and want to answer. In fact you reduce your post too insults. You obviously have serious issues on and off this board.

Your now accusing me of being a jew. somebody put this guy in line. You behave like an ignorant child. You proved to me on many topics you don't know what the EU was about and how it came about, because I asked you. You don't know how the economy works, you cannot answer or understand another point of view.

You don't understand Ireland and how we beniefeted out of Europe. You also know absaloutely nothing on how the Europeans have helped smaller less well of nations. I proved that here, Ive also backe you down on your idiotic talk on infastructure spending also on here. All of you've done is insulted and vented your personal anger of such.

So while you get all high and mighty and out of the tree obnoxious I'll stck to facts, and dp lay off the insults NOW.

Hope you get the message, and let this topic get back to nomal

[edit on 16-6-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by mind is the universe

As far as I experienced you started to insult me and questioned my nationality. No one will put me back into the line, because you crossed it for the first time and I'm just responded in the same manner. Plus, if you're not a Zionist, don't act like one and I'm not going to threat you on that way. I promise. But until you're provoking people, showing typical ignorant, provoking Zionist behavior, don't even count for anything else from me.

Now, back to the topic. Just see few posts before from other people. Few people, from Ireland and the United Kingdom are already confirmed my claiming. So, maybe, just maybe not I'm the one who is mistaking this time about the EU. You see, what you want to see about the EU. We're seeing, what we're already experienced from the EU. Why do you think, how is it possible that there are demonstrations against the EU and their sanctions in the last two weeks, throughout the entire union? Why the citizens of other nations are hailing the Irish decision of the Lisbon Treaty? Because everyone knows that the treaty is a bait, which is slowly taking all the sovereignty, all your freedom away. It's that simple. If I'm mistaking, around 400 million other European, whose are also was against the treaty are mistaking and they lives in delusions, because they also don't like the European Union.

I know how things are working, but I'm not going to even answer to any of your questions, because you're not even capable to understand what me or others are saying about the EU at all. If you want to know what the EU did, go to London, Milano, Napoly, Paris, Budapest, just to name a few cities and see what the great EU done with the citizens. You will see nice, demonstrating mass, whose want to hear their voices, but the EU doesn't even listen to them. The EU is like you. Arrogant, ignorant, deaf and cares only about the benefits, the money. So, are you sure that you're not a Zionist? Because I believe yes, you're one, regardless how you're trying deny it.

[edit on 16-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by derfred33
Have any of you read the treaty of lisbon?

I suppose that crap its impossible to be understood by humans!

I tried to read the actual treaty, it keeps referring to sections of the Rome and Nice treaties in numerical references & stating how it will be changing sections. It's impossible to read and comprehend without having copies of all the recent EU treaty papers. Needless to say that i gave up after a half an hour..

Its no surprise that most of the MEP's and Politicians didn't read it...

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 07:29 PM
The awakening is upon us.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by derfred33
Have any of you read the treaty of lisbon?

I suppose that crap its impossible to be understood by humans!

Exactly. Maybe it wasn't made by the humans in the first place

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 08:23 PM
For all those who don't understand the EU Treaty, maybe this will help.


Don’t have a clue what we are being asked to vote on in the upcoming referendum on the Lisbon Treaty on June 12th? Join the rest of the country. The treaty comprises 270 pages of complex legal language - it’s not light reading even for those of us paid to study it. But don’t worry, help is at hand. Jessie Magee breaks down the treaty into a ten point summary, so you can make up your mind without having to enlist a lawyer.

Confusing. Unintelligible. Impenetrable. This is the general reaction of anyone who has read or attempted to read the Lisbon Treaty, from politicians to pundits to ordinary people trying to find the facts. The treaty amends the contents of several existing EU treaties in a document running to hundreds of pages of legal articles, protocols, declarations and annexes.

Those in favour of a ‘Yes’ vote argue that complexity is unavoidable when a treaty needs to set out the rules governing relations between 27 sovereign member states.

Those opposed to the treaty claim it is deliberately unclear, and that we should not be asked to vote on something we cannot understand.

Both sides agree that the Lisbon Treaty preserves the main substance of the EU constitution, rejected by French and Dutch voters in 2005. Both sides also agree that some reform of EU structures is necessary, to facilitate the continuing expansion of the union and streamline its decision-making processes. The question is whether the Lisbon Treaty, signed by EU leaders last December and due to come into effect in 2009, represents the best path to reform.

Ireland is the only country in the EU to hold a referendum on the treaty, as required by our constitution. Every other member state can ratify the treaty by a vote in their national parliament. As such, we hold responsibility for supporting or rejecting the treaty on behalf of about 490 million Europeans who do not have the option to vote.

Below are some of the main changes that will come about if the Lisbon Treaty is approved by the people of Ireland. Whether they are positive, negative, necessary, significant or otherwise is up to you to decide.

1. Top jobs

A politician will be chosen to be president of the European Council for two and a half years, replacing the current system where presidency is rotated between member states every six months. Another post to be created will be the EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, combining the current roles of EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana and external affairs commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner.

2. Charter of Fundamental Rights

The Lisbon Treaty makes the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights a legally-binding document. The charter lists the human rights recognized by the European Union.

3. Citizens’ initiative

Under the Lisbon Treaty, the commission is obliged to consider any proposal signed by at least one million citizens from a number of member states.

4. National parliaments to get ‘yellow card’ facility

All proposals for EU legislation will have to be sent to national parliaments, who will then have eight weeks to offer a ‘reasoned opinion’ on whether they believe the proposal respects the principle of subsidiarity (this is the principle by which decisions should as far as possible be made at local or national level). If enough national parliaments object to a proposal, the commission can decide to maintain, amend or withdraw it.

5. Smaller commission

The European Commission is the EU’s executive arm; it puts forward legislation and ensures that EU policies

are correctly implemented. Since 2004, it has been made up of 27 commissioners, one from each member state. Under the new treaty, the commission will be reduced to 18 members from 2014, with membership rotating every five years. This means that only two-thirds of member states will have their own commissioner at any one time, and each country will lose its commissioner for five years at a time.

6. European Parliament to get greater powers but reduced numbers

Currently, the European Parliament has joint lawmaking power with the Council of Ministers over about 75% of legislative areas. If the Lisbon Treaty enters into force, co-decision will be extended to virtually all areas of EU policy.

The European Parliament comprises 785 MEPs from across the union; under the treaty, this will be permanently reduced to 751. The number of Irish MEPs will drop from 13 to 12.

7. New areas of EU competence

The Lisbon Treaty will set out those areas over which the EU has exclusive competence, shared competence with member states, or supporting competence. The treaty gives the EU no new areas of exclusive competence; however, it establishes joint competence in the areas of space and energy. It also gives the EU the role of supporting competence in several new fields including health, education, tourism, energy and sport.

8. Redistribution of voting weights between member states

Within those areas to be decided by qualified majority voting, the current rules require the support of a little over 72% of member states for a law to be passed. Under the new system due to come into effect from 2014, a vote can be passed if it is backed by 55% of member states, and secondly, if these countries represent 65% of the EU’s population. It can also be passed if less than four countries oppose it. The changes mean

that it will be easier to pass legislation, and more difficult to block it. Countries with smaller populations will have less chance of blocking legislation.

9. Shift from unanimity to majority voting

The Lisbon Treaty will see an increase in the number of policy areas to be decided by a majority vote at the council, rather than by unanimity. Qualified majority voting will become the norm; however, there are some notable exceptions that will still require unanimous decisions, including taxation and defence.

One area where the unanimity veto will give way to qualified majority voting is Justice and Home Affairs, covering issues such as asylum, immigration, criminal law, border controls and police cooperation. Ireland has the power to opt out of this area on a case-by-case basis.

10. Changes to common security and defence policy

The Lisbon Treaty provides for the progressive framing of a common defence policy for the European Union, which will nonetheless respect the neutrality of member states like Ireland. It also allows the European Council to change decision making from unanimity to majority voting in a number of areas, excluding military and defence. However such changes will themselves require unanimous decisions.

The treaty extends the range of peacekeeping and humanitarian missions for which the union may draw on member states to include disarmament operations, military advice and assistance and post-conflict stabilization.


posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 09:31 PM
Yes. Waking up slowly. Then again much of the world already was the more comfortable, entitled countries like the USA and England that probably took longest, but now even people there are seeing. All it took was the removal of more and more liberties and the infringement on privacy. They'll take your guns, they'll poison your food, they'll drug your children, and then it will be over.

All one needs to do is look around and see the patterns...the EU...the NAU...the's coming. What sentient beings can still be in denial about this?

All one needs to do is look around and see the patterns...the EU...the NAU...the's coming. All one needs to do is take a look at the hit list of the it a coincidence that at the top of this list are the more powerful nations in the NonAlign Movement? They're awake. So are the insurgents in Iraq and even the Saudis who attacked the U.S. on 9/11 and prior to that. This is your blowback.

This is not a new struggle or a new plan. It's been centuries in the making. This kind of massive change takes time. But people did see. Talk to anyone who survived the camps of WWII, for one thing. They see all the signs clearly. Still. And no one listens to these "old people."

And, yes, good for Ireland. Support them, people!

[edit on 16-6-2008 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline
reply to post by mind is the universe

Do you talking about the same media, which said that the Hungarian citizens are fully agreeing with this treaty and that's why our PM signed it? If yes, I need to inform you, no one else may oppose this treaty better then the Hungarian citizens. We hate it, we never wanted it. And yes, we do know what this thing is all about. The media is lying wherever they can. We're experiencing this day by day. The European Union is nothing more, then a private company of some thief morons. It's a great thief guild. And you're the worker in it, do you like it or not. If you believe the EU will do some miracles, I need to tell you, you're mistaken. It's going to ruin your life, your country as it's already did with many.

[edit on 15-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

I have to sign to these statements too. Coming from southern Europe.
I do not trust the Europian Union anymore, especially the way it is going.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 01:07 AM
You do not need to read it. You only need to sign it! In truth only one rule in the whole document is enough to seal your fate.

Once you sign it, They have the power to change it at will, and no nation can stop them. Not even all the nations.

This is sufficient.

You are irrelevant and they can make a rule nullifying all rules in your home nation.

They can make a rule nullifying your home nation. Not that they need to. They already own you.

You will march to the beat of their drum, whoever they are. Whatever they want.

The rest of the document is just a preliminary set of guidelines for their internal purposes, acceptable enough to the elite to get them to sign it. No need for you to read it. Just sign.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline
reply to post by mind is the universe

As far as I experienced you started to insult me and questioned my nationality. No one will put me back into the line, because you crossed it for the first time and I'm just responded in the same manner. Plus, if you're not a Zionist, don't act like one and I'm not going to threat you on that way. I promise. But until you're provoking people, showing typical ignorant, provoking Zionist behavior, don't even count for anything else from me.

Now, back to the topic. Just see few posts before from other people. Few people, from Ireland and the United Kingdom are already confirmed my claiming. So, maybe, just maybe not I'm the one who is mistaking this time about the EU. You see, what you want to see about the EU. We're seeing, what we're already experienced from the EU. Why do you think, how is it possible that there are demonstrations against the EU and their sanctions in the last two weeks, throughout the entire union? Why the citizens of other nations are hailing the Irish decision of the Lisbon Treaty? Because everyone knows that the treaty is a bait, which is slowly taking all the sovereignty, all your freedom away. It's that simple. If I'm mistaking, around 400 million other European, whose are also was against the treaty are mistaking and they lives in delusions, because they also don't like the European Union.

I know how things are working, but I'm not going to even answer to any of your questions, because you're not even capable to understand what me or others are saying about the EU at all. If you want to know what the EU did, go to London, Milano, Napoly, Paris, Budapest, just to name a few cities and see what the great EU done with the citizens. You will see nice, demonstrating mass, whose want to hear their voices, but the EU doesn't even listen to them. The EU is like you. Arrogant, ignorant, deaf and cares only about the benefits, the money. So, are you sure that you're not a Zionist? Because I believe yes, you're one, regardless how you're trying deny it.

[edit on 16-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

Nope. go back and read, you said i was basically stupid, and knows nothing and very ignorant in your first post. Your still calling me radical names. calling me jewish and zionist. sort yourself out.

I posed the questions of you being american, was because You used words like Huh, freaking, realize( realise) and gas prices and alongside other american terms etc. it triggered my curosity, thats not insulting. We don't use American english in Europe. DON'T twist what I said and what I asked, its not insult. People who are intellegent will understand I wasn't insulting anybody.

You on the other hand need to take responsibilty for your continous insults and name calling and prejudices against jewish people, you don't go around calling people radical or fanatics just because your ignorant towards people's views.. Its very inapproaite to call someone names or label them, when I, like most here are trying to have a debate like adults here. Stop BLAMING other people for your own childishness.

I dont follow the media, another accusation you made earlier. I don't watch TV much either. I use my intellegence. Hope you can read this and try behave yourself from now on

back on topic
I went out today and asked 3 adults who are Irish and asked them why did they voted no. Because they did not fully understand it properly. They found it misguided and the feeling was, the No campaign was succesful. They voted No becuase they didn't want to sign something they did not understand. Now you can swing around the blueberry bush, but thats from people themselves. got that. good.

So I've baiscally debunked your crap of the media again and the situation itself. You can listen to all the news and media you want after this lol. I today, read the Irish times, and no where in it shows any manipulation or twists like you've accused the media for brainwashing the Irish and Europe

Please stop talking for other people and the 400million people. This is very ignorant. You don't have the right to do that. Your opinions which are entitled for is ok, but your opnion is not everyones voice. EU is working. The treaty will be re looked and compromises will be made. The EU always work things out in the end, this treaty is not the end all be all. Europe has come along way from what it once was in 1945. Europe is a free open market. The Euro allows us to trade and move around easier. Basically, the interaction between nations is such a good thing. I lived with french, german and spanish. I've learnt so much in just interacting with them. They are from different countries and the beauty to that is. EU has allowed this majic to happen. Don't ya think.

But you will have to deal with your hate and resentment towards Europe. It doesn't help anybody here.

I'm aware of the pros and cons of Europe. But You gotta love Europe for it

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by kindred

Thanks for the post kindred.

Here is another example why people were confused. I will explain step by step to people so they will understand

The vast majority of people were cocked into thinking that voting yes in this treaty would affect our neutrality. to back myself up SINN FEIN and a few idiotic backward parties of such posted in their NO campaigns to the general public and twisted the whole neutrality would be destroyed if we vote yes. NOW

10. Changes to common security and defence policy

The Lisbon Treaty provides for the progressive framing of a common defence policy for the European Union, which will nonetheless respect the neutrality of member states like Ireland. It also allows the European Council to change decision making from unanimity to majority voting in a number of areas, excluding military and defence. However such changes will themselves require unanimous decisions.

The treaty extends the range of peacekeeping and humanitarian missions for which the union may draw on member states to include disarmament operations, military advice and assistance and post-conflict stabilization.

A few of my workmates voted NO because due to such mixed messages. they voted no... ONE workmate of mine who is 21 voted No for this reason. The Government didn't deliver the YES AND NO aspects clearly.

So again Dark, the fact is the media ARE RIGHT in saying that the country were confused. Sorry to burst your bubble.....

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by mind is the universe

We will see. And just to remind you, you started to provoke me with your childish, degenerated style. I'm just responded as a people to a Zionist on a manner what you deserve. So don't play the innocent, please, because I don't care about it at all.

But as I see the ignorant one from both of us is you, because you don't even CAPABLE to imagine that someone is learned and using the American English, regardless that he is from Europe. So, if you're mistaking in this little thing, how can you even believe that you can see clearly when we're talking about the EU and you may have right. Because you don't have right at all. But as I see your pitiful mind is still not able to accept it, or you're just simply trying to provoking me. Well, don't waste your time with it. It won't succeed.

Many fellow ATS members from Europe are already confirmed here, just on this thread, that the EU is wrong. They're telling the same things what I did. And they're also living in this damned union, they're also experiencing the same. The only problem is, no one else is confirmed your claiming at all.

You may come with the bureaucracy crap, you may throw us with numbers, but you cannot change the facts.

I use my intellegence.

You're not intelligent as you believe. I met many of your kind of people and they just want to believe that they're intelligent. You're not, you never was. Only those people are claiming that they're intelligent, whose are not at all. Let this be one lesson from basic criminal psychology. Never state that you're using your intelligence, because many people whose are knowing this basic lesson, they will laugh at you. This was rather a friendly advise. Never state this if you don't want to look like as a fool in a company.

So again Dark, the fact is the media ARE RIGHT in saying that the country were confused. Sorry to burst your bubble.....

HEY, GUYS! ANYONE WHO IS READING THIS THREAD! This guy is still believing in the media. Please give him a great, warm welcome and clap this lost sheep!!! Just kidding. He is young and inexperienced about life.

You didn't debunked anything. That's the typical Zionist method, when we're way to close to the justice and others are already confirming it, you simply claiming that you debunked something, what is not true. YOU NEVER DEBUNKED ANYTHING HERE, you're just simply spread your lies further. Because you're a liar, you always was a liar and you're still a liar. A great one.

And about the Zionists. I'm not blaming them. I'm not that type of man. Liars are liars and thieves are thieves. That's a fact, not a blame you moron. You know what is the difference between the Zionists and the people, whose have enough? We still have moral values, while you don't have anything at all, just a big mouth and you believe that your money is going to protect you from anything. But I tell you, you're mistaken. Call the people whatever you want, radicals, anti-semites. They're just simply people whose have enough about your lies and the lies of your kind. I need to tell you, that's not going to help you at all. The people are not going to care with this "you're racist" crap. They're already don't care with it, because the normal people have enough. Liars, thieves doesn't deserve mercy at all. What the Zionists are going to get is not racism, that's simply, well deserved justice.

But you're not a Zionist at all. You're just one who is acting as one. Summary: Brainwashed person. That's the official cathegory. How old are you? 19-25, right? Grow up, and learn the basics of politics, see what is going on in the background, even try to work in those place and not just watch what is going on on the main scene. So look after things and not on the official channels before you're stating anything and claiming you're using your intelligence.

[edit on 17-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline
reply to post by mind is the universe

We will see. And just to remind you, you started to provoke me with your childish, degenerated style. I'm just responded as a people to a Zionist on a manner what you deserve. So don't play the innocent, please, because I don't care about it at all.

But as I see the ignorant one from both of us is you, because you don't even CAPABLE to imagine that someone is learned and using the American English, regardless that he is from Europe. So, if you're mistaking in this little thing, how can you even believe that you can see clearly when we're talking about the EU and you may have right. Because you don't have right at all. But as I see your pitiful mind is still not able to accept it, or you're just simply trying to provoking me. Well, don't waste your time with it. It won't succeed.

Many fellow ATS members from Europe are already confirmed here, just on this thread, that the EU is wrong. They're telling the same things what I did. And they're also living in this damned union, they're also experiencing the same. The only problem is, no one else is confirmed your claiming at all.

You may come with the bureaucracy crap, you may throw us with numbers, but you cannot change the facts.

I use my intellegence.

You're not intelligent as you believe. I met many of your kind of people and they just want to believe that they're intelligent. You're not, you never was. Only those people are claiming that they're intelligent, whose are not at all. Let this be one lesson from basic criminal psychology. Never state that you're using your intelligence, because many people whose are knowing this basic lesson, they will laugh at you. This was rather a friendly advise. Never state this if you don't want to look like as a fool in a company.

So again Dark, the fact is the media ARE RIGHT in saying that the country were confused. Sorry to burst your bubble.....

HEY, GUYS! ANYONE WHO IS READING THIS THREAD! This guy is still believing in the media. Please give him a great, warm welcome and clap this lost sheep!!! Just kidding. He is young and inexperienced about life.

You didn't debunked anything. That's the typical Zionist method, when we're way to close to the justice and others are already confirming it, you simply claiming that you debunked something, what is not true. YOU NEVER DEBUNKED ANYTHING HERE, you're just simply spread your lies further. Because you're a liar, you always was a liar and you're still a liar. A great one.

And about the Zionists. I'm not blaming them. I'm not that type of man. Liars are liars and thieves are thieves. That's a fact, not a blame you moron. You know what is the difference between the Zionists and the people, whose have enough? We still have moral values, while you don't have anything at all, just a big mouth and you believe that your money is going to protect you from anything. But I tell you, you're mistaken. Call the people whatever you want, radicals, anti-semites. They're just simply people whose have enough about your lies and the lies of your kind. I need to tell you, that's not going to help you at all. The people are not going to care with this "you're racist" crap. They're already don't care with it, because the normal people have enough. Liars, thieves doesn't deserve mercy at all. What the Zionists are going to get is not racism, that's simply, well deserved justice.

But you're not a Zionist at all. You're just one who is acting as one. Summary: Brainwashed person. That's the official cathegory. How old are you? 19-25, right? Grow up, and learn the basics of politics, see what is going on in the background, even try to work in those place and not just watch what is going on on the main scene. So look after things and not on the official channels before you're stating anything and claiming you're using your intelligence.

[edit on 17-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

AGAIN lets be adult about it... Third time now.

Stop blaming everyone else! Stop judging me, stop telling me who I am and how I am to be and please Stop labeling me. You don't know me in person, and you don't have the authority to call me I'm on of "those" people. Your obsessed with zionists etc, All you've done is be little me in every sense. Its unacceptable. Im not on of those. Im an individual, and I'm here to express my experiences and my thoughts. Don't insult me for that.

I'm an open minded guy. I'm optimistic. I stand by own beliefs. keep your pscho bull to yourself. In fact i think your really provoking me now, will you kindly stop it and Take a chill pill.

Lets get back on topic. I didn't read your entire post this time, its absurd. Behave yourself seriously.

EU really has helped Ireland, so I hope we can sort this lisbon treaty out, so it can benifet us all. We are nations, we are adults we can come together and make this work. Don't ever let pessimist take your optimism down. Europe is an inspiration to follow. 30 countries can interact and get on with each other in every possible way that was thought the impossible before 1956

[edit on 17-6-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by mind is the universe

Then ACT like an adult if you want from me to treat like one. I have every right to judge people, including you. I have every right to label you, I have every right to tell my opinion about you. I don't need to know you personally, because you're already presented yourself here swiftly and very nicely. And honestly, you already shown enough about yourself. Sorry. It's not a pretty picture.

Lets get back on topic. I didn't read your entire post this time, its absurd. Behave yourself seriously.

Act like an adult and please don't whine, because it's not going to work. And also don't act like a Zionist, because that is irritating people.

Unfortunately I'm a realist, who is usually able to notice things what sheep people cannot see. That was my work before. And I believe you would cry sometimes if you would know what is really going on in the background. Of course, it's easier to say, everything will go fine, everything is great in the EU and it's also easier to put your head into the sand. But from that, the problem never will be solved.

Europe WAS an inspiration to follow until the very end of the 20th century. Since that time, it's a Zionist nest, nothing more. My Government, which is also part of the EU is the greatest example for it. A simple internet webpage construction price is more then 1,2 million USD officially. Yup, you read it right. It's the cost of a website if the Government is making it, while the real price of it is around 1000-2000 USD in the reality, maybe less. What do you think where the rest of the money goes? Yup. To the pocket of the thief Government members of the EU, because all of them knows about it. This little event just happened today. So your EU tax money is maybe partially used into a nice and very-very-very expensive homepage too, which is not different then the others at all. It's just expensive. Why? Because they needed to make something to share the greater funds between themselves. And the EU is doing anything against this money stealing? Of course not. Why? Because they're also in it. If you want to see that 1,2 million USD website, here is the link...

This page was 1,2 million USD. Now, take a look at that page. Could you tell me what is 1,2 million USD on that page? You see it right. Nothing. So, don't tell me that the EU is a great thing, because they're doing the same things all over in Europe. They're making unnecessary and very large pay offs, usually to Israeli or Zionist companies and voila, your tax money is disappeared and filling the Zionist pocket. This was just one example, but I believe the citizens of the EU, whose are not wearing blindfold are also able to tell you thousands of similar stories about similar pay offs.

[edit on 17-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 06:47 PM
Whats the alternative???

I mean Europe is doing its best. It could do better, but you have 30 countries on a continent. The Model is something that has worked since 1956.

Relationships were sour between France/Germany/Uk triangle. Its still isn't perfect but its progress. Same with Ireland and England. I can actually feel postive about the Uk as they do about us. The economies of all countries progressed greatly since joining the common market. The eastern countries Economies are improving since joining and you cannot deny that. The currency has really help us trade and move freely accross the continent. The EU has opened so many doors. Peace is something we should pat our backs for. Please try and look at both sides of the argument.

I've lived my entire life within the EU. Ireland has grealty beniefeted from it. We were a third world country practically before joining the EU.

it really has been that good.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by mind is the universe

Honestly, I don't know what could be the alternative. Maybe there are no alternatives at all. Or maybe the citizens should get greater power, whose would be able to replace, fire a EU representative of their country if they learns that he or she is stealing or betraying his own country. Right now, the Lisbon treaty wanted to give more power to the EU government, which would reach the opposite and would give greater power to the EU representatives, while it would took the decision making away from the countries themselves.

So, I believe the natural balance would be, if the EU representatives wouldn't have diplomatic protection, which is right now giving them the protection from jail, even if they've made a serious crime and selling out sometimes their own countries too. Unfortunately, due to this protection none of the polices are able to arrest them, so they're able to continue their crimes without any punishment, steal our money and betray our countries.

You maybe noticed all over that I'm and the others are not against the EU itself. We're against the thieves, that are calling themselves the EU representatives, whose are making themselves, their Zionist friends rich from our work, from our money, while we're simply drifting toward bankruptcy due to their actions, regardless how hard we're working. Maybe if the people would be able to do, would have the real right to do something against these representatives, these thieves and there would be great punishment for those whose are simply giving our money away to their friends, maybe the EU would work as it was originally planed. But when thieves and liars are in control, whose are intend to fill their and their friend's pockets, looking only the intention of the large companies and doesn't care with the little citizens, it cannot work at all. It's the fault of the basic ideals that on the EU is based. It's the fault of those thieves, whose are controlling the EU itself.

[edit on 18-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by mind is the universe
Whats the alternative???

this is a thoroughly negative argument and could be used to justify anything and if that's the only argument that remains, then good night EU, good riddance, too.

the way Ireland is being treated is as shameful as it is revealing. you're with them or against them. if you're with them, you'll be owned by them, and if the USSR is anything to go by, killed by them, eventually. through ignorance or malice - does it really matter? i heard a similar bashing event took place in 2000, when another small member state (Austria) 'voted wrong' and was suddenly treated like Cuba or NK, for a while at least.

how come people can't seem to learn from history? is utopia really that alluring, when all it ever consistently produced was a huge pile of dead people. this has got to stop, first huge blocks are formed, which leads to a slew of problems, then these blocks are believed to solve these problems, f-ex. subsidies? denial, just maybe?

let me guess the final solution will be a one world government. right? given the track record of bureacracy and ideology during the 20th century, i'd rather have the disease than this supposed 'cure'.

[edit on 2008.6.18 by Long Lance]

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