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Is the world waking up?

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posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 08:14 PM
YES YES..........The world is Waking Up
so many more than "THEY" let us believe.

THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS..... almost literally...
They tell us(the world) that A VERY VERY SMALL PERCENT
of us are anti-N.W.O or anti what ever.

but in reality.... THE WHOLE WORLD (us) KNOWS

we don`t know all the details...but WE KNOW

its like common knowledge almost everywhere i go or anyone
I talk to... anywhere in the world.......

but still.....................they control...................

WE all better wake up faster too....

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by ciaranmccann
just so you know the irish voted no because they didnt understand the treaty and did it out of thickness. the government said to vote yes but we didnt . i should know, im irish.
also, france and another country (i dont really listen to european poitics) also voted no and the countries that voted no are going to renegotiate the treaty.
just so you know.

France and another country? Obviously you dont have a clue what your talking about, and you say you are irish? And your calling irish people thick? Im ashamed that you were born in my country, you should be ashamed of yourself..

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 04:08 AM

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 04:12 AM
Mod Edit - removed large quote

Well said
These idiots dont have clue what there talking about..

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[edit on 16-6-2008 by elevatedone]

[edit on 16-6-2008 by elevatedone]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 04:16 AM
If u ask me , i would say that the collective knowledge of the world is getting more and more widespread by the evolution in hightechcommunications . The current global goverments are powerless against the spread of information between individuals (atleast up here in Belgium and most of the parts of EU) And they are playing in on that by giving the illusion to the world the choice is ours to make. Things like referemdums and other votes rarely happen really democratic

but that only my 0.01 cent on it

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by mind is the universe

Actually you should simply open your eyes, because everything what you said is complete foolishness. You don't have any clue what is really going on the planet, right? Well... sorry, but I cannot do anything with your ignorance and honestly, that's not my problem. Say your phrases that the EU is the greatest, the best, and when you'll wake up and realize that you're living in communism, please remember for this talk. I lived under the shadow of the communism and what the EU is doing is the same. You believe everything what they're doing is for you and the other people. Well. You're mistaken. EU is the communism of the 21st century, nothing more, the western CCCP with controlled media, corrupt government, corrupt officials, etc, etc, etc... whatever you knew about the CCCP, you may immediately apply that knowledge to the EU too, because it's the same.

[edit on 16-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline
reply to post by mind is the universe

Actually you should simply open your eyes, because everything what you said is complete foolishness. You don't have any clue what is really going on the planet, right? Well... sorry, but I cannot do anything with your ignorance and honestly, that's not my problem. Say your phrases that the EU is the greatest, the best, and when you'll wake up and realize that you're living in communism, please remember for this talk. I lived under the shadow of the communism and what the EU is doing is the same. You believe everything what they're doing is for you and the other people. Well. You're mistaken. EU is the communism of the 21st century, nothing more, the western CCCP with controlled media, corrupt government, corrupt officials, etc, etc, etc... whatever you knew about the CCCP, you may immediately apply that knowledge to the EU too, because it's the same.

[edit on 16-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]
hey with all my respect to u . I have to admit i feel also attacked by ur last reply. I must be clueless like that member u reply to because if everything is so bad up here then why isn't there a single soul around me in belgium that is complaining about the situation in the last years.

Taxes keep going down up here , Social security is making on huge reserves to catch the blow of the Baby Boom genereration gettin older , our financial debt is decreasing up here in Belgium and Healthcare is magnifecent up here.

Hey now u can call me a ignorant SHEEP and slaughter me for believing in my country and its intentions with me.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by Spartannic

So the taxes are going down, huh? The taxes in all the other countries are rising. Do you know what tax rate do we have? 72%. Yes. Not 30, not 40, 72 percent, thanks mostly to the European Union. The financial dept is also increasing. So you maybe living great in Belgium, but in other countries the citizens would burn down the EU parliament and dozer it into the ground.

We're always getting promises from the EU mafia, while they're stealing. Thanks, but we have enough about them. I have no problem with Belgium itself, just with the thieves whose are running the EU. Unfortunately they're seating in your country. Since we're in the EU, our social, our medical and our school system is in ruin, while it was one of the best on the planet before. Also, record inflation hit and will hit (additional 12% of rising in the prices) the EU countries within a month, thanks also to the European Parliament.

[edit on 16-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 05:24 AM
jup jup its great up here
.and yes if u look at the numbers from belgium where going the right way. (we ain't richest , but who needs cash if u could live our lives. Even the lowest incomes up here have a decent chance on free food, education, healthcare :-) . Damn i love my country thx for saving us from the germans all of u ) And yes i understand ur point m8 . Sometimes i love to go out and live the world. But everytime when i look over our tiny borders i see everything falling to chaos . I live at a small distant of the french border and really not that far from the dutch border to (in global standards) Belgium is only some 200-300 miles wide so :-)
and around me in those countries i see the things u describe. U don't have to tell me countries like france are poor. And are eager to jump on the EU-train when it passes by. But as most people up here look at it we are going forward with it. I hope that EU governments arent as corrupted as US government and they really don't have a communist hidden agenda.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by Dark Crystalline

dark cristalline, you need to give it time, the EU model works, it will get better but it takes time. you guys are where we in ireland were 20 years ago, benifits are slow but the cumulative effect is fantastic.

well thats the EU as it is at the moment, but they're trying really hard to be tyrannical. it's our jobs to fight that. the thing is, the reason that ireland got to vote last week is because irish citizens sued the government to ensure our constitution couldn't be changed without a referendum. hungarians can do that too.

and it is correct to say that the irish didn't know what this treaty meant, but thats not because they're thick, it's because it was written so that it could mean anything. there were tons of stuff in it that haven't been decided yet and the treaty could be changed after it had been passed, so it could literally mean anything.

the yes campaign didn't clearly outline with the benifits because there wasn't any and if you think the irish gov. actually wanted this your blind. why do you think they didn't bother to push it? they were playing a cute game, while on the surface they wanted to look like they were encouraging us to vote yes, they weren't trying very hard. you can call martin and cowen a lot of things, but they ain't thick.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by pieman

Sorry, but I love my country and I saw what the EU rules did it with her within four years. We're in ruins. I believe we gave way too much time to the EU.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 06:52 AM
I think people are definately doing better than the media would have us believe, but then again others that are already blinded seem to be getting worse.

We live in a world that seeks to get the worst out of people, to try and make people scared to leave their own homes, to dislike people that are different from ourselves. Those that have predisposition for mental unbalance are pushed over the edge and the "normalisation" of violence through endless bombardment of violent games, films, images gives such people ideas.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 06:55 AM
sorry DC, i honestly cant see how membership itself disadvantages people. point out one or two drawbacks. you mentioned tax, this is not currently something the eu can dictate to you guys, this is something your government decides.

you've also mentioned higher prices due to the currency changeover to the euro. there were higher prices upon the change in currency, but again, this was not the fault of the eu, it was retailers increasing prices due to a lack of understanding of exchange rates, besides which, every country is free to decide weather or not the wished to switch currency. britan did not. they are still in the eu.

do you disagree fundamentally with a free market perhaps?

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by pieman

Actually no, because when a country wasn't in the EU, the prices was set by their parliament and not by the EU (See the gas prices. It would be possible to push the prices down, but the EU is the one who is keeping it artificially on it's current level. Officially the gas prices can be pushed back to around 100USD per barrel, but they're NOT WILLING to do anything, until our money is filling their pockets.). Since we entered into the EU, our prices suddenly jumped with 100%-150%, while our payments just became less. Few of my friends are living in Germany, United Kingdom and Italy and they also confirms this. The EU is nothing else just the raping of our natural rights, while a band of thieves are setting the prices on why not basis and tell us with lies, while there are NO REAL reasons to rise the prices at all (This also goes for the USA.). Just to know, I have good sources in the government and they told this fact to me. The EU don't care with you, nor your family. You may believe in these advertisements, propaganda, but if you cannot pay for something, because they set the prices high to get more... well, you may die, who cares with it. You're statistics, nothing more.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 08:08 AM

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline
reply to post by mind is the universe

Actually you should simply open your eyes, because everything what you said is complete foolishness. You don't have any clue what is really going on the planet, right? Well... sorry, but I cannot do anything with your ignorance and honestly, that's not my problem. Say your phrases that the EU is the greatest, the best, and when you'll wake up and realize that you're living in communism, please remember for this talk. I lived under the shadow of the communism and what the EU is doing is the same. You believe everything what they're doing is for you and the other people. Well. You're mistaken. EU is the communism of the 21st century, nothing more, the western CCCP with controlled media, corrupt government, corrupt officials, etc, etc, etc... whatever you knew about the CCCP, you may immediately apply that knowledge to the EU too, because it's the same.

[edit on 16-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

No its not.... Your being ignorant of the good Europe has done. Stop being so negative. You have failed to answer any of my questions about the crap you being sprouting about Europe.

Btw Realize is Realise. Europeans don't learn American English

BTW I never said Europe is the best and greatest.
This is my second time to tell you to stop sprouting such nonsense. Where you "live" has being destroyed by communism. Europe never was apart of communism. The guy said here above that the EU model works, and it does. So please somebody tell this guy to stop this absurd mumble jumble.

Europe is not bad. stop manipulating the fact. JUST BECAUSE YOU HATE EUROPE. that's exactly what your are doing. You have not given the facts, you have not answered any of my questions, Yet you say I'm being ignorant??

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by Dark Crystalline

In Europe we say oil prices not gas prices.
Are you sure you are leading us to believe you Hungarian

Not american by any chance, forgive me for being curious.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by Dark Crystalline

You stated it ruined Hungary.
What did it ruin. seriously?

Well I hope France, Germany and Us. Hear this rant before they actually decide to give billions in aid to develop your roads and infastructure to be up to standard of the rest of the union.

Another twist that you say, its all bad because the currency changeover. You don't have to join the common currency. Uk and Denmark decided not too. So again your so called argument is again falluble. Prices are going up anyway. The currency changeover makes not much difference. Oil prices have been going up all the time, prices in general go up. If Hungary decided tommorrow to change their currency to something else, the retailers themselves will take full advantage of upping the prices. Thats life. There's pros and cons to the currency changeover but its majorly better for Europe and you just stick to anti Europe rant. Please stop using this as a twist to say Europe is bad, cus its not. People in France for example will have more value for their money as the Euro is worth a lot more than the franc. So therefore they can spend more in other countries for example.

Now where were we.

Your hatred is unjustified. Explain how Europe is about communism. When Europe is about equality, union and freedom of movement . Europe is far more liberal and open than either Russia or America. So it ain't that bad sir.

[edit on 16-6-2008 by mind is the universe]

[edit on 16-6-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by mind is the universe

Sorry, but I learned both American and British English. I'm usually working with Americans too.
So, there are exceptions. That's why I used gas prices and realize, instead of oil prices and realise.

Do you believe that the EU money for infrastructure goes really for the infrastructure? Don't be naive please. No. The EU government members just sharing your tax money between themselves. The EU member citizens not really saw anything about it. Come to Hungary, listen the news for a week and you will know what about I'm talking. Our nation is resisting pretty well. Why do you think, why don't you hear anything from my country in the news? I tell you why. Because the EU knows that my nation is the typical freedom fighter nation. The truth came to surface here already accidentally and the people knows this. Do you believe that they're going to advertise their mistakes? No. Why? Because if the citizens of other countries are going to learn this, they would join to our side and not to the EU Government. The EU is fear from three countries. Hungary, Poland and Italy. Why? Because when someone needed to resist against anything, these three countries held together and made pretty great resistance and revolution.

I never said that Europe is bad, it's my home after all. The politicians of the EU are bad, whose are leading the EU in overall. For example, they're giving money to help the rich ones, but they're not giving money to help the poor ones. Maybe the zionist leaders of Hungary are also in this. But when we had great problems two years ago, when hundreds of Hungarian citizens were beaten by the police WITHOUT reason, when the Zionist PM called in the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) to stay in power, what is prohibited in the EU... do you know what the EU said, while they knew everything about it? Nothing. Only the Polish and the Italians hailed us, because these countries can be considered as our sister countries, whose citizens always respected each other. The EU just simply let every bad thing to happen since that day, because if others would know the truth, everyone would rebel in the EU Government. So, they supported my thief government instead. They let the citizens of my country down and they'll letting everyone down in the future. We don't care about their money. We never see a single cent from it. But if they're really that good as you're trying to tell me, why don't they simply stand up and condemning what is going on in our country or in other countries? The answer is simple. Because they care only with the profit and not with the citizens. Believe me, if something may going to happen in your country, they will just sit back and relax and let it to happen.

Europe is far more liberal and open than either Russia or America.

Do you know what liberal really means? Lies, delusions and Zionist Jews are in power. Thanks, but my country hates them with a reason. The great liberal members wanted to make pedophilia legal last year. Thanks, but we also don't want that. The great liberal members are the ones, whose are stealing and lying the most in all country, be it in the EU or the US. Liberalism is the 21st century name of Zionist Marxist Communism. If you never lived in Communism, I cannot explain this to you. You must live in that to know what about I'm talking. Ask some people from the former Eastern Germany, Czech Republic or Hungary. Why do you believe, why are these people against the EU and the Lisbon treaty? Because we lived this already once and we know what the price of freedom really is. All the Eastern countries, whose was the part of the Communist block sense already what is going on around us. Those ones, whose never lived under the shadow of communism, cannot imagine this at all. We payed a high price for our freedom. We don't want to pay it again for it.

[edit on 16-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline
reply to post by mind is the universe

Actually you should simply open your eyes, because everything what you said is complete foolishness. You don't have any clue what is really going on the planet, right? Well... sorry, but I cannot do anything with your ignorance and honestly, that's not my problem. Say your phrases that the EU is the greatest, the best, and when you'll wake up and realize that you're living in communism, please remember for this talk. I lived under the shadow of the communism and what the EU is doing is the same. You believe everything what they're doing is for you and the other people. Well. You're mistaken. EU is the communism of the 21st century, nothing more, the western CCCP with controlled media, corrupt government, corrupt officials, etc, etc, etc... whatever you knew about the CCCP, you may immediately apply that knowledge to the EU too, because it's the same.

[edit on 16-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

What wonderful paranoia. Still made me laugh at the end of hard days work.

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