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We Weren't Designed To Eat Meat, Here Is Proof

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posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 11:31 AM
Reply to post by luciddream

Correction, Not all of one billion Indians are vegetarians. Remember chicken curry, tandoori, etc... Delicious!

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posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by HelenConway

Well that is not a Vegan Diet and I have no issue with such a diet. Personally...I am a Hunter and there is no other group of people alive that is more in favor of conservation and protecting animal species than Hunters. I live in Mass. and almost 100% of the money collected from Hunting and Fishing Licenses is used for Conservation.

Right now there are more Deer, Bear, Turkey, Pheasant, Massachusetts than there have been since the early 1600's. Mass. also has more trees than it did since the late 1600's although because of Acid Rain the numbers od Brook Trout and various Pan Fish and Bass have been reduced as well as the overall decrease in numbers of Amphibians, Snakes and other Reptiles.

The DEER population is so high that the State is allowing Hunters to harvest more than one deer on a Hunt as such high deer populations cause and are causing disease as well as starvation as starving deer will eat the bark off of young trees causing those trees to die and thus resulting in soil errosion.

When I hunt I kill quickly by being accurate and familiar of a deers anatomy. I like the vast majority of Hunters would never take a POT SHOT hoping such a shot could quite possibly hit a distant deer. I am also an expert with various Bows such as Compound and Recurve and have shot Black Powder before.

This next statement I KNOW to be true. Kids who are brought up having a respect for the Wilderness as well as a DEEP RESPECT AND REVERENCE for what they hunt, kill and dress...will never grow up to be the type of person who wastes foood and they would NEVER WASTE MEAT. This is so because knowing what it is to take an animals life as well as having to gut and dress them a deep connection to what had to be sacrificed in order for them to eat.

This deep respect for all living things is something a person carries with them for their whole life and even if that person was to go to WAR or do something similar...this experience and knowledge allows them to understand only too well what is at stake as well what the consequences are for pulling that trigger.

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by Danger Girl

Meat your next hamburgler:

edit on 23-1-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by vasaga

If you look into this more a HORSE had ancient Omniverous ancestors so my arguement is sound.

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

I know I vegan diet is not fish and milk.

Yes i am divided by the hunting issue to some extent. I think slaughter houses are foul .. I would prefer taht we followed the buffalo like the Native Americans - but there are too many of us, we are too far removed from our food chain. I am not having a go at you.

But shooting bear and wolf is wrong, in most circumstances and especially for fun [ sport]

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by vasaga

If you look into this more a HORSE had ancient Omniverous ancestors so my arguement is sound.

Split Infinity

You obviously know nothing about the horse so STOP spreading lies about their diet.
Horses are herbivores - stop spreading disinfo. They are NOT meat eaters as you claim.
edit on 23-1-2013 by HelenConway because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 04:08 PM
Let me settle this for you all troubleseekers and troublemakers that're interested in my take.

People who stay away from meat generally do it because they think that eating animals is not ethical. We know that eating flesh offers us nutrition that's not available in plants. So, technically, a person who eats plants is harming themselves. However, many religions and faith systems harm their adherents too. Many times when we make what we presume to be a moral choice it can be detrimental to our own health. It's a sacrifice. Morality is somewhat subjective and only absolute in terms of its use to our species survival. Unless you can show officially that somebody definitely has a mental illness and that this is undeniably the cause of their actions, or you've decreed that nobody in society can lawfully harm themselves irregardless of their motivations then you really should just stay out of their business and let them hurt themselves if that's their prerogative.

I myself try to stay away from meat. But I do believe I do this at a cost. I fully acknowledge that I will lose nutrition if I do not consume supplements and that I'd be even better off if I consumed meat regularly. I also believe that we evolved on a path where we were hunter/gatherers and we consumed a lot of meat. Our ancestors were avid hunters and meat was a regular portion fo their diet. So please do not assume I believe meat is unhealthy to consume. Rather I believe that my conscious choice to avoid meat is done in favor of my feelings about it and it's a sacrifice that will in the long run harm me. I will never force anybody else to do as I do. I will keep my own flaws to myself. Peace and thanks for reading my post. I hope your next hamburgler is a good one.
edit on 23-1-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Danger Girl
Our bodies are designed to eat grains and plants.
So why do we eat meat?
When did we start doing it and why?
Will we be healthier if we stop?

Humans were designed to eat meat and their vegetables. Meat doesn't taste great just for the heck of it or by chance. Evolution has nothing to do with it, or with anything else.

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by HelenConway

Horses as meat eaters? What? Anyway, I've just seen this long-argued thread, and am one of those solidly on the vegan side. No meat, no cheese, no milk, keeping away from eating any of that stuff is not only healthier, it heals the taste buds and makes all meals a feast. Seeing someone drink a glass of milk is actually almost sickening - almost - but seems just very stupid. Putting meat into your mouth is literally putting a corpse into your face, which is not only unhealthy but tends toward some kind of societal mental illness. I used to be one of the biggest meat eaters of all, never met a hamburger I didn't like (except one, someone made it with an egg), and I thought I was done enjoying food when I gave up meat. Surprise! Like I said before, soon every meal was a feast, and has continued to be so.

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by Aleister

I'm on a limited budget, but I find fat to be the hardest thing to reproduce without meat.

Any suggestions?

Like olive oil or nuts or sesame seed oil or something? How do you flavor your food?

Btw, I had a taste of some celery with bunches of thick leaves and it was delicious. And you know there's nothing like a mashed sweet potato mixed with some vegetables and rice. I'm not saying "vegan" food isn't good, it sure is no arguing that! But the fat is the missing ingredient.

And btw one of my loves is lentils. Good protein accessory. Split peas are ok.
edit on 23-1-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by HelenConway have to do some reading.

A Horse evolved from a Mammalian Ancestorial line that at one time were OMNIVEROUS. This is a FACT. You can look it up.

It is also a FACT that any animal including Humans that currently has Canine Teeth at one time evolved from an ancestor that was either a Carnivour or Omnivour.

An animal cannot have Canine Teeth and not at one time had an ancestor that did not eat Meat. The whole reason for Canine Teeth is to be able to cut and penetrate LIVING TISSUE. The Canine Teeth are specifically designed to penetrate flesh and KILL AN ANIMAL as the teeth are longer, pointed and sharp. There are other teeth that are better suited for chewing and breaking tissue down to a size that can be swallowed and CANINE TEETH are ment for one thing and one thing only...being able to PENETRATE LIVING TISSUE in order to puncture a main artery's such as is at the neck of well as penetrate through the animals hide and into any VITAL ORGANS that could bring an animal down.

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by HelenConway

I agree that Factory Slaughter Houses are abhorent and also unhealthy for the animals and those of us that eat them. There are better ways and since such mass factory slaughter of animals is inherently dangerous as such places are breeding grounds for the Mutation of a Virus that can cross species...and then possibly mutate into being AIRBORNE.

The constant introduction of Growth Hormones into animals for Human Consumption is also dangerous as we are now seeing 9 year old girls developing pubic hais and breast because the Chicken Breast Growth Hormone that is used so that these birds will have more white very similar to the Human Growth Hormone responsible for PUBERTY.

Also the introduction of Antibiotics into Animals for Human Consumption causes those who eat those animals to be infected with Bacteria that have become immune to such Antibiotics as such everyday bacteria infections of people who are constantly ingesting Antibiotic laced animal meat have such bacteria constantly exposed to such antibiotics which makes this bacteria mutate into SUPERBUGS that cannot be treated with standard Antibiotics.

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Aleister

I have no issue with a persons right to eat what they want.

My issue and concern as a few of my Families Companies is in the Health Care Industry thus I have seen this since I was a kid...especially in the late 60's and early 70's and again in the early 90's...that issue being when Vegan Parents force their young and growing children not to eat Animal Fats and

A Child needs Animal Fats and Proteins to properly grow and develop. NO WHERE is this more important that for the development of a CHILDS BRAIN. A developing child cannot properly develop eating a strict Vegan Diet.

Even if such a Vegan Diet was monitered such a diet is dangerous to a developing Child.

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by jonnywhite

Try Black or White Truffle Oil. It is expensive but goes a long way and can make ANYTHING taste unbelievably good! LOL!

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by jonnywhite
reply to post by Aleister

I'm on a limited budget, but I find fat to be the hardest thing to reproduce without meat.

Any suggestions?

Like olive oil or nuts or sesame seed oil or something? How do you flavor your food?

Btw, I had a taste of some celery with bunches of thick leaves and it was delicious. And you know there's nothing like a mashed sweet potato mixed with some vegetables and rice. I'm not saying "vegan" food isn't good, it sure is no arguing that! But the fat is the missing ingredient.

And btw one of my loves is lentils. Good protein accessory. Split peas are ok.
edit on 23-1-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

I use Olive Oil, the mother of oils. My favorite food are lentils and rice, seasoned with many herbs and spices while cooking and seasoned afterwards, adding broccoli and an onion half-way through the cooking process, everything then topped with olive oil, mixed-in sesame sticks, and sprinkled with nutritional yeast.

The protein myth still holds sway in the culture, "egged" on by the very well-financed meat and dairy industry advertising budgets, other propoganda, and uninformed false infomation by corpsearians. As long as you eat enough to stay alive you are getting all the protein you need. It's in almost everything vegans eat. Protein is everywhere, and if you eat any beans at all, protein aplenty. The body does not need steak-sized amounts of protein, that is part of the myth. Where do you think horses and rhinos and elephants and moose and elk get their protein, the poor weak creatures can barely move. I had a friend once who would hand out vegan informational packets on the street, and would often get mocked for being weak because of his diet and his "lack of protein" by frat boys and similar flora and fauna of college life. He'd challenge them to arm wrestle, and never lost.
edit on 24-1-2013 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by HelenConway have to do some reading.

A Horse evolved from a Mammalian Ancestorial line that at one time were OMNIVEROUS. This is a FACT. You can look it up.

It is also a FACT that any animal including Humans that currently has Canine Teeth at one time evolved from an ancestor that was either a Carnivour or Omnivour.

An animal cannot have Canine Teeth and not at one time had an ancestor that did not eat Meat. The whole reason for Canine Teeth is to be able to cut and penetrate LIVING TISSUE. The Canine Teeth are specifically designed to penetrate flesh and KILL AN ANIMAL as the teeth are longer, pointed and sharp. There are other teeth that are better suited for chewing and breaking tissue down to a size that can be swallowed and CANINE TEETH are ment for one thing and one thing only...being able to PENETRATE LIVING TISSUE in order to puncture a main artery's such as is at the neck of well as penetrate through the animals hide and into any VITAL ORGANS that could bring an animal down.

Split Infinity

I worked with horses for ten years. They DO NOT live on a diet of meat. Your are spreading disinfo by repeating this on here. Horses live on grains, vegetables, grass [ or hay] - they are herd animals, who feed on vegetable food stuff.

They do NOT hunt and kill animals like lions.

edit on 24-1-2013 by HelenConway because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by HelenConway

Thanks Helen. Horses eating meat???? Secretariat is spinning in his grave, still outpacing all the other horses by 31 lengths/rotations. I think the poster just can't imagine large animals living without eating meat, a result of the meat industry propaganda and the memes created by corpsearians. "I pity the poor fool" as Mr T would say before being knocked out by vegan Mike Tyson.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 07:41 AM
Humans are more scavengers than omnivorous. We lack a lot of the enzymes to eat and process raw meat. We need the tyramines of aged food to help power our minds. The slyest of animals are the scavengers. We need nature to break down our food partially before we can cook or eat it. Adrenaline, Serotonin, Dopamine, and other chemicals are made by these glutamates. Monosodium glutonate gets into the brain though which is not good because it alters our perception too much making us too trusting of the provider.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by Aleister
reply to post by HelenConway

Thanks Helen. Horses eating meat???? Secretariat is spinning in his grave, still outpacing all the other horses by 31 lengths/rotations. I think the poster just can't imagine large animals living without eating meat, a result of the meat industry propaganda and the memes created by corpsearians. "I pity the poor fool" as Mr T would say before being knocked out by vegan Mike Tyson.

It is strafgod who keeps making these claims !!! I know - right..

Some of the most beautiful and strongest animals on earth do NOT eat meat -

elephants / giraffes/ horses/ rhino / buffalo etc etc
edit on 24-1-2013 by HelenConway because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-1-2013 by HelenConway because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by HelenConway

Helen...did you even READ what I posted?

I never said that Horses as they exist today eat meat.

I DID say...and this is a FACT that you can easily look up on the internet....that Horses evolved from an ancestor that was Omniverous and did eat meat.

It is also a FACT that any animal that has Canine Teeth had an ancient ancestor that was either Carniverous or Omniverous.

Canine Teeth are specific for killing prey and if an animal has them even if that animal...such as curently a Herbivore...the ancestor it evolved from had to be either Omniverous or Herbiverous.

I have not stated anything false here and the fact you say I have means you are either too stuborn to have actually read what I posted or you are doing this on purpose for a reason I can not fathom.

Please be an adult.

Split Infinity

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