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Real or my imagination?

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posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:24 PM
Ok, so yesterday (which happens to be friday the 13) My friends and i had a party. In the middle fo the night we decided to go to this place we call the "dark tunnel" Its this place in the woods where it forms a tunnel and goes on for pretty much ever (we have never expored that far yet) So while we were walking in there all my friends got freaked out and ran out execpet for me. So i kept walking and i turned this corner and in the middle of this tunnel was this hazy glowing figure, just like hovering in the middle of the tunnel. for about 5 secs i just stared at it and then decided to book it. I then went back to my house that night and turned on the radio. I was listing to a station and it just cut out and this voice kinda started to say things i couldnt under stand, yet i knew they were abhorrent words. After it was done my radio just turned off. I then feaked and went downstairs the res tof the night. So what i want to know is all that stuff in my imagination or did it really happen?(BTW im kinda a believer in paranormal and other un explained things, but not all the way)

Thanks in advance!

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:47 PM
Well, If you were not drunk or high the figure in the middle of the tunnel would be hard to chalk up to just imagination. THe stuff with the radio, however, could have been some interference of a normal nature. You were already freaked out and had the whole Friday the 13th mojo in your head, so hearing static and garbled reception on the radio could sound pretty scary. I get scared hearing messed up radio signals without having a freaky experience-they just sound creepy.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:48 PM
First, get a Ouija board.

Noooo I'm kidding!! If you were drinking, or doing any drugs, I'd say that was the reason. If not, then I'd say do a little research about the area you had this strange experience and see if anything there might point to something out of the ordinary. If you don't get the feeling, then chances are, it was just your 'magination.

Yes I totally sang that as I typed it.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by joecamel

I wasn't drinking nor was i on any drugs, And everytime i think about it i get the weirdest feeling, like chills on my back and almost the feeling its near me again, idk if that helps

Thanks again!

[edit on 14-6-2008 by laconic]

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:53 PM
I knew people were going to chalk this up to being drunk or high.

I have been more drunk and more high than any person should be able to become and never have I seen a hazy glowing figure.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 10:40 PM
I wouldn't know about the radio. I didn't think the type i'll speak of could do that, as they really seem to be soundless, as far as i have observed. It seems to be that you are describing a shadowperson -which is really not at all a person- a type of demon. It would have nothing to do with the date, though they delight in fear, so it wouldn't surprise me where and when it showed. Though what color was it? Can you describe it more specifically?
~Face? Any expression?
~Any other features?
~Demeanor? Was it threatening you at that moment, or was it just really that it was there, and it appeared scary, that made you run away?

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 11:13 PM
Oh, I dunno, maybe you forgot when the guy with the flashlight said: "Hey! don't you know this is private property?"

Glowing entities reminds me of the movie Cocoon. But, I've seen those too. Some white and some red. The glowing red ones asked me what I did with the discs. That was long before those laser discs came out. You would think psychic aliens would have known the answer already.

I recalled having been on some dark road with my family when I was a kid and as we were parked on the side of this road then suddenly a really bright light shined ahead of us. Then an old patrol car like from the 50's drove by. But, I remember walking up some ramp jumping up and down on it because it made a metalic sound like a chain ramp. I also remember most of my family except my two sisters standing on some ledge and some small guy and his small wife there. My father introduced us to him and then my father pointed to me. The little guy in the white suit, big eyes and cigar, came up to me and said: "This one here will be very special one day."

I'm still waiting. But, I did see a glowing entity a few years ago in a bar and they ran me out of town and told me not to come back. That was sorta special.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 11:16 PM
Hey, if he was on drugs and on other meds, he can see practically anything from any part of his brain. I had a friend once who became a woman every time he smoked marijuana. It was absolutely fascinating until it became pretty evident that it was doing a number on his brain
Sober for a year now though!!! Woohoo to my friend.

To the OP, I have to urge you to look into that area. Nothing further than local history might tell you - I'm no expert, and don't know what kind of meddling can upset whatever. If that sort of thing is true, that is.

I'd be most interested to know what you find, personally. Paranormal happenings are an extreme interest.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 05:40 AM
The OP did NOT even mention narcotics in the first post. Why is it that someone will conclude that the OP is always on drugs all the time, only to have other posters talk about drugs. Why does this always happen?

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 05:56 AM
I know someone (a good friend) who -saw- the same 'thing' you did but in South Korea, at night, in isolated woods.

The description of the 'thing' was the same as the OP.

It did not follow or talk to my friend but it did notice him.


When you say the radio cut out and you started words in another language could you perhaps have found a foreign speaking radio station??

P.S. Predator?

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Angry Potato

Because it was Friday night and they were having a party and go to a tunnel somewhere- in my party days there was usually some drinking and maybe some drugs for some people. It was not a far fetched assumption.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Levita

~Color-Like a hazy white glow
~Height- 6-7ft
~Face? Any expression?- i could not see its face, justy the form, which seemed to be like human like but wider and larger
~Any other features? in the region where the face should be there was 2 ver bright white eyes, same color as the thing, except much stronger in intensity

I guess the reason i ran away was i had this feeling of fear, not because of the sight just this feeling on the inside that it just wasn't right

Thanks again

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by laconic
reply to post by Levita

~Any other features? in the region where the face should be there was 2 ver bright white eyes, same color as the thing, except much stronger in intensity

Errr.... Now I might believe you!

I intentionally left this detail out but my friend described EXACTLY THE SAME THING!!!!!!!!!!

In fact, he explained the glowing eyes in exactly the same way as you did!

I'm not sure what more we could do other than attempt to make the event reoccur and be armed with a video camera (at least).

You up for trying again?

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 07:07 PM
Yea, tomorrow night im going to, ive planned it out and my other friend is bringing a vidoe camera so we will see what happens. That is weird that your friend had the same experience as me, But least i know im not alone and this "thing" is probly something i can identify as a spirit or something.

Thanks again

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by raven bombshell
reply to post by Angry Potato

Because it was Friday night and they were having a party and go to a tunnel somewhere- in my party days there was usually some drinking and maybe some drugs for some people. It was not a far fetched assumption.

Yeah, but that's probably because you hang out with frat boys.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Angry Potato

Originally posted by raven bombshell
reply to post by Angry Potato

Because it was Friday night and they were having a party and go to a tunnel somewhere- in my party days there was usually some drinking and maybe some drugs for some people. It was not a far fetched assumption.

Yeah, but that's probably because you hang out with frat boys.

You give me too much credit! Im an "old lady"-I dont hang out with anyone anymore except my kid and cats. I was part of the artsy crowd in college, and we were very tame compared to the kids these days. Frat boys hahahaha

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 09:40 PM
Cmon guys, this is getting so off topic. All i want is what you guys think that was, not abotu "Fratt boys" or "artsy crowds" in collage.

Thanks again!

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 10:00 PM
Im sorry. I should have added that the reference to drugs or alcohol was not meant to belittle your experience. I just wanted to get those two factors off the table before going further. It is important to know that when you are trying to figure out if a phenomena was real. Again, I am sorry about getting off topic.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 10:03 PM
You could say since your imagination is exists in the environment of reality, it is real. In the bible, If you believe in the accounts, people were always terrified when they encountered an angel, paralyzed, they would fall to the ground. If you saw something... you saw something. good luck on finding out what it was.

That is creepy that you get those chills when you think back to it, it must of been intense to be able to bring up those feelings.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by laconic
Cmon guys, this is getting so off topic. All i want is what you guys think that was, not abotu "Fratt boys" or "artsy crowds" in collage.

Thanks again!

For all I know, you could most probably be a fratboy.

"Dude, where's the Natty Ice? Oh, brah, did you bring the 40 oz? Oh, brah, look at that glow, brah!"

Or not. A really creepy experience nonetheless. Some would probably consider you a lucky person by experiencing this. You should have stayed there, I mean, you had company.

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