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2008 Barbury Castle crop circle: pi solved?

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posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by godismath

Why is 1 is the only number which gives the same result when both added and multiplied?
Because it's both 0 and 1. Just like 10 and 11 are the same. It's a dual nature.

I could really care less about your helix idea until you show me mathematically why we should even consider it. If the underlying math at the beginning of the problem is incorrect, then your whole theory falls apart. I've already shown earlier in this thread what is really going on. Prove my math wrong or admit defeat. It's really that simple. And as far as your statement above about 1 being the only number which gives the same result when both added and multiplied...

1+1= 2
1x1= 1

Last time I checked 1 does not equal 2. If that's not what you meant, than I really don't know what you are talking about, which pretty much sums up your ideas in this entire thread. I think I'm done with this. G'day!

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Evil Genius
Last time I checked 1 does not equal 2. If that's not what you meant, than I really don't know what you are talking about, which pretty much sums up your ideas in this entire thread. I think I'm done with this. G'day!

Sorry, I meant to imply that #1 duplicating itself is the same result as adding another 1. See how long you can go without getting confused when you're translating from 1 form of math to another!

1+1=2+2=4+4=8, all even numbers follow while 1 is odd. This is what I was trying to point out.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Unfortunately, bickering and argument are ways in which we find the truth.

However, OBJECTIVITY is the key.

Ultimately, the meanings that can be attributed to numbers are, like numbers, infinate.

a double helix is only one way that a pattern can be attributed to numbers (also unless someone can point out other examples i only see double helix in DNA and the ascending or descending motion from helicopter blades or winged seeds, not a truly fundamental shape). for instance, omiting 0 from base-ten could be dispalyed in ever complex shapes where the primes denote corners......

Just be objective dont get sucked in too deep and if you really want to solve maths puzzles try solving the Grand Unification Theory (read new scientist!!

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 10:28 PM
I would like to think someone is trying to communicate with us thru these crop circles. Maybe even imparting us with some kind of message or new knowledge? Along those lines, I have notice a few circles that seem to come back to a base of the number 11 as earlier discussed in this thread. I do wonder if this is linked to the possible 11 dimensions in the string theory that has been thrown around.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 12:10 AM

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 01:22 AM

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 02:18 AM
If you divide the numbers by 1 you get their relationship to 1. So 1/3 and 1/6 for example, decimal out ot infiinty. All of the special numbers like pi also dont end. It seems that those numbers are the key to perpetual motion. I think free energy is perpetual and infinite because it taps into multidimensionality.

9 is the ending death number for base 10 math. 11 is likewise for base 12.

I feel that 9/11 represents the connection between base 10 and base 12 math. So the illuminati magic is using the power of symbols that are universal and cross dimensions. I can see why they would be so powerful then.

If you look at the radiu of the crop circle it is 12. the 10 rings plus the inner circle of radius 2.

How about the length of those arcs. Anybody care to calculate them out. What about the 3 cirlcles on the outer rim and the dot near the middle.


posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 02:32 AM
The first outer circle is radius 2 or the same size as the center circle. It connects the 10th line to the 8th. Its known that theres a connection between the harmonic cycles of 8 for music and light, connected to geometry, platonic solids.

I once said that 0,1 and infinity are all the same. I talked with this guy that says actually 0,1,8, and infinity are all the same. the sybols for 8 and infinity are basically the same. and similar to 0. The symbol for 1 represents duality or dipole.

So back to the circles. The 3 circles lie in one 36 degree section, which is 9 in numerology. The diameter of a circle is in relation to pi. THe diameters of the 3 circlces are 4,3,2. (r = 2, 1.5, 1) So the sum diameter is 9.

The last circle connects the 10th line to the 9th line.

Somehow i feel the mystery of the secret society is the connection between values and symbols. Numerology is like bringing numbers back down to their base symbols. Afterall this is an issue one has to deal with when changing number bases in modular math.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 05:06 AM
Those 3 circles lie in a 36 degree section. 36/3 =12. So 360 degree = (3*12)*10 = 360.

But they are unequal in size with ratio of 4:3:2. so 4+3+2 =9. then we get 2/9, 3/9, 4/9 = .2222222+.3333333+.4444444=.9999999=1. Or at least we say that equals 1 but it never really does get there. hmm

So then the corresponding degrees for the circles is (2/9)*36 = 8
8, 12, 16 degrees. hmm.

The last digit of pi ends where the first digit began on the top of the circle. But the tenth digit is really 3, but was rounded to 4.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by godismath

that is a very interesting post what i wanna know is this where do crop circles come from so far i think they are demonis manifestations but theyre still pretty cool

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan

Me, Springer, and Rabbit are travelling, and have to stop at a motel. We get a suite that is only 30 bucks, and we each pony up a 10 spot to cover our share.

when we get upstairs, the bell hop tells us there was a mistake, and the room will only be 25 bucks. he returns 1 dollar to each of us, and keeps 2 for a "tip" ((1+1+1)+2)=5 bucks).

So...we each spent 9 bucks (as we each recieved 1 dollar back on our original 10 dollars spent):


And the bell hop kept 2 bucks:


But we originally gave up 30.

where did the other dollar go?

The room was $30 ($10 each) but was reduced to £25 ($8.3333 each rather than the $9 the bellhop charged). The bellhop kept the extra dollar.

This is an awesome puzzle that some people here should take time to understand, because it illustrates how easy it is to not see what is glaring you in the face

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by onlyhurtsu
The last digit of pi ends where the first digit began on the top of the circle. But the tenth digit is really 3, but was rounded to 4.

Right, but it's opposite was rounded the other way so it evens out.
3.1415926535+7.9695184575 becomes
3.141592654 + 7.969518456

Here's a thought... Which way do you round a 5 anyway in this kind of system? It may round either up or down depending on the length of the full number (assuming closed system). This is making my head hurt though so I'll save that thought for later.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by Asnivor

the result is 27 (the money they put in) - 2 (bellhop's tip) = 25, not 27 ($ they put in) + 2 (tip) = 29

the tip money isn't on top of the 27, but rather it's included in the 27, so all of the money is accounted for and there is no extra dollar...nice one tho

great thread btw.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 11:41 AM
hi guys, this is really weird. I'm thinking hoax purely because it's so good! the last banbury one that had me thinking for days but was claimed as a hoax (i'm talking about the one used on the main pages of: )

But what i'm posting about is not whether its a hoax or not, but the fact that i think the METRO newspaper (a free paper in the uk) is yet another 'news' group which is regularly visiting ats! If you look in yesterdays metro (or follow the link i've attached) you will notice this :

so....keep on posting guys, our posts might end up in the papers before dave rabbit does for indecent exposure!

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 11:55 AM
If I put 10 apples down, but you say 10 can't be a number, how many do I have? If I count my fingers or toes, how many do I have since you say 10 can't be a number?

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 01:11 PM
Someone has made the news, hmm.

English Crop Circle's Mysterious Pattern Solved

Another crop circle has appeared in the English countryside — and this one's clearly been made by someone, or something, that understands math.

At first glance, the strange ratcheted pattern, radiating out clockwise, doesn't look like much — modern art, perhaps.

But an electrical engineer from North Carolina — described by the London newspapers as a "retired astrophysicist" — figured out that it was an abstract representation of pi, the number at the center of Euclidean geometry.

Anyone else seen this?

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 03:27 PM
Just joined this thread, real interesting stuff!

Can someone re-cap all of the finds, discoveries, consensus about what the numbers mean etc?

There's alot here, and its been piecemeal, just wanted a nice re-cap, not only for myself, but for others joining the thread.

Great work and some smart people with the work thus far in the thread from what I've read so far!

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 04:53 PM
How music relates to mathematics:

And I am not a math whiz by any means, fyi.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by onlyhurtsu

feel that 9/11 represents the connection between base 10 and base 12 math. So the Illuminati magic is using the power of symbols that are universal and cross dimensions. I can see why they would be so powerful then.

What if 12 represents the 12 supposed dimensions of existence?What if this circle is nothing more than a 'Rosetta Stone' of dimensions?I might be reaching here but I don't see any other explanations.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by TheGreensGoblin

How do you know that news agencies watch ATS?

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