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Originally posted by Blaine91555
That website is one of the worst on the Internet.
Pure crap. Purposefully manipulated photo's to make them look like what they are not.
An obvious attempt to alter the evidence to fit the theory.
I doubt there are many on ATS that are fooled by that site. Some, I think, are pretending it has any value to support their own nonsense.
Everyone should be pissed about sites like that which make us look like fools.
Originally posted by Blaine91555
I understand that and it is very odd someone from NASA would respond that way.
That is just a site that gets under my skin. I don't care for confidence-men who turn these topics into jokes with sites like that.
People at NASA are human, just like us.
They can get fed up with nonesense and say dumb things, just like us.
Originally posted by ArMaP
That reaction does not surprise me, I know many people that would react in the same way if someone was suspecting their intentions behind a work of many years.
The only time I "talked" (by e-mail) with someone from NASA the first thing I noticed was that he was delighted that someone like me would be interested in their work and wanted to clear some doubts.
Also, MarsAnomalyResearch is one of the worst sites I have seen, extremely biased (they ignore new data when it proves them wrong) and with many technical flaws (if they are analysing images they should at least know something about photography and digital imaging).
Originally posted by Marked One
I don't know if anybody has ever heard of this but I read in a book written by an archaeologist named Jonathon Gray that a Soviet scientist defected to the US toward the end of the Cold War, if I'm not mistaken, with documents that included photos taken by a Soviet probe that was sent to Mars.
The photos were in color, revealing city ruins with crumbling buildings and highways and so forth and so on. The Russians kept these photos a secret for a long time because they did not want anyone to know about their technological advancement.
Has anybody heard of this as well?
I am not saying that, I am only saying that he appeared genuinely happy of having someone asking him questions about his work (in that case it was about a Powerpoint presentation about Mars), I can not say what kind of e-mail he is or is not used to receive.
Originally posted by StellarX
So what your saying is that the person in question was not used to receiving mail from someone who didn't moan about cover-ups and the like? Is that not more telling than whatever he said? Why does so many people believe that NASA is in fact hiding the truth even if they can't seem to agree on what that truth is?
More blanket statements without one single shred of proof.
The fact that they are not alone does not mean that they are right, it only means that there are more people that accept their ideas or that had those same ideas on their own, and the fact that some informations have been validated elsewhere (and I suppose that you mean by someone with some "weight" in their field of expertise) does not mean that they always right.
Marsanomaly research is NOT alone in what they do and the information presented there have in some instances been validated elsewhere and it's LONG been known that NASA refuses to acknowledge something as basic as the color of Martian skies.
Maybe I haven't had any reason to change my mind about those subjects yet.
Since we have discussed this at length i know what you know and find it interesting you are still starting out discussions in the same old way.
Maybe because I like space related subjects, specially Mars.
Why is 90% of your post in the UFO related threads ( And i have far too much self respect to post in most of those threads) or about mars landers and the like and then only to deny, deny, deny everything and anything that isn't admitted in a NASA press release?
I cannot say what anyone is thinking when they do something, that is why I said above that I have witnessed those two things but I avoid making a judgement of the reasons that may have been behind those things.
Will you at least start to admit that NASA has knowingly kept up the front to make Mars appear red from a surface point of view instead of having blue skies and typical desert scenes with volcanic debri's?
Originally posted by rocksarerocks
Marsanomolies is a joke. That skipper guy actually thinks NASA has software that automatically removes things from pictures without human intervention.
He also doesn't know the difference between compression artifacts and actual objects.
Yeah right, NASA has an automatic alien removal program that leaves obvious "image tampering" artifacts in all their photos.
They are smart enough to have that software but not smart enough to make it undetectable.
Originally posted by vze2xjjk
I have manipulated
a 10 ft head carving in stone of a face that resembles African war masks. I have stretched the face to make sure people can recognize it as a face,
Originally posted by ArMaP
I am not saying that, I am only saying that he appeared genuinely happy of having someone asking him questions about his work (in that case it was about a Powerpoint presentation about Mars), I can not say what kind of e-mail he is or is not used to receive.
But I suppose that what you have said is also true, his reaction at first was a bit cautious, and only after a second e-mail in which I presented myself in a way that could show that I was "on his side" did he show that behaviour.
(I would like to point that I was not on his side, I was just trying to know what explanation he would give about an image on that presentation and I thought that if I wrote in a polite and more pro-NASA way I would have a better chance of getting an answer )
You're right, I exaggerated a bit about Mars anomaly research, but from what I have seen (and I don't know if I have seen much of what they have or not) I have noticed a lack (either by ignorance or on purpose) of knowledge about digital images, and while I can accept that without any problem in someone that is just starting to analyse photos, I think that someone with some years of work in that field should be able to know what they are talking about, and that is not the idea I get from their site.
But while he presented the "Giant Plant Species Found On Mars" he did not presented any follow-up when we got the images from HiRISE that show (although not exactly the same, just a little more to the East) those things with a much better resolution and where we can see that they are not trees, although some people still think that they could have a biological origin (I agree that that is one of the possibilities and I don't dismiss it completely).
The "Massive Objects in Moon Terrain" that only appear on the old version of the on-line browser and do not exist on the published photos is another example.
If I had a site presenting some theories based on some data I would like to keep up-to-date on the data available and I would adjust (or dismiss) my theories according to the available data, and that is why I don't trust that site.
The fact that they are not alone does not mean that they are right, it only means that there are more people that accept their ideas or that had those same ideas on their own, and the fact that some information have been validated elsewhere (and I suppose that you mean by someone with some "weight" in their field of expertise) does not mean that they always right.
Maybe I haven't had any reason to change my mind about those subjects yet.
Maybe because I like space related subjects, specially Mars.
Also, I know that there are things flying inside and outside of the atmosphere for which I do not have any explanation, but as I don't think that the most likely explanation for them is extra-terrestrial life forms visiting our planet I get involved in more discussions about UFOs than I was expecting when I joined ATS almost 4 years ago (it will be 4 years next week).
And I have said it before, if what I say coincides with NASA press releases then it's because I have the same opinion, not because they say it (I don't follow, and never did, NASA press-releases) or because I agree with everything they say.
I have seen a photo from the Moon clearly altered by NASA, and I have seen high-definition TIFF files being taken down from a server and replaced by low resolution JPEGs, so I know that NASA is not an angel, but I think that at least some of things they say are true.
I cannot say what anyone is thinking when they do something, that is why I said above that I have witnessed those two things but I avoid making a judgement of the reasons that may have been behind those things.
Do they make Mars' sky look redder than it is? From what I have seen, probably yes (I cannot know for sure how it looks).
Do I think that they do it on purpose? Yes, I don't think that they would do it accidentally or by mistake.
Can I say what reasons do they have for doing it? No.
Originally posted by StellarX
Why do you avoid judging it? Sure one may avoid judging people on moral choices ( god is supposed to the judge, at least according to some) but this is SCIENCE where logic and observation is supposed to reign? How can NASA NOT arrive at accurately portrayals of surface scenery when their equipment were expressly designed with the ability in mind?
Why do they keep putting up deceptive images showing 'red' tints saying that it's a 'best estimate' when little to non estimation were required due to design choices made on earth?
Why suddenly rob us of information when the tools sent there at such cost are more than able to furnish us with it?
Apologies accepted.
Originally posted by StellarX
And i apologise for the fact that this took a month or more.
Well, I guess I was more hostile than I thought, and as I do not have anything to show that he deliberately misinforms people I will stop being so critic of his work as a whole and just point the things I can really find against his work as I find them. Until then I will be more carefull about my criticisms.
As long as i can follow his actions i have no problem and unless you can show that he deliberately misinforms by not mentioning how images were altered i don't think you have any reason to take such a hostile stance.
The problem is that only the photos were used as evindence of that "large scale plant life", and they did not even looked like large trees to me.
I can understand how people would reject large scale plant life on mars based on photo's alone but since there is so much other data to do with atmospheric density, water activity, methane and other biological markers i take it all to mean that the positive signs of life at first acknowledge, and then dismissed, back in 1976 to have become validated many times over.
I do not wish to deny anything, but I will not accept something just because NASA says the opposite. What I would like to see is real unequivical evidence of life, and I haven't seen anything like that.
Mars has current biological activity and anyone who still wishes to deny it will eventually have to invest in wiping the egg from their faces. What they will at that stage do is just deny that the 'evidence' was in but i for one wont believe them and will take the odd opportunity to mock them for thinking everyone as dull witted as themselves.
They only problem that I really have with Skipper is that he seems to work with a preconception that all that space agencies say is a lie and that what he thinks must be the truth, so he tries to prove that he is right and that the space agencies are wrong instead of trying to see where both are right and wrong to try to reach the truth, that may be something completely different from what he and the space agencies are thinking.
I would be content if you believe as i do that Mr Skipper is in fact trying to spread the truth as he sees it...
No, I do not have any problem in showing that I was wrong, in any subject.
Maybe I haven't had any reason to change my mind about those subjects yet.
And maybe you did but decided that you would look a complete fool to do so at such a late date?
Frankly, I do not give any importance to beliefs, either mine or other people's, they are just a representation of the way we think, and if we can change our minds about any thing why should we keep "glued" to some beliefs?
Hard as i try it's impossible not to have some pride invested in what one believes at a given time and having then propagated such disagreements and beliefs to a larger public does absolutely nothing to aid me in making apologise and accepting due criticism.
I don't think that things must be alive to be interesting, I like geology, for example, so a completely dead planet is still very interesting to me. Seeing the rocks, mountains, craters, etc. may show how the planet evolved as a geologial entity.
But how can the Mars and space as held forward by NASA be considered interesting? According to them, until very recently at least, it's red, freezing and absolutely lifeless?
I am not an imaginative person, maybe that is why I do not like to jump to conclusions based on almost nothing or create theories also less supported than the ones that NASA and other people present and that are consitent with what I see.
Why are they changing their tune at such break neck speed these days and is that why you find it so interesting? If so why not get ahead of their officially position of slowly acknowledging when interested lay people managed to derive from their published science data years or decades ago? What benefit is there to letting NASA lead you by the nose and away from timely realisations of just how wonderfully interesting Mars in fact is?
Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying.
It's funny how all these strange phenomenon 'HAVE' to be either secret pentagon projects or Aliens. The fact that the Russians led the space race for thirty years just does not seem to resonate with many here.
Because I do not have any information about it, but the fact that I do not judge does not mean that I don't think it's wrong to do it, regardless of the reasons behind it, I think that deception is always wrong.
Originally posted by StellarX
Why do you avoid judging it?
Not really, those images are more public-relations than science, the science images (like the ones you can find on the PDS) do not suffer from those problems (at least the ones I have seen).
Sure one may avoid judging people on moral choices ( god is supposed to the judge, at least according to some) but this is SCIENCE where logic and observation is supposed to reign?
I don't have an answer for that, but it is true that NASA photos presented to the public show a redder Mars than the ones I make using their own images.
Why do they keep putting up deceptive images showing 'red' tints saying that it's a 'best estimate' when little to non estimation were required due to design choices made on earth? Why suddenly rob us of information when the tools sent there at such cost are more than able to furnish us with it?
Not exactly, for that I would need a photo of the colour target in the same conditions, under the light of the Sun and not inside some lab.
But you CAN say for sure how it looks because of the color pallet sent along for comparison.
The only problem I have with that is that the lies uncovered must be proved as such, some of the "uncovered lies" that I have seen were just misconceptions from the people who thought were doing an uncovering.
But we can use all the data available and speculate can't we? Why would all the lies and deceptions uncovered have to do with making Mars seem inhospitable to human or other life? Is that not obvious to anyone but me?
Originally posted by ngchunter
That is not why the equipment was sent to mars. It was sent there to explore and map the surface of the planet in ways that would give information as to such things as the mineral content present in the soil. That requires using color filters that will not produce a color image the way the human eye would see color.
Most of the red Mars images resulted from using filters out of the range of human vision. Even recent rover panoramas and close-ups labeled “approximate true color” are made with infrared filters standing in for red. Olivier de Goursac, an imaging technician on the Viking Lander mission, argues that the glut of phony colors is easily avoidable. “NASA’s rovers have the capability for true-color imaging with the left camera eye, but they simply choose to use the L2 filter [infrared] as their red and the L7 filter [near-ultraviolet] for their blue,” he says. “They do this because they want to maximize the data stream by sending back to Earth images that can be readily used for stereo imaging with the widest possible range in the spectrum.”
Levin, a physicist now at Lockheed Martin in Phoenix, knew exactly how to tell if something was amiss. Two years earlier he had written a paper titled “Solving the Color-Calibration Problem of Martian Lander Images.” Like earlier Mars landers, each rover carries a color-calibration target—a set of primary-color squares used as a reference for its cameras. If the settings are correct the, squares seen through the rover’s cameras look about the same as matching squares on Earth. Levin tracked down Mars images that included a view of the colored squares, and what he saw confirmed his fears: “When the color-calibration target is in the same scene as the Martian surface and sky, it looks completely different. The blue panel is red. It’s as if NASA color-coded blue to be red, and green as a mustard-brown color.” The results dramatically transform Mars from an ocher planet to a red one.
The myth of a red Mars should have died in 1998, when the Pathfinder imaging team finished analyzing 17,050 images from the mission. The researchers conclusively showed that the predominant colors of Mars are yellowish brown, with only subtle variations. Subsequent “true color” images of Mars from Hubble duly show a yellow-brown planet. More recently, images from the European Space Agency’s Mars Express orbiter in January and February of 2004 present Mars as a world awash in browns, blues, golds, even olives—hence Ron Levin’s surprise and dismay at seeing the garish old red Mars resurface in the cutting-edge pictures from Spirit and Opportunity
Actually the design choices made on earth require the "true color" to be approximated off of false color filters.
If you wanted to know what color the planet mars is all you need is a telescope on earth. If you want to know what minerals are on mars you need equipment at mars producing false color imagery.
If they were capable of it, all you'd have to do is combine the blue, green, and red raw images into a true color image.
You wouldn't even have to rely on NASA to do it for you. The fact is that those are not the kinds of filters chosen for this mission as it would not produce scientifically valuble data.
Why should NASA be forced to use "human vision" filters when other filters will produce valuable information into mars' past?
Originally posted by StellarX
Originally posted by ngchunter
That is not why the equipment was sent to mars. It was sent there to explore and map the surface of the planet in ways that would give information as to such things as the mineral content present in the soil. That requires using color filters that will not produce a color image the way the human eye would see color.
This i know and obviously there are various filters to enable various means of investigation. Please read the following as you don't seem interested in acknowledging my specific claim:
So a telescope on earth will allow you to see how the martian atmosphere would appear if you were standing on the surface? Why do NASA telescopes still come up with a 'red planet' when that's just a blatant misrepresentation?
They are and beside for the lay public such as yourself this is well known.
All the filters and data were originally included to allow for true color imaging. You have been deceived but acknowledging as much is apparently too hard for some.
Originally posted by ngchunter
Ah, so you're talking about the rovers, not the satellites.
Well, if that's true, go here and assemble the "true color" images yourself.
I think I mentioned in my previous post that this would be possible if you were talking about a mission that brought true color filters, but you seem to have ignored my point.
It's so easy a caveman could do it. Pick a date with plenty of pan cam imagery and find a red green and blue image and make it yourself. It's actually quite addictive to view all these:
I can find images that have exposures at all the needed true color wavelengths, though perhaps not the entire panorama in those wavelengths.
Doesn't matter though if all you're after is seeing mars' true color. I'll help you out. Look at Sol 811 and Sol 814 for Spirit.
Actually it's the common name for the thing. NASA telescopes do not lie about the color as far as I can tell. Looks like rust to my scope too. And yes, ground scopes equiped with spectrometers can detect the composition of the martian atmosphere and tell you what it should look like.
Obviously the telescopes don't lie but then telescopes don't build themselves and they don't adjust themselves to different specifications either. There are amateur photo's, as well as Hubble pictures, that does give us more useful data but they are not the one's you are likely to run into without looking.
It's really not that hard.
And you aren't assembling these RGB images yourself why? So you can whine I guess.
Because frankly i would rather be doing something else such as pointing out the deceptive practices of those who don't do what their paid to do and misrepresents even those few things they do get to.
I thought you were talking about satellite photography of mars, my mistake.
Among many, yes.
As I said, the true color images are there for spirit and opportunity but you seem to have been decieved into believing that they don't exist, yet you won't admit it.
And the Viking; don't forget Viking. Since i have looked at a few photo's i know that the clear blue skies images are in fact available and that the very first Viking images were in fact of clear blue skies before all monitors were adjusted and press releases altered to reflect the new 'red sky' policy.
[edit on 31-7-2008 by StellarX]
Originally posted by StellarX
Originally posted by ngchunter
Ah, so you're talking about the rovers, not the satellites.
You don't say? Why would we want to rely on pictures from satellites when we have rovers that have the capacity? Why would i concentrate on satellites when my sources talks about rovers?
Well, if that's true, go here and assemble the "true color" images yourself.
I don't care if they are true color or not when they lack the ability or make it clear that it isn't but since they are in fact pretending to show 'best aproximations' ( a blatant lie) i feel the need to object to those who wish to defend such lies.
I think I mentioned in my previous post that this would be possible if you were talking about a mission that brought true color filters, but you seem to have ignored my point.
They did bring sufficient equipment to arrive at the images they seem so unable to.
It's so easy a caveman could do it. Pick a date with plenty of pan cam imagery and find a red green and blue image and make it yourself. It's actually quite addictive to view all these:
Oh please. Why don't they just use the right filters when they claim that they are doing the best they can to simulate what we would see?
So can i? What the hell is your point beside feeling a compulsion to respond with more distractions?
I know how it would look as there are in fact a good amount of such images who just don't seem to make it to your Tv screens.
Obviously the telescopes don't lie but then telescopes don't build themselves and they don't adjust themselves to different specifications either. There are amateur photo's, as well as Hubble pictures, that does give us more useful data but they are not the one's you are likely to run into without looking.
Because frankly i would rather be doing something else such as pointing out the deceptive practices of those who don't do what their paid to do and misrepresents even those few things they do get to.
And the Viking; don't forget Viking. Since i have looked at a few photo's i know that the clear blue skies images are in fact available and that the very first Viking images were in fact of clear blue skies before all monitors were adjusted and press releases altered to reflect the new 'red sky' policy.