posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 08:10 AM
A little known fact that is missed in all this is the "law of contracts". There are many "types" of law, (ie. corporate law, tax law,
international law, etc. etc. etc.) and the two types pertinent to OK. are Constitutional Law (common law or lawful) and Civil Law (private or legal).
Both of these fall under the "Law of Contracts" (in latin: pacta sunt servanda, ie: pacts must be kept.) and the above mentioned "types" of law
fall under Civil Law.
The Constitutions of the land are lawful contracts between the people of the land and and those elected (State and Federal) to protect their
rights enumerated in 1st: each States own Bill of Rights and 2nd: the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Conststitution.
Only people can claim constitutional rights. States can't claim constitutional rights. Every agreement entered into by the states with the
federal govt. falls under civil or contractual law. The actual laws that the states and fedral govt. operate under doing day to day business
internally and with each other fall under contractual law and not common law.
The state an federal govts. are "legal entities", not "lawful entities", such as a human being is under common law.
NOW COMES THE BOMBSHELL! 99% of U.S. citizens are no longer subject to constitutional common law because of contracts entered into with both
state and federal govts. and therefore have no const. rights placing themselves under civil law jurisdiction rather than common law jurisdiction.
Think I'm wrong. That drivers license in your wallet is a contract with the state. You no longer have a right to drive, it is a privelege
granted by the state subject to civil law. That social security number is a contract between you and the federal govt. taking you from common law
status to civil law status. File a tax return? The reason you must is because you became a "legal entity" with your S.S. number. File your name with
the military draft board when you were 18? The reason you must is because as a "legal entity" you are subject to the rules and regulations of the
United States of America pursuant to U.S. Code Title etc.
Ever collected unemployment? Welfare? These contracts are seemingly endless. And every one of them supersedes any constitutional rights you think
you have. That holds true for state as well as federal.
And that is the crux....."constitutional rights you THINK you have." The State and Federal governments have comitted the biggest act of fraud
imaginable on the people of America and the great majority don't even know it.
That's why this OK resolution won't hold water. It's full of holes from its inception. What can be done? I won't pretend to have all the
possible solutions (that's what people have minds for) but I will venture one. Class action suits in every state of the land brought in common law
courts charging the state and fderal govts. with fraud by not making full disclosure about the loss of constitutional rights by the signing of
contracts that place the people under a civil law jurisdiction.
This is the only way to clear the air of this juggernaut of government corruption that threatens to place each and all under its tyrannical
power. Short of violence. Sadly, because people are more likely to suffer the wrongs against them than to do anything about them my biggest fear is
the violence people will be forced to resort to as a last resort when the powers that be step out from behind their sheeps clothing and show
themselves for the wolves they really are. By then they will be so secure in their power it will take years of bloody revolt to throw off the chains
that bind.
Before the ususal ones get on and say where's your proof and your links and quotes please know I have no time for your laziness. I am here to
speak what I know to be the truth and that's all. If you really desire the truth you will take joy in seeking it. And you will find it right in your
own home state.