posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 08:18 AM
There are many similar characteristics of CE III and CE IV encounters.When researchers begin to compile the list of similarities they indicate such
things as: the beings claim to have come to examine our world, usually state they come in peace, are a superior race, are able to bring technology
that is beneficial to mankind, many will claim a need to use human DNA to maintain their population, there is often a warning of a soon coming
apocalypse to our planet and a wish to help avoid the disaster.
Many of those contacted are told in no uncertain terms that they are toact in a more or less official capacity as an ambassador or go between from the
aliens to planet Earth. (2) The obvious intention, since so many are told this, is to engender in the contactee a sense of uniqueness andurgency to
the message. Many UFO organizations have been started in this way. A case in point, the Raeleans were started by a French race driver, Claude
Volrilhon he was renamed Rael by his space brothers and was given in his words, "the greatest message ever revealed to humanity."