posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 05:10 PM
File a complaint with the FCC here: The more complaints the FCC receives, the more likely they will be to do
something in response.
Get Mike Reagan Fired For Threatening Mark Dice
On Friday’s Alex Jones Show, San Diego 9/11 truth activist Mark Dice related additional details on the death threat issued against him by
nationally-syndicated radio talk show host and the adopted son of former president Ronald Reagan, Michael Reagan. Dice has filed a report with the FBI
and is considering legal action against Reagan, who called for Dice to be shot as a traitor for daring to launch a campaign to send DVDs and materials
about the September 11, 2001, inside job to the troops in Iraq, activity protected under the First Amendment, which Reagan obviously has nothing but
contempt for.
We should do everything we can to see this man is FIRED!