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What To Do About Obesity?

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posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 07:53 PM
Obesity is the number one health risk in the United States right beside smoking. Obesity is affecting everyone! Obesity is also everywhere; kids and adults are in need of help due to obesity. It is USUALLY due to a very sedentary lifestyle and not eating right. I do know that obesity is in some cases are passed down through genes but that is actually only 10% OF THE CASES!!

Here are the statistics:
*58 Million Overweight; 40 Million Obese; 3 Million morbidly Obese
*Eight out of 10 over 25's Overweight
*78% of American's not meeting basic activity level recommendations
*25% completely Sedentary
*76% increase in Type II diabetes in adults 30-40 yrs old since 1990

I want to know what you guys think about this topic. What should we do? How can we fix it? IS THERE HOPE?!?!?

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 09:35 PM
I have two cousins who are morbidly obese. One died because of cancer of the bile duct and one is still alive but smokes as well. Its just a matter of time before she goes as well. She can hardly walk or breath yet still eats wrong foods and ofcourse smokes as well. Seems like she just cannot stop it and hoping for a magic pill to fix it all. No matter what you say to her she has an opposite answer for it. You ask if anything can be done about it??? well if only we ate correctly which most people cannot or will not do because of all the additives added into the foods we eat to make them fat. I wish there was a magic pill but I don't believe it will ever come. So to answer you I would say NO. Nothing can or will be done to correct this problem.
Thank you.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 10:09 PM

Honestly, the problem is a cultural one. I am not sure what the solution is. If people REALLY want to change, they can do it.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by Brothers

Well I am sure that there is a way to fix the problem but I think that it would involve the obese people to try and lose all the weight or at least some of it. Some people just dont want to lose the weight. Some times it is simple stupidity.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 09:11 PM
What to do? Its a matter of what can and what will be done about obesity? I'll give it to you straight, CRAP = obesity. Without CRAP there is no obesity, there is no diabetes, and everything else that comes as a result of being obese. Now what is CRAP? CRAP is Carbs Refined and Processed. CRAP can be anything from sodas, cupcakes, cookies, beers, spaghetti, etc... You get the point. I guarantee this, with the removal of CRAP from our diet, comes the disappearance of obesity as well as everything associated with it. The question is will this happen? The answer is no.

For anyone who shall deny the claim that CRAP = obesity, look at the diets of people prior to them becoming obese or even their diets now and tell me it doesn't include CRAP. What shocks me to this day is that people still think fat makes them fat when the real villain is CRAP, open your eyes people, I guarantee you anyone who is morbidly obese didn't get that way eating eggs, fatty meats, or dairy. Now I'm not going to get into why CRAP = obesity, I'll leave that up to anyone who reads this, my claims are undeniable, the truth is all around you, fat is your friend, Deny Tomfoolery.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by WiseIsAwoken

Well it is not possible to live without fat. You have to have some degree of fat in your body. When you are not eating your body is feading slowly on your fat.

Diet can change the way but they are not willing to shed the weight.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 08:50 PM
My first suggestion is that if someone is too fat to get up and get their own sandwich, then they should sit there until they are thin enough to do it themself.

It's simple really. That takes care of the most extreme cases right there.

Do not bring them food.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 09:02 PM
I'm not trying to hijack your thread here OP, but here is what I think...

"Let them eat cake!"

Well, not really, that's just the thread title, you'll see why.

The truth is that fat people are literally and intentionally being starved to death. But of course no one believes that, because it doesn't seem to make any sense. And that is exactly why the plan is working so well.

EDIT to add:

[edit on 6/17/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by tpeele
reply to post by WiseIsAwoken

Well it is not possible to live without fat. You have to have some degree of fat in your body. When you are not eating your body is feading slowly on your fat.

Diet can change the way but they are not willing to shed the weight.

Of course, I never said it is possible to live without fat, where did I say that? If anything I encouraged it to be eaten. It is true however that if you're not eating, your body is feeding off your fat, but thats only if it has depleted its glucose stores first, which would mean you're being starved or you're depriving yourself of glucose in order to switch over to a fat metabolism or ketone metabolism which is vastly superior.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 11:59 PM
But how do we stop it from happening? I went to an amusement park last summer (I apologize if this offends anyone! Best Regards! ) and there were these to kids in front of my family and I. These KIDS could not fit through the turnstiles!! It was embarrassing to ME to see these 12 and 13 year old kids this overweight; I could understand if they had a condition like Diabetes or something. But kids are getting more accustomed to sedentary lifestyles (not me of course). Another case I saw was where I saw this (I am taking a estimate here) 7 or 8 year old child who looked like she could barely walk because of the amount of fat her body had. Her dad was no better. I think that parents are mostly to blame. If you are an overweight parent that does not encourage physical activity then it is your fault that your child is obese. Parents need to be educated on the way that their kids should be put into some sort of physical activity. Parents should be stopped. They are the killers of the skinny people!!

[edit on 6/18/2008 by tpeele]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by WiseIsAwoken
CRAP is Carbs Refined and Processed. CRAP can be anything from sodas, cupcakes, cookies, beers, spaghetti, etc...

I had to log in for this one.. a long time lurker..

As for the above portion of the quote, this also includes anything made with wheat, corn, and rice. It's one thing if you're going out picking it and threshing wheat yourself, then making your bannock yourself, but all of the above is processed now. Not enough nutrients to feed a starving bird.

Keep your insulin levels and blood sugar steady and you won't feel hungry all the time. The best way to do this is eat Protein and fat. Even some fruit and vegetables can mess you up. Corn, carrots, apples, and bananas are my personal offenders. They make me crash within an hour of consuming.

I have a family history of diabetes but now that I'm a carnivore, I have the steadiest blood sugar. When I used to have blood sugar problems, I could gain and lose 5-6 pounds in a day. Now I work out 6 days a week 'cause the protein/fat combo means I'm burning ketones instead of using the glucose.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by tpeele

Here are a few things everyone should know:

1.) Do not obsess over it.
(It may seem irrelevant, but it's not. It's the first step towards a healthy attitude that will lead the person in the right direction.)

2.) Have a teaspoon of cinnamon every day or so (in drinks, food etc.) - more, if you like.
(It will not only lower the blood sugar and control insulin levels, but also prevent colds and such.)

3.) Have the equivalent of a glass or two of tomato every day.

5.) Drink at least four glasses of water - in SMALL SIPS, over the day.
(You can put the cinnamon in it. It's delicious!)

6.) Take up yoga. (Yes: yoga.)
It may be one of the most important and life-enhancing decisions of your life.

7.) If you haven't done so, dump prepackaged snacks, especially fried ones.

8.) Find where you can cut 500 calories from your daily diet. It's easier than you think.

And I'll end by repeating: do not obsess over your weight.

[edit on 18-6-2008 by Vanitas]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by Vanitas

Well how do we get that into the masses? The thread is about preventing obesity. How to prevent it by the masses? We can start small but we have to get this stuff out! This is U.S.'s main health problem! It is unecessary.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 05:26 PM
I hear on the news that there is great concern about this obesity epidemic.
I Don't think there is concern for the health of the people. After all they are a big money maker for the new diets pills.

If TPTB were really conerned. There would be a ban on all unnecessary additives in our food and water. There would be TV programming that would influence watchers with a healthy self image. The hero/heroin should be health conscious.

This self image by itself can go a long way. I developed mine in my teen years. It worked to the extent that I could pig out from time to time and never gain weight. I am the same 110 to 112 pounds that I have been my whole adult life, and I have been around for a long time. I used to sit at work and eat a whole bag of snickers bars in an afternoon, and then go home and eat a hearty dinner. I did this day after day much to the amazement of all my coworkers. I never had to adjust my wardrobe.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by WiseIsAwoken
What to do? Its a matter of what can and what will be done about obesity? I'll give it to you straight, CRAP = obesity. Without CRAP there is no obesity, there is no diabetes, and everything else that comes as a result of being obese. Now what is CRAP? CRAP is Carbs Refined and Processed. CRAP can be anything from sodas, cupcakes, cookies, beers, spaghetti, etc... You get the point. I guarantee this, with the removal of CRAP from our diet, comes the disappearance of obesity as well as everything associated with it. The question is will this happen? The answer is no........

/cue thundering round of applause!!

You hit the nail on the head! I have personally dropped over 30LBS in 2 months by severly lowering my sugar, cholesterol and sodium intake due to high blood pressure. I have pretty much eliminated all fast food from my diet.

The #1 thing obese people can do to make a dramatic change in their body for the better is to STOP EATING SO MUCH SUGAR! We are not meant to eat like humming birds. Start with fast food and sodas. Heck... this alone is enough. Eat more steamed veggies and fish. Get off the 12 pack of beer for dinner diet... this means you Mr. Construction worker guy!! Beer is basicly liquid bread... sugar and carbs.

Since I changed my eating habits I actually crave the foods that I have now chosen to eat. My body wants it and no longer recoils from it. Steamed fish over veggies on rice. Artichokes sauteed with whole garlic. Eating more fruits.etc.etc. It really isnt hard to do!

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Creedo

Well we aren't adressing the problem in this thread. I think we need to start educating parents about how harmful obesity is to our future generations. It should be up to the parent(s) if the child is to get obese or not. Parents should be blamed.

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