posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 06:30 PM
I've watched Meet the Press with Tim Russert now for about four years with a cup of coffee and my day's work to plan. He absolutely encouraged my
addiction to politics and foreign affairs, and to this day i have not forgiven him.
I don't know what to do with this void in my heart. I feel kind of silly because while i've never met him, i do feel as though i've known him. The
way he talks about everything, with complete naked honesty and innocence. He was like a kid at Disneyworld, every time I ever saw him talk. It was
his enthusiasm for politics that drew me in, and now he has left us all.
I'm a bit ashamed of you few who think this was some kind of conspiracy. As someone who has seen him on camera (and with makeup) for the last four
years, he has been looking worse very recently, within the last six months. The job brings a great deal of stress, and i'm positive he wasn't the
healthiest eater in the world. Everyone has their day and this extraordinarily busy man had his.
I believe the ambulance arrived for Tim around 1.35PM eastern time, and news broke at approximately 3:30PM eastern. Two medical units arrived, one
took about fifteen minutes and the other took just three, which is a great response time.
The reason they can only give a probable cause of death is because there hasn't been time for a formal autopsy. They can assume why he died, and they
can be 99% sure. But they're not going to give us an official cause of death until an autopsy is performed.
It's a very sad day. I'm not concerned about Ron Paul's Campaign for Freedom and whether or not this will interfere. If this is the year, then this
is the year. I think the revolution is here!