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Why You Should Question the Official Explanation of the Collapse of WTC Towers 1, 2, and 7 on 911

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posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:15 PM

Why you should question the official explanation of the collapse of WTC towers 1, 2, and 7 on 911

See " Where are our scientists in America?
on this blog for my rant on the fecklessness of our government bought and paid for "academics" in the United States. Harsh criticism indeed but since it is fair the criticism stands. The following video shows one of a handful of academics with the courage and brains to take the "Sledgehammer Hypothesis" apart quickly. Where are the rest? Busy I suppose - but doing what? The gentleman in the video shows it doesn't take much time at all to debunk the government fairytale. So why hasn't it been done already? Politics obviously - but if our academics don't keep the politics out of science - who will?

Please watch the video with an open mind. It is time for Americans to face this ugliness - we were lied to about 911. The science will catch up with this crime and we will have the truth. I wonder if more scientists in our country were not so beholden to the military industrial complex if the truth wouldn't be so evasive?

Google Video Link

[edit on 13-6-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 08:46 PM
Thanks for posting this. Interesting stuff debunking the "sledgehammer" hypothesis.

I'm so used to frustration with this subject matter and the rate of it's acceptance by the public, particularly the "establishment" that I can't bring myself to think that momentum for 9/11 truth is growing, but I certainly hope it is.

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