+8 more
posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 11:04 AM
I just spoke with Dr. Edward V. Browell who has a 31-year career as a research scientist at NASA and works at the NASA Langley Research Center. Mr.
Browell is an awarded Fellow of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and is only the second current Langley employee to be awarded that honor.
I ask him about his views on the UFO phenomena. I told him first that I personally believe that most UFO sightings from the 1940's to the present
are misidentified atmospheric and space phenomena, hoaxes, regular aircraft, and top secret military aircraft, while approx 10-20% of UFOs sightings
remain unidentified and seem to defy our current laws of physics and show signs of possessing a level of technology far beyond anything we humans are
capable of producing. I told him I think NASA should be more open with the public regarding UFOs and do more research on the subject and inform the
public of the full truth.
There was about a 10 second pause/silence after I stated that and then he said he agreed with me. He seemed open to the possibility that some UFOs
are of Extraterrestrial origin. He didn't have to say that but he did. He said he never really researched the subject in any kind of serious in
depth manner, but believes that it's quite possible that intelligent ET life exists and that it might be visiting Earth. I asked him if I could
email him some information but he declined. He pointed out that the Moon revolves around with the Earth so that we only see one side of the Moon. I
found that odd for him to say. I asked him about the face on Mars if he thought it might be an ancient alien artifact and he said there are many
things in the Universe and in our Solar System which we don't fully understand.
All in all it was a nice short conversation and I thanked him for taking the time to speak with me.
[edit on 13-6-2008 by ufo reality]