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George W Bush might convert to Catholicism

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posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 09:30 AM
I have manly held the historicist View that the Pope/Catholicism is the seat of the Antichrist/False prophet

Here we see that Bush might follow Blair and convert to Catholicism?

What do Bible based Christians think of this?

read the full article here

Is Catholicism growing in stature in its long lost strongholds? No Monarch can be a Catholic here in the UK but how much influence does the RCC have at/in the UN?

If the monarchy was to be dropped, how big of a step is this towards a catholic rule here in the UK? What would that signal to protestants?

I'm not sure if the two links above have any connection but as a Christian
I'm concerned.

all the best


posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 09:33 AM
sorry Mods should this now be in another section???????

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 10:02 AM
Bush is already Christian: Tony Blair was a atheist beforehand. I don't think he will be switching over to Catholicism.
For that matter, Catholics are Christian, and are based on the Bible to.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 10:06 AM

i believe many catholics are, however IMHO Catholicism isnt.


posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by RuneSpider

Oh and Blair wasn't an athiest

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 11:12 AM
Dubya converting to Catholicism would be like a sumo wrestler joining weight watchers. It's a mildly funny subject, but you know it's just not going to happen - or help.


While I am sure that God and his kid have come down from heaven to speak to you over coffee, granting you and you alone the amazing power to declare several million people to not be Christian in one feel swoop, think perhaps you could keep your blessed, divine power of religion-wide excommunication from your God's graces to yourself? It might make some people envious that they lack such an intimate connection with the guy.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 11:16 AM
What has Bush converting to catholicism to do with religious demographics in the united kingdom?

Asides from that, i'm inclined to believe this is nothing more than an attempt from Georgey Boy to garner more popularity among the christian faith by becoming more fundamental in his beliefs (perhaps not...), which ultimately just goes to show how much more power the church has over the white house.

Victims of our own insane greed for popularity, i swear.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 11:29 AM
lo there

where did i say people wasnt?

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 11:45 AM
I would go with SATANISM as a past time for these groups, look for it as a alien front (for these) other worldly beings. Why believe in god when you can energize this world with that energy level. Stir up some old energies of Earth that lay dormant. Spirits can effect the mental emotional field of a human being. Deceased beings of other world natures. Satanism deals with the lower chakras and deals with survival, so does the predatorial energy that goes with it. Create a certain enviroment for those beings to play in and I'm sure the big bossess of the Dark side of space will show.

This is a (field of energy) battleground for Earth.

Just food for thought.

Now remember don't bow down and kiss (the popes feet) just yet it aint over till its over. Remember he is god, LOL..

[edit on 13-6-2008 by menguard]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 10:18 AM
There was something posted recently about a plot by the Vatican to make contact with an advanced 'nordic' species of aliens who would reveal evidence that the catholic church is the 'true' religion. This contact was to be used to manipulate the masses, clearing up the many contradictions and absurd inconsistencies in catholic doctrine with a consolidated and reinvigorated christ-story to propel the church into the next millenium as the NWO religion. This plot was part of the overall bluebeam manoeuvre iirc. Hitler himself would have been proud of such a devious and sophisticated operation.

If Bush suddenly converts like Bush did and the UK parliament allows for catholic monarchs, I will certainly put more credence in the above notion. I'll ask the pope myself when he visits in a few weeks

edit: Whoa! Jeb Bush has already converted...
This should be reposted in alternative news imo.

[edit on 16-6-2008 by Shar_Chi]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 10:30 AM
Do Bush really looks like as a Christian on these pictures?

Yup, the Talmud is in his hand.

Do Tony Blair really looks like as an Athesit or a Christian on these pictures?

And no, none of the Christians ever would pick up that funny Jewish hat, even if they're visiting Israel. And no, none of the Christians would ever celebrate Hanuka too.

So, tell me again, why do Bush and Blair turned to Catholic so suddenly, after they left and leaving their office? I believe the answer is pretty simple. They never was Christians or Catholics before.

[edit on 16-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 12:35 PM
Tony Blair "converted" to catholicism as a pre-requisite to becoming a member of the Knights of Columbus, the global "top-tier" of Freemasonry. This order is only open to catholics. Thus becoming a Papal Diplomat, along with a Vatican passport which provides for (global) diplomatic immunity.
It is probably the only way that Blair can escape arrest as he travels the world. Watch Junior follow this path too.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by drevill

British Protestants make me laugh. The Pope/Vatican is satanism, yet the supreme leader of the Anglican church is the Monarch because God told Henry 8th that since he couldn't get a divorce, that he should just start his own church. That would also be why the monarch cannot be a catholic, hard to be the supreme leader of the Anglican church while subscribing to a different philosophy.

I would love to see some proof of the Pope being satanic though, that would be edutaining.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by drevill

Converting to Catholicism might be smartest thing he ever does. His brother Jeb has already converted to Catholicism. Being a Catholic might help him in Paraguay ,but it will not make the East coast Catholics any less thirsty for his blood. It will be interesting to see what comes of this. The Masonic southern Protestants will not be happy if Bush does convert.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Tony Blair "converted" to catholicism as a pre-requisite to becoming a member of the Knights of Columbus, the global "top-tier" of Freemasonry. This order is only open to catholics. Thus becoming a Papal Diplomat, along with a Vatican passport which provides for (global) diplomatic immunity.

1 - Knights of Columbus are NOT freemasons.
2 - Knights of Columbus are NOT Papal Diplomats
3 - Knights of Colubmus do NOT receive Vatican passports.

oy :shk:

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 01:03 PM

Im non denominational and FYI the Anglican Church is Catholicism with a few additions and subtractions, and IMHO is almost as bad


posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 04:03 PM
Honestly, these two presidents lives in great delusions. They're believing that if they're Christians, no one will harm them. Well. Christians are not going to kill Christians. Yes, that's true. But the problem is... the Muslims will go rightfully after them and I hope they will succeed. So, honestly... why don't you simply stay as a Zionist. You don't have to make this circus with the religions, because your soul is not going to change because of it.

[edit on 16-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 04:08 PM
From Satanism to Catholic???

This man needs a straight jacket- i cant wait till its over.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Rook1545

The reason why the Monarchs couldn't be Catholic stems from the 17th century, not from Henry VIII's reign, as many monarchs that followed him were certainly Catholic.

What caused the ban on catholic Monarchs was the fact that when they were Catholic, it was detrimental to the realm due to them following direction from the Pope, amongst other things.

Go read up on the Bill of Rights 1689 and the Act of Succession.

EDIT: Oh, Blair was best described as Anglo-Catholic, that is he was Anglican but sympathetic to the Roman Church. His wife has always been a Catholic. Saying he was Atheist prior to his "conversion" to catholicism he had discussed his religious beliefs before.

In an interview with Michael Parkinson broadcast on ITV1 on 4 March 2006, Blair referred to the role of his Christian faith in his decision to go to war in Iraq, stating that he had prayed about the issue, and saying that God would judge him for his decision:[66] "I think if you have faith about these things, you realise that judgement is made by other people … and if you believe in God, it's made by God as well."

[edit on 16/6/08 by stumason]

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