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Vans With Explosives Confirmed on September 11th

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posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by Black_Fox
I had often heard bits and pieces of this story.
But until recently,I couldnt find any hard evidence proving it.
Until now.
It has to be asked,why this isnt refered to,when it comes to the events of 9/11.
Why is this swept under the rug?
Who were in those vans,and why is so little known about this event?

Sounds like the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, which also involved a van with explosives.

On February 26, 1993, a 1,200-pound bomb in a van exploded in the parking garage beneath the World Trade Center. This was the most destructive terrorist attack carried out on U.S. soil up to that time, killing six people, injuring more than a thousand, and causing half a billion dollars in damage. If the van had been parked a few feet closer to one of the pillars, it could have collapsed an entire tower of the Trade Center, killing tens of thousands.



to name but a few links.


posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by nexusmagazine
If the van had been parked a few feet closer to one of the pillars, it could have collapsed an entire tower of the Trade Center, killing tens of thousands.

"could have" -- says some source.

Based on what?

There were a number of "pillars" holding the buildings up on that level, that were all separated by spaces of several feet anyway, and none of them even had to be replaced after that bombing. It only destroyed the floors.

Another thing not mentioned is that the scientists who "studied" the kind of bomb it was, testified in court to being pressured by federal agents to conclude that it was a certain type of bomb (the one you mention), for which there was little to no evidence. They ended up folding to the pressure, but there was no reconsideration of what it really was even after that testimony. One of the scientist's names was Whitehurst, and you can probably find more on Google using that name. The actual verbatim testimony is online somewhere.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by bsbray11

Yeah, sorry, that paragraph was actually from one of the links below it. I am not suggesting everything those links say is true, and I agree with your post above.


posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:47 AM
This will be spun and diverted and clouded with misinformation by the typical sources but be it known, many of us know 9-11 was an inside job, a CIA Black Op, a False Flag that the Bush family and others connected to them were all in on. Justice will come and everything that has been done to destroy our constitution and this countrt will be paid for np matter where they run and hide.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by nexusmagazine

I know, I was just throwing that out there because probably not a lot of people know much about the 1993 bombing.

The FBI was also in contact with the "terrorist cell" they blamed it on, through a man named Emad Salem (another Google search for anyone interested). He ended up becoming suspicious of what the FBI was actually using him for, and started taping the conversations he had with them, which is probably the only reason this information is public today. They gave him a live bomb to give to the "extremists," suggesting that they had to have it in their possession in order to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. Of course the bombing actually occurred and then the FBI basically claimed incompetence. The FBI was pretty much egging on a group of Muslims using Salem as a proxy the whole time.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 04:46 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
reply to post by nexusmagazine

I know, I was just throwing that out there because probably not a lot of people know much about the 1993 bombing.

The FBI was also in contact with the "terrorist cell" they blamed it on, through a man named Emad Salem (another Google search for anyone interested). He ended up becoming suspicious of what the FBI was actually using him for, and started taping the conversations he had with them, which is probably the only reason this information is public today. They gave him a live bomb to give to the "extremists," suggesting that they had to have it in their possession in order to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. Of course the bombing actually occurred and then the FBI basically claimed incompetence. The FBI was pretty much egging on a group of Muslims using Salem as a proxy the whole time.

Agreed, and this 'pattern' of using extremists is evident in many similar cases both in the USA, UK and here in Australia.

We had our own Hilton Bombing, which to this day is 'unresolved' in terms of court-allocated final guilt. I happen to have inside information on it, which is not generally known, and without boring you with endless details, the same pattern emerged:
- a disgruntled Ananda Marga member in prison floats the idea of killing a visiting Indian Prime Minister or similar; talks about it to several people (including a friend of mine); doesn't find much support; and drops the idea. My friend reported the plot at the time to the authorities, who told him to go away and forget about it - they would handle it. They sent in some moles, who soon found out the plot was long dropped. They then decided to continue the plot, WITHOUT the knowledge of the rest of the group, whom they attempted to guide into the right place at the right time for the bombing to occur and implicate them. Talk about stuffing it up - the idiots even managed to blow up innocent police, and that is after waving on others from the bomb due to go off. They framed a couple of people enough to get charges, got some junkie to commit perjury, and after quite a while in jail, some quite innocent people were let out. The poor buggers have little idea of what really happened to this day.
The reason for this plot? The security and intelligence forces wanted more resources and more power - simple as that.

All fringe groups are infiltrated, and these moles are usually the ones inciting violent and extreme acts, and/or the ones that organise innocent members to be framed for other such acts. I've seen it over and over and over and over ...



posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 06:07 AM
Good thread

I usually read these ones but rarely post on them.

This one got my attention though..

As someone mentioned already, I too remember hearing about vans with explosives being stopped prior to hitting the bridge(s).

What ever became of them???

Back to the first audio.

It would help if it had a time stamp of some type, to prove it 'somewhat' authentic, although it sounds very believable... 9/11 and Skepticism go hand and hand now-a-days.

If the audio is in fact legit, what was situation with the 'Remote Controlled Plane' packed with explosives?

It was mentioned several times from the middle to the end, but nothing else seemed to be reported on it.

Would this have been related to the events that day? if so, how would they know it was 'packed' with explosives? (Great TRAINING situation though)

I also find the van with the logo/mural on the side depicting the infamous '911 Scene' hard to believe. Not that it couldn't be true, just why draw attention to yourself if you were about to do exactly that?

I would think a typical unassuming van or truck would be the way to go, not something with an eye-catching scene on it.

All in all, the tapes seem genuine enough, but without some concrete backup information it is hard to validate.

It still amazes me as well sorrows me when I here 'actual' recordings of what transpired on and before the explosions that day.

People carrying out their regular, day to day routines, with no knowledge of what was going to unfold.

I wonder when I hear tapes like the first one with the dispatcher and other officers, How many of them might have lost their lives that day...

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by Grailkeeper

As someone mentioned already, I too remember hearing about vans with explosives being stopped prior to hitting the bridge(s).

What ever became of them??

If the audio is in fact legit, what was situation with the 'Remote Controlled Plane' packed with explosives?

It was mentioned several times from the middle to the end, but nothing else seemed to be reported on it.

The tape is authentic and from 9/11. From what I gathered, there was a series of alternate plans, one of them was the van packed with explosives. The reason for this and having the guys caught was to have them admit they were Palestinian's.

If the planes didnt make their target, there was going to be van bombs explosion at the WTC anyways!

"They have reason to believe that one of the explosions at the wtc was caused by a van loaded with explosives......:

[edit on 13-6-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 02:33 PM
What no stupid reply in attempt to debunk authentic sources?

nice... victory is our already

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