Whether the OP's link is a bunch of whackos or not, I've suddenly had a rekindled interest in the subject of Kurt Cobain's death. I've read
Kurt's notebook thing, which by the way was compiled with the help of Courtney Love... and I've read a lot of biographies about Kurt. I worshipped
that guy as my God for many years. I still love him and miss his presence.
Anyway, lately I've had this problem with both the theory that Courtney alone was responsible for Kurt's death AND that he committed suicide. I
don't believe either of them. He was killed, obviously... but this "suicide job" has too many eerie similarities with other more obvious CIA
"suicide jobs", such as Phil Schneider, James Forrestal, etc.
Researched supposed CIA hits often show that the perpetrators often seem to have such an arrogance that they can get away with it because it's their
job and they have immunity as long as they can get in and out without being caught, that they often overlook details. An example would be the Phil
Schneider case. He was found to have been suffocated to death with medical tubing... but he did that to himself. James Forrestal had jumped to his
death from the balcony of the hospital he had been committed to, yet somehow the door to the balcony had been locked from the inside... amazing mental
powers James must have had, and amazing he would use them at such inappropriate and pointless times.
It seems that drugged out crazed people hiring hitmen would be a little more paranoid, and the hitmen themselves would be quite a bit more thorough in
making it seem like an open and shut suicide case. If I had been a professional hitman being paid an entire year's salary to kill someone and make it
look like a suicide, I would've made damn sure there were no questionable loose ends.
Now, in Kurt's case, there was a couple of BIG problems. Had he used the shotgun to kill himself, his entire head would have been mangled beyond
recognition, but the person who photographed his body and his photo ID said that he was easily recognizable. The shotgun was found laying on his
chest, as if just being set there gently. Remember, the gun was FIRED, and anyone who's shot a shotgun knows that the recoil is a bit of a jerker.
That gun would at most be only partially propped upon his body... because it's most likely that the recoil would've made the gun bounce and land
slightly askew of where it was fired... not laid neatly on top of the body. There was a tidiness about the whole crime scene. No clear figerprints. A
nice tidy heroin kit, a nice convenient suicide note.... actually two notes, one which has never been made public.... possibly because it may have
been addressed to a specific family member, but also possibly due to it being too ridiculous to claim as evidence without someone seriously
questioning it... like the supposed miraculous superman passport which was found and later retracted in connection with the 9/11 "attacks". I know
the minds of drug addicts and desperate or sneaky people. They would think that leaving a room TOO tidy would be suspicious, so they would throw
things around, make a mess, leave the heroin equipment sloppily everywhere. Drug addicts are desperate, not idiots.
Another highly suspect thing that I do not believe a crazed widow of a FAMOUS RICH ROCK STAR could get away with doing is bribing the King County
Police Department to do such shoddy investigative work. Anybody else, and they do a full investigation, combing each little facet of the crime scene
for possible evidence of foul play. As you can see with the Phil Specter case, not even fame and fortune can get you off the hook. Courtney Love
being the next to nobody besides "Kurt's Wife" that she was, should've been questioned thoroughly once the police noticed the lack of figerprints
and the inconsistencies in the handwriting and the severely lethal heroine dosage coupled with the tidiness of everything... but no, they went in with
a preconceived notion and it was pretty much open and shut. To this day, the KCPD refuses to open the case back up, despite the overwhelming evidence
of foul play. Any regular joe comes in and has new information about a suicide case of an affluent suburban white guy, and they give the guy their
undivided attention. I don't think Courtney was in any position of fame at that time to have any swaying power over a whole police jurisdiction.
I'm not saying she was completely innocent, either. I think she was planted in Kurt's life as a psychological component to whoever's plan this was.
Greg Sage, lead singer of perhaps Kurt's (and definitely mine) favorite band The Wipers did an interview a while back where he talked about the
record companies and their shady behavior, along with his slight suspicion about Kurt's death. It seems to me Greg was indirectly implying that he
thinks the Record Industry murdered Kurt because he was going to quit the business and go back to his indie roots. Hre's a link and a quote or
Interview with Greg Sage of The Wipers
"Smokebox: You’ve mentioned Kurt Cobain in some of your past interviews, and he produced the "14 Songs for Greg Sage and the Wipers" CD; things
didn’t end up too pleasantly for him, either. It seems that the big industry push in the nineties that had Nirvana as the next big thing, it seems
that was just too much for him to handle. You knew him personally, didn’t you?
Sage: Yeah.
Smokebox: Do you think that was a big part of it, that the industry tried to make a big money machine out of his band?
Sage: Well, I can’t really speculate other than what he said to me, which was, he wasn’t at all happy about it, success to him seemed like, I
think, a brick wall. There was nowhere else to go but down, it was too artificial for him, and he wasn’t an artificial person at all. He was
actually, two weeks after he died, he was supposed to come here and he wanted to record a bunch of Leadbelly covers. It was kind of in secret,
because, I mean, people would definitely not allow him to do that. You also have to wonder, he was a billion-dollar industry at the time, and if the
industry had any idea at all of him wishing or wanting to get out, they couldn’t have allowed that, you know, in life, because if he was just to get
out of the scene, he’d be totally forgotten, but if he was to die, he’d be immortalized.
Smokebox: That’s quite a statement. "
There's more just below the quoted text that is interesting...
It is of my opinion that the Corporations, the Secret Societies, The Elite, the "Illuminati", all the Covert Alphabet agencies of the world... are
all one and the same, controlled by the same people... so be it the record industry that killed Kurt for profit, or be it the CIA that killed Kurt
because he was an MK gone astray, I'm not sure... but I'm leaning towards a bit of both and a bit more.
Let me explain a little bit more. First of all, Kurt had had a drug problem for a few years before he became famous. Krist Novoselic has said that
Kurt first told him that he was doing heroin in 1989, and heroin isn't something you are proud of... so I'll bet he had been doing it for more like
a year prior to that.
My friend Jason, a very talented guy not so dissimilar to Kurt Cobain which is why this is all the more personal, is also a heroin addict. I haven't
talked to him in about a year, but the last time I talked to him, he had been having trouble finding a place to live and trouble holding a job...which
Kurt also had many problems with... and every few months or so, he volunteers to go to Missouri to be part of some in his very own words government
"MKULTRA experiments". In return, they give him a 2 month free room and board, 3 doses of morphine and 10 cigarettes a day, and around 3000 bucks.
For a down and out drugged up musician, that's like heaven.
I don't have much more room in this post, so I'll continue the story in the next post...