posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by mikesingh
I agree with what you have said here Mike. I have studied this lately. My darkest fear is that the 2012 end of OUR time involves the emergence of
aliens. 2012 has been predicted to be the return of Quetzalcoatl.... an Aztec sky & creator God , a feathered birdlike serpent.... um that sounds a
lot like an alien to me but maybe i am just putting together the puzzle pieces that I have!
I hope i'm wrong about this one. I have heard a few conspiracy theories about world wide governments in cahoots with aliens for world domination.
They keep the ET existence a secret to keep humans from having a consciousness shift where we become enlightened spiritually & to know our power, that
we have the power with positive thinking & affirmations to create anything we want and I agree with you yes we could create a positive outcome to
whatever happens in 2012. These governments want us to remain ignorant and to buy buy buy, like sheep.
I saw a truly horrifying video from a guy who said basically our governments ARE in cahoots with aliens, that he felt in the next 20 30 years (& from
when he spoke this timing coincides with 2012) aliens would emerge to enslave us. YIPES Also that this would only happen after the government killed
off most of us with biological weapons, germs etc. YIPES this reminds me of "The happening" by M Night Shamanlan.
Here is a wikipedia link on that theorist: He predicted his murder for speaking about this and he was indeed
found dead in 1996. His dad was puportedly part of nuclear weapons tests in Operation Crossroads and the Philadelphia Experiment.
Despite this gloomy evidence i try to stay hopeful & positive and am working on my own spiritual enlightenment!