reply to post by cosmicpixie
I will try and make this simple; there was a war between two brothers (gods) that were allotted two third of the earth.
These are the two brothers that had control over what is now considered the Caucasian and Asian territories.
The Asian territory was much larger at this time, it covered one third of the earth, and it stretched along the shores to the location of the great
pyramids of Egypt.
It stretched to the location where the three races met. (three kings)
Ea wanted his descendants to have the knowledge of the most high because he married out of his family….
He married someone born on the surface of the earth after the global disaster which happened 13,000 years ago.
In being married and having children, he wanted his children to grow up with the knowledge he had…
He not only broke the pure bloodline, but he was telling them the family secrets.
To these “people”, that was not allowed… The earth belonged to one family….. And it still does today…
This went on for several thousand years, generation after generation these things were passed down, before the First World War in the time before the
Enlil was the first fallen angel by the way, before he was allotted his part of the earth he was thrown out of the heavens for raping his half sister.
Heaven at this time did not necessarily mean a place in the sky; it has been pushed for you to believe so though in modern times by their MSM.
Anyways, later, Enlil’s people killed off most of his brothers’ friends and family, and Enlil was raised to the status of “most high” (god).
Ea’s people didn’t go anywhere; they were killed by the ignorant people that believed the lies of the ancient MSM, just like the masses of today
do their modern MSM.
When Enlil became the god of the bible, (he was long dead by the way) the descendants of Enlil declared all the remaining descendants of Ea to be
killed as “fallen angels” (followers of Satan/the serpent/Asians) because they still possessed the knowledge of the “tree of life” that was
passed to Ea’s children and family that was not of the pure bloodline...
Thats why the Asians have the most pyramids, you were never told, and why they built the great wall of China...
That’s all Enlil's people (the god of the bible) have been doing since before the time of the flood. Trying to make sure you never understood why
these religions were put into place…
If you were to ever find out, you would have the knowledge of the people that are in charge of our lives today, your family could be god.
There not flying anywhere and coming back, most of these things you speak of are all Sitchen based.
These people are here, and they have been here every since “we” first arrived on this planet.
“we are the aliens”
And where do you get this 50’s idea? The family of Enlil put this plan in place back when Enlil was still alive.
Also, where do you keep getting this idea that these people were stationed on Mars?
Did you look at the tree of life that Paraniod?? posted?
Do you really think it was aliens that would have to keep something like that secret?
Any family could keep that secret and they have...
They have went out of their way to lie, cheat, steal and kill.
The fallen angels of the bible were the ones trying to tell us about it.
Both the artifacts found from the perspective of the followers of Enlil and dating to the time after Enlil was elevated to god cannot be trusted….
What year are you referring?
P.S. cant watch the video, do not have high speed internet.
[edit on 16-5-2009 by Brandon Levon]