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Old World Secrets the Omega Project Codes

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posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 04:22 PM
I've read part of the Omega Code book. It's very poorly written, with numerous simple grammatical errors and poor spelling. It's rambling, disjointed, and presents no real contribution to any knowledgeable or intelligent person.

It's a "conspiracy theory" book, but I can't really figure out what the author is trying to say -- I'm not sure he knows either.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by nisei

Thanks Nisei, feel free to poke through some of my threads, I have several that are related to the topic at hand.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by nisei
I was wondering what everyone makes of this post called "Window of Opportunity"

Window of Opportunity

It is a long read, but it is about a person claiming to be from a bloodline family telling us what is going to happen here soon during the upcoming harvest.

Yes, I have read through that thread. Seems credible to me. There is another thread called shards of the illuminatti, that ones also a very good read.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
I've read part of the Omega Code book. It's very poorly written, with numerous simple grammatical errors and poor spelling. It's rambling, disjointed, and presents no real contribution to any knowledgeable or intelligent person.

It's a "conspiracy theory" book, but I can't really figure out what the author is trying to say -- I'm not sure he knows either.
Yet you did not even read it, are you the same idiot that was on here before? We know, the part that you did understand is against your religious beliefs. Maybe the problem is it takes a person with at least an average IQ to put it together.

[edit on 11-11-2008 by The Stand]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by nisei

Hi Nisei,
I read through that thread you recommended and regardless of who he is or isn't, the "message" was interesting. I've had plenty of times when I've sat back and viewed things from a more philosophical perspective and can appreciate what he's saying on the one , our souls chose to incarnate down here and in a way it's all just a "game" as we don't really die, our time here is temporary, etc.....

At the same time though if one remained as detached as this all of time, we might never try to "do" anything about what's going on, one could just get complacent . I still think it worth trying to get to the truths of the matter then passing knowledge on to others, especially given the world they seem to have lined up for future generations will likely involve things like brain chips that can control /read ones thoughts, mind programming to control ones beliefs and perhaps even actions, etc....

I'm not convinced about this "ascension" stuff in 2012 though, it sounds a little far out to me and I am a very open minded person ! Do people really believe that come 21-12-2012 there will be millions vanishing in the twinking of an eye to go and live out the rest of their days on a copy of this earth that has a higher vibration than this current one ?! Personally I'm more inclined to believe that if there are any "vanishings" they will be people taken en masse by aliens......but that's just me..........who knows eh

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 10:27 AM
Brandon, I found this link well ago and have to say it reminded me of the first conclusion of your first Milky Way theory. I hate to say it because it was a scary thought but it seems you may have been right. If this is the case, it seems our most intelligent scientists are just now catching up with you on some

[edit on 11-11-2008 by seek4 truth]

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by nisei
I just thought I would touch base as to what has gone on since my last post. Amazon says our inventory count is wrong and even though both companies had the same record up until they took out the money, at present time they insist we also made the same mistake up until they found it. On a better note, they did find the missing books that they said arrived as books about cheese. At this time it is still a flip of the coin as to whether the book will still be sold through them or not. I am not going to touch on the subject any further unless I can tie them in with the people at the top, if you see it sold there or do not, you know what happened.

I have recently been working on another project in hopes of getting into the mainstream. Because of this I will probably be posting a lot less due to it taking up almost every second of free time I have. When and if I get this project close to completion I will post it here. Until then I am not going to mention what it is in case it does not get completed.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by seek4 truth
Brandon, I found this link well ago and have to say it reminded me of the first conclusion of your first Milky Way theory. I hate to say it because it was a scary thought but it seems you may have been right. If this is the case, it seems our most intelligent scientists are just now catching up with you on some

[edit on 11-11-2008 by seek4 truth]
Thank you for the link, that is pretty strange. I am going to research into this further before I jump to any conclusions but from what I see and have said, This seems pretty screwed up.

Good luck to everyone and thanks for your posts.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by Flux8

IN 1934 roughly give or take a few years. The reason that the great seal is used is because MASON Franklin Roosevelt Admittedly chose it for the at the time new dollar, as a part of his revival of the Masons, who at that time had experienced a long period (pre-Civil War era) of being hidden from the public eye, due to widespread mistrust, dating back to some shady takeover plots. So it was indirectly because of masons that this is on our current dollar, as a result of the highest ranking mason at the time being the president, but not directly like most people assume.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

I believe that some of Hidden Hands accounts are real, but some are very deciving in Nature. He might have been channeling for all we know. When you see all of the evidence around us, specially in the old countries (Israel) it is undeniable that there is ONE true God. My experiences with issues like UFO, EBE, and text like the book of Enoch the 7th in the generation of Adam. Jude wrote about Enoch 3400 years after. Just too many things that lead me to believe that what Hidden Hand was stating relates to NEW AGE STUFF. That stuff must be looked at with a grain of salt.
"Now the Spirit expressly (specifically) says that in later times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons. Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron."
1 Timothy 4:1,2

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 09:28 AM
you can read and buy the book on

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Brandon Levon

Man, it has taken me a few hours to read to this point (researching and what-not) and the whole time in the back of my mind, I was thinking of mentioning the number 27 to you.....but, thought you would think I was a nut, now you start coming out with numbers....dang

Think of this....because of texting, we now have words being transferrred to you know how there is that paragraph that has all the letters jumbled up in the words, but your brain can still read it because of conditioning?? Well, the generations today are going to start doing the same thing with numbers. Example: if you text the word HELP it would be (hitting the buttons in this order) 4335557. So years from now, people would be looking at numbers and their placement to each other as words and would see it automatically. "Oh, there is 4335557. That is HELP."

Anyone else thought of this??

Side note: if you take the date 12-21-2012 and translate it to text, you get _B_A__A. ("Lamb of God")

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by truthchaser

Yeah I agree, though it is interesting hearing from the opposite side of the spectrum. Alot of what he said makes sense.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 10:06 PM

I'm going to be published next year/early 2010...

If I, in anyway, come CLOSE to the sensation you yourself have caused...

I would die a happy man. In fact, one I am published, I can die a happy man anyway..

Please send me a copy as well!! Please!

Oh my goodnesss...*shivers* i would love to read this....

I don't even have a copy, and you are my "Hero"...check the honoray forum family signature.

[edit on 18-12-2008 by TheeJester]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Yes I too have read the book and agree there are several editing errors. I think what the author was trying to show us is that pretty much everything you know is basically a lie told from a lie as far back as can be remembered or recorded in history. Most everything the general population has been told is BS. The main point I think is that the bible is a zodiac calendar. Once you understand what he is trying to point out and stop and think about it you will be amazed. Just a little preview the center of the zodiac calendar the sun the center of christianity Jesus (the sun), a zodiac sign virgo the virgen, a centeral person in the bible Mary (the virgen mother), it keeps going on and on there are basically a biblical counter part for every zodiac sign. You may have to read the book a couple of times to get what the author is saying but it is well worth the time.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 10:52 AM

I just finished the book...
Phew! There is a lot of information in those pages. Some of which I had discovered long before reading the book, on this forum. It seems a lot to take in at once, and some of the conclusions in the book are a bit reaching. Other than that, at first read, the underlines and parentheses were a bit distracting. It gets really good toward the end of the book when the history comes to the past 50 years or so. I found a lot of parallels between the book and other releases like the Terra Papers, and Urantia as well when it comes to the early history of earth.

I would say, all in all, a good read, but a lot of the information was covered here already if one does enough digging. The book and author get 4 out of 5 stars from me. Good job Brandon!

I didn't do any of the encryptions at the end of the book however, as I completely loathe those dang things!


posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Frank_Rizzo

I completely understand. I think Brandon even told me that he forgot about some of what this was, because he didn't keep a hard copy of the original messagea at the end of this book which I have quoted below. This message is encoded in three different cryptograms which makes it a bit more difficult to decipher.

Old World Secrets the Project Omega Codes

dkna cko oyrxhryr b gkaxkabwhkm ki uhmor efhgf
dkn fbpy jyym zyo kmzd zhyr ayuyujya dy ki wfy ibhwf
fbpy mkw jyym ikackwwym ika kmzd zyo wk dkna
ywyambz nmeahwwym uyyq k eybad ki ymzhcfwymuymw
ki wfhr h ryy tnrw hmrwybo wfhr qmkezyocy rfknzo
mypya jy ohruhrryo ki wfy uhmo ki wfy rxhahw ki wfy
xakuhry jaybo dkna ibuhzd bmo dkn rfknzo mkw jy
oybo...snn vit vsfo ot ncsqf sqc xduo su gdbi zcucqacqu tm
oic bidqbi tm rftvnczlc sfz oic oqdc jficqjotqu tm cocfsn
njmc ott vicoicq jo ju cbitcz jf oic csqu tm toicqu vjoi ktdq
atjbc tq icnw bisflc oic uweez tq btdquc tm oic vjfz vjoi
ktdq hqc soiu ktd sfz vitcacq uisnn duc oiju jfmtqgsojtf jf
asjf uisnn hc isdfocz hcktfz oic vjui tm zjcjfl zsku... bz kd kb
k bpt dz tzv ke k pcg nt epnkjt bfzvjg fpaauc dz gku k wkru
pjj ikwfdb ze avqjklpdkzc ze dfkb oczyjugwu bz epi dz
npcokcg dz gz ykdf pb fu zi bfu buu ekd qu kd jkeu zi qu kd
gupdf ze dfu vc uduicpj qjvu bot...

Brandon Levon

Brandon Levon, Old Wolrd Secrets, The Omega Project Codes

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 06:27 AM
as regards zodiac and hidden messages thought this link might the gemini twins appear to designate androgenoeus murrigan also known as ahuri masda and ahriman etc and connects illuminati or great white brotherhood

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 02:39 PM
Ok, so what was the general verdict, or consensus on this book? I have looked high and low for this book in several cities with no luck finding it. I refuse to order it where it can be tracked or traced back to the buyer(yep, I'm that paranoid).

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 03:01 PM
The God of the bible that millions of people worship is actually the real "Satan". The whole Christian faith is a mechanism for control and enslavement set up by the secret brotherhoods. Poor Jesus was a good guy caught up in an evil plan. There is to be a terrible global cataclysm in 2012 which the members of secret societies for generations have known about but conceal from the masses. It is all encoded in the bible .

That's about the sum of it. I agree with the first bit but not the second bit. I would add to the 1st bit that the agenda was overseen by the creator Gods (ETs) but that's my personal take.

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