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Is the Vatican Tracking Planet X Nibiru?

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posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 04:47 AM
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[edit on 23-7-2008 by Malevolent_Aliens]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by Devilnitro28

God dammit! Screw our scientists!!! I am soo tired to hear that "our" scientist say something is impossible. How long we have been hear on earth?? Not long! So some dudes how studied the stars for some years wanna tell us they know everything and can tell us what is possible and what not?! We are a bunch of apes compared to the whole universe.
There could be everything out there. Black holes, white holes, green holes, even a.. Holes

Sorry for the next one -> but we know #!

You beat me to it, took the words right out of my mouth.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 05:02 AM

How would they know?
Are they GODs?
You actually believe them?

If you knew anything about orbital mechanics, you would understand. In short, any object on a highly elliptical orbit around the Sun with a perihelion distance of ~1AU would be subject to strong gravitational perturbations every time that it entered the planetary realm of the Solar System. Those perturbations would be different every time, because each planet would be in a different position. If this hypothetical object had an initial orbital period of 3600 years, it is almost certain that this would change after just a single orbit. Perturbations from the planets (particularly Jupiter and Saturn) would change the orbital velocity of the object, and therefore its orbital period.

It just isn't possible for an object like this to maintain a stable 3600 year orbit.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by Mogget

Yes ,I've read an interview with Tom Van Flanders, He said the same thing. Planet X, if real could not maintain it's orbit.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Mogget

If you knew anything about orbital mechanics, you would understand. In short, any object on a highly elliptical orbit around the Sun with a perihelion distance of ~1AU would be subject to strong gravitational perturbations every time that it entered the planetary realm of the Solar System. Those perturbations would be different every time, because each planet would be in a different position. If this hypothetical object had an initial orbital period of 3600 years, it is almost certain that this would change after just a single orbit. Perturbations from the planets (particularly Jupiter and Saturn) would change the orbital velocity of the object, and therefore its orbital period.

It just isn't possible for an object like this to maintain a stable 3600 year orbit.


Scientists minds are stuck in a left brained orbit in my book and don't know jack about the universe. In most cases they have been taught all wrong and intentionally. They have most of it all wrong so just because scientists say it can't be so doesn't make it FACT.

They would have told you it was impossible to fly a thousand years ago let alone visit the moon.Of course there are no ET's visiting earth, there is no life after death, the earth was once flat, there is no God and we evolved from chimps. Give me a break
do you really believe everything your told? Most of them can't even explain how the earth works and they live here let alone the moon. They can't really say for sure what's inside our own planet. They still do not even fully understand what gravity is only pure theory, speculation and hearsay. Even though they may have a theory explaining why an elliptical orbit could never be possible doesn't make it FACT. (Theory/speculation and hearsay)

It just isn't possible for an object like this to maintain a stable 3600 year orbit.

Perhaps it doesn't have a steady orbit and it fluxgates then again maybe something takes place that scientists just don't understand yet that keeps it on that steady 3600 year orbit.

Now I am not siding with the Nibiru theory at all only stating FACT about scientists being full of it, in 50 years from now we will laugh at our scientists theories today the same way we can look back and laugh at the scientists mistakes of the past.

[edit on 23-7-2008 by Malevolent_Aliens]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 11:18 AM


If you'd like to pop over to my house, I can simulate an object with any orbit that you care to give it. I have a very powerful piece of software called Dance of the Planets that calculates the gravitational forces of the Sun and all eight major planets on solar orbiting objects. I guarantee you that a 3600 year starting orbit won't last very long.

Orbital resonances do occur, of course. The classic example would be the 3:2 resonance between Neptune and Pluto (Neptune orbits the Sun three times for every two orbits of Pluto), which means that they can never get anywhere near each other (in fact, Pluto can get closer to Uranus than it can to Neptune). Unfortunately, an object on a highly elliptical orbit with a perihelion distance so close to the Sun is affected by the gravitational forces of numerous large bodies (planets, and the larger asteroids). There is no way that it could develop a stable resonance with all of them at the same time !

[edit on 23-7-2008 by Mogget]

[edit on 23-7-2008 by Mogget]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 11:43 AM
Well, then what ever is coming we are in for a ride. If Nibiru isn't coming our way then something is. There would have to be a reason why theres seed vaults and etc.

So why would there be if there wasn't going to be a global disaster?

Also if you think about it since America and all the other top nations with a nice amount of technology usually stay where they are to view stars. Why put up another scope in the south pole to waste money since they have the technology in space and have the program in the country already?

It doesn't make sense to put up a nice scope if someone already has the stuff put up, unless someone with alot of money had no telescope. Maybe the Vatican would put one up since they have been around for a while and have some of the most wealth in the world.

Maybe i'm wrong, who knows any ideas to whom it maybe?

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Mogget

I have a very powerful piece of software called Dance of the Planets that calculates the gravitational forces of the Sun and all eight major planets on solar orbiting objects. I guarantee you that a 3600 year starting orbit won't last very long.

Funny I have a powerful piece of software called Twist & Shout of the planets that also calculates the gravitational forces of the Sun and all eight major planets on solar orbiting objects. My software shows that a 3600 year orbit is a piece of cake.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by Malevolent_Aliens

I do know that comets can have revolutions of thousands of years. There are also many outer planets to be discovered. However, if Nibiru were to be near Pluto's orbit, it would be seen by astronomers. The brown dwarf idea was disproved by Pioneer 10 and 11.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by Malevolent_Aliens

Scientists minds are stuck in a left brained orbit in my book and don't know jack about the universe. In most cases they have been taught all wrong and intentionally. They have most of it all wrong so just because scientists say it can't be so doesn't make it FACT.

They would have told you it was impossible to fly a thousand years ago let alone visit the moon.Of course there are no ET's visiting earth, there is no life after death, the earth was once flat, there is no God and we evolved from chimps. Give me a break
do you really believe everything your told? Most of them can't even explain how the earth works and they live here let alone the moon. They can't really say for sure what's inside our own planet. They still do not even fully understand what gravity is only pure theory, speculation and hearsay. Even though they may have a theory explaining why an elliptical orbit could never be possible doesn't make it FACT. (Theory/speculation and hearsay)

It just isn't possible for an object like this to maintain a stable 3600 year orbit.

Perhaps it doesn't have a steady orbit and it fluxgates then again maybe something takes place that scientists just don't understand yet that keeps it on that steady 3600 year orbit.

Now I am not siding with the Nibiru theory at all only stating FACT about scientists being full of it, in 50 years from now we will laugh at our scientists theories today the same way we can look back and laugh at the scientists mistakes of the past.

With all due respect MA,

The burden of proof falls squarely on people such as yourself. We have solid planetary models on which to draw our information. You only have ancient superstition and here-say.. and then have the audacity to take a stance upon higher ground. Give me a break mate.. honestly.

When facts can't be disputed, people often resort to attacking the person/s that oppose their belief system by calling us "left brained" (as you did) which is immature. In fact you don't really know me or any one else here to make that assumption. Again just wild guesses on your behalf... Now come on... play fair and don't throw stones... It will end up in tears.. LOL!

Like they say, "we cop the most flack when we are close to the target".

In answering another hypothesis on this thread - that 'they' are gods and anything is possible (paraphrasing)... Well if they were gods, they wouldn't need to get from A to B on a rogue floating planet would they. Try tuning into logic for once instead of unhealthy superstition and illogical speculation.

Facts are that no one can prove a thing about Nibiru (except that it's an impossible object) so please don't get upset when someone tears apart the current pet theories with proven sciences. Come back down to earth for a while MA and think without anger in your soul.


posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan

Originally posted by Malevolent_Aliens

Scientists minds are stuck in a left brained orbit in my book and don't know jack about the universe. In most cases they have been taught all wrong and intentionally. They have most of it all wrong so just because scientists say it can't be so doesn't make it FACT.

They would have told you it was impossible to fly a thousand years ago let alone visit the moon.Of course there are no ET's visiting earth, there is no life after death, the earth was once flat, there is no God and we evolved from chimps. Give me a break
do you really believe everything your told? Most of them can't even explain how the earth works and they live here let alone the moon. They can't really say for sure what's inside our own planet. They still do not even fully understand what gravity is only pure theory, speculation and hearsay. Even though they may have a theory explaining why an elliptical orbit could never be possible doesn't make it FACT. (Theory/speculation and hearsay)

It just isn't possible for an object like this to maintain a stable 3600 year orbit.

Perhaps it doesn't have a steady orbit and it fluxgates then again maybe something takes place that scientists just don't understand yet that keeps it on that steady 3600 year orbit.

Now I am not siding with the Nibiru theory at all only stating FACT about scientists being full of it, in 50 years from now we will laugh at our scientists theories today the same way we can look back and laugh at the scientists mistakes of the past.

With all due respect MA,

The burden of proof falls squarely on people such as yourself. We have solid planetary models on which to draw our information. You only have ancient superstition and here-say.. and then have the audacity to take a stance upon higher ground. Give me a break mate.. honestly.

When facts can't be disputed, people often resort to attacking the person/s that oppose their belief system by calling us "left brained" (as you did) which is immature. In fact you don't really know me or any one else here to make that assumption. Again just wild guesses on your behalf... Now come on... play fair and don't throw stones... It will end up in tears.. LOL!

Like they say, "we cop the most flack when we are close to the target".

In answering another hypothesis on this thread - that 'they' are gods and anything is possible (paraphrasing)... Well if they were gods, they wouldn't need to get from A to B on a rogue floating planet would they. Try tuning into logic for once instead of unhealthy superstition and illogical speculation.

Facts are that no one can prove a thing about Nibiru (except that it's an impossible object) so please don't get upset when someone tears apart the current pet theories with proven sciences. Come back down to earth for a while MA and think without anger in your soul.


You say the burden of proof falls on the shoulders of people like him, Ive never heard such crap, and you say he only has anciant superstition and hearsy to draw upon?
What nonsense.

And it certainly is not an impossible object.
Unless you want to prove it?

It could be a planet orbiting a smaller star, a star that shares an orbit with the sun around a centre of mass, a binary system, which are actually very common.
Passing off ancient knoledge like that is nothing short of laughable for those of us who have done the research.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 05:00 AM

My software shows that a 3600 year orbit is a piece of cake.

I didn't say that a 3600 year orbit is impossible. I said that it would be impossible for a large planet to maintain that period if it had a highly elliptical orbit with a perihelion distance close to 1AU (Earth's distance from the Sun). It would gravitationally interact with the major planets every time that it approached the Sun, and that would quickly change the period to something other than 3600 years.

Even more importantly, those gravitational interactions would have affected the orbital stability of the major planets (and caused absolute chaos in the asteroid belt), and this would be detectable today. The orbits of the planets and the main belt asteroids are currently stable, and that proves that such a planet does not exist.

By the way, here is a link to the ARC Science Simulations website (the company that designed Dance of the Planets)......

If you scroll down the page, you will arrive at a section indicating the availability of an updated database of comet orbits and main belt asteroids, provided by someone called Christopher Low. That someone is me

[edit on 28-7-2008 by Mogget]

[edit on 28-7-2008 by Mogget]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 05:08 AM
Wouldn't it be funny if "Nibiru" ended up being like a asteroid the size of a 2 story house.

I heard the Vatican were tracking Mars.. Not a planet that 99.8% doesn't exist..

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 05:10 AM
Lots claims to know all this but where is proof
claims can be made until your blue in the face
but hard links to reputable sources ah thats the ticket

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 08:05 PM

You say the burden of proof falls on the shoulders of people like him, I've never heard such crap, and you say he only has ancient superstition and hearsay to draw upon?
What nonsense.

And it certainly is not an impossible object.
Unless you want to prove it?

It could be a planet orbiting a smaller star, a star that shares an orbit with the sun around a centre of mass, a binary system, which are actually very common.
Passing off ancient knowledge like that is nothing short of laughable for those of us who have done the research.

Yeah, I agree, some of the ancient knowledge is very acurate, man made mountains, fire belching vehicles, air planes and loads of things i don't wish to type.

Some of the ancient knowledge is much more important then some of the so called "knowledge" people get at school today.

To say some of the knowledge from previous cultures is unimportant is ignorant. Look at what exactly they teach in schools, previous knowledge on not all important, but previous civilizations. Some of the old civilizations aren't even mentioned, but were around and were important.

History is called history for a reason, cause its not your story, its whom evers country you live ins story.

[edit on 6/9/08 by Quickfix]

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Thuggin

Why would the Vatican track Mars? That makes no sense. Lets track something with a stable orbit?

Why build a spt to track mars when you can have countries around the world with plenty of pictures and even a land rover on mars already?

If the Vatican is tracking anything in space, its likely important.

Mars was once important and will be important in the future considering there is water and ice on the planet. Just means it could be teraformed.

There is something else out in space thats important and untold by the Vatican.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 06:50 PM
The Vatican is involved with the construction of the new scope site for a simple reason.
Christian/Catholic faith is being integrated with ET so that when the false visit ensues it will create a flood of new sheeple for the flock that is already claiming to have the answers in relation to god. It's just positioning itself for more power.

Won't surprise me at all if the false visitation involves "Them" meeting with the Pope to relay the knowledge of a godly universe.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Leave peoples belief out of this. Faith is a belief in something without it having to be proved to you. Accept that and then get on with your science. People are referring to Planet X, Eris, Nibiru in the same breath but Nibiru is suppose to have an elliptical orbit of 3,600 years. Eris has an elliptical orbit of 567 years with it's closest point to the sun of 36.7 AU (where AU is the distance between the Earth and the Sun). If there is a Nibiru and it is moving nearer to us, I doubt that it is Eris, but thre is the possibiity that it moving neare from the other side of the Sun in an orbit that makes it's observation very difficult to observe. We can see our moon but not the far side of the moon without the aid of FlyBys. A hevenly body that does not rotate? Hmm! Science has so many gaps in it's premises that they are always being ADJUSTED. Just my input! RIck

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

so what your basicly sayin is that what the sumarians wrote an documented,like there star charts was just luck,like mappin our solar system an other great things that they did...people like you stop others from really listenin,how are we surposed to progress on this small planet we live on when people like you try to push peoples opions an views to 1 side an try to make us belive what you sceptics beleave,witch is only what can be proven in a lab,or if sum1 with a bit of power tells ya its the pope or your mad president..are you a church goer??..if so much of the bible was taken from sumerian text,guess it will make a sham of religion an people like your self when the truth really comes 1 has made me beleave none of this,i did my own reacherch witch has been going on now since 2000,iv read most of all there is to read about sumeria an there beliefs an it all makes not saying that the world is going to end but its certainly going to change an personaly i think this planet needs a good clensing.have you read zach sitchens books about the evolution of man,you cant argue with what hes saying witch is why hes debunked so much an thats wrong coz the mans a genius he saw what others what you like myself an many others still have plenty of research to do, so lets not make peoples minds up for them let them make there own minds up an do there own research,then hopefully you will get more msgs like this comin through to you..thanks...tony london b4 ya say it i no my country is just as corrupt as the states if not more so,but that dont mean the people are.we deserve to no the truth an keeping it from us can only mean trouble in the long run. i dont mean to offend you by writing this,but like you we all have our all reading this DO YOUR RESEARCH an make ya own mind up coz if this really is happening an all signs so far are saying it is then we aint got much time left,

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by mattguy404
Unless Planet X is home to a population of young choir boys, then most likely, no.

No one is tracking it because it simply isn't there. If something that large was going to be here by 2012 we'd already be feeling the effects of it, and there'd be a massive bright ball in the sky.

Wow. Just spit out my coffee laughing. Thanks - I needed it.


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