posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 03:52 PM
I think it's the acts that are done out of racism that matter more than the idea of racism, however the idea can lead to action. Personally, I
don't care what thoughts go through a person's head. They can hate everyone on the planet for all I care, just as long as they don't act on those
thoughts in a negative manner. The most obvious example I can think of is the Holocaust. Racism, in my opinion, doesn't matter as long as it
doesn't lead to institutionalized racism and the singling out for extermination of a specific group. Say and think whatever you want, that's
freedom afterall, just don't go and act on those thoughts if you plan on infringing on anyone else's freedom.
I do feel, however, that if we do not create open forums to discuss issues which are controversial, and merely sweep them under the carpet, we allow
racist ideals to be expressed through action. In a perfect world I wouldn't have to care if people were racists, as the system in place would
counter any biases caused by this, reality is not so. If we don't talk about prevalent racism, the problem does not go away, it becomes perpetuated
through racist indoctrination in the community. There is a very fine line between racist thought and action, as once an individual begins to perceive
a group of human beings as "the other" they dehumanize that group, and therefore may begin to justify atrocious actions towards that group.
Ultimately, any ideology which promotes the hatred of any human beings, is flawed, subjective, irrational, and will inevitably lead to violence.
Racism is hate, and hate is never constructive. Just my opinion of course, peace out.