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U.S. Food Reserves 'Tapped Out'

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posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 11:43 AM
i've personaly stocked up on some food supplies, there sure do seem to be many strange occureneces in the world these days, but the vast majority of peoplse still seem to be unawares..

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 12:04 PM
As if this was'nt bad enough food prices will rise even higher due to midwest flooding! Why is it our job to send relief to other countires? We could'nt even drop water and food to Katrina victims....We are in for one hell of a perfect storm

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 12:25 PM
There is no food shortages in fact you can even say there is an increase in both inventory and price. Like the oil companies making their money, the food industry wants to reap as much profit as they can get. This is an interesting article that talks about it.

The FAO's global Food Price Index, consisting of cereal (grain), dairy, meat, oil, fat, and sugar prices, jumped by 54% in the past 12 months. During this time, grain prices have increased by 92%, while dairy prices have almost doubled in the past two years. Interestingly enough, grain production is expected to increase by 3.8% this year, while overall global usage is projected to rise by only 2.3%. Yes, we may actually have an increase in grain inventory, despite food shortage fears.

In the end it all comes down to the greedy people trying to make their stock portfolio's rise. The food reserves may be 'tapped out', but they can be filled up easily. Will they? Nope, as long as greedy people run these companies they do not care how many people starve. Disgusting.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 12:40 PM
The flooding in the midwest that WILL affect food prices is the very reason why we should keep a reserve.

It would be horrible irony if the bread basket of the world experiences famine!

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Equinox99

These are very interesting 'projected numbers' that do not take into account war, weather and disease which is they key production hinges on.

What I find disturbing about the report is they are sales numbers. 3.8 is a strongly perceived number with the 8 holding the attention. 2.3 is the sales version of a weak set of numbers.

I'm not saying the are not accurate, but they do 'look' like dummied up propaganda.

Take into account the changes between production with 5-50% loss on some crops recently and projected numbers in tenths soon loose any meaning.

Lets cut the crap here.

So here are the hard facts.

We normally, in good times, store 45-60 weeks of cereal grains in reserves.
at the first of the year we were warned all of the worlds grain supplies had dropped to 15 weeks, then 12 weeks now its slipped to nada. We are using 100% of what we produce to stock the shelves and the high prices are an effort to persuade people not to purchase some times so they last on the shelf longer. No one is making a killing in the markets because they must replace the raw material they use to produce the food from much higher priced successions of production.

There are No Grain Reserves Left. Period.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
The Government does NOT have the responsibility to hold "reserves" of food....

Actually, the Constitution does say something about the government having the responsibility to "promote the general Welfare," in the Preamble. This is probably the single most-abused clause in the whole Constitution (using it as an excuse to deprive us of more freedoms), but when it comes to actually living up to the intent of the phrase, the government falls flat on its face.

But we all know how well the government lives up to it, don't we? Whenever a natural disaster happens in America, the government does little-to-nothing...Or have you forgotten how poorly they've treated the victims of Hurricane Katrina already?

But when the government thinks they can give out some "help" to a foreign nation in trouble, they'd rather give out (or sell out) millions of bushels of our wheat (until it's nearly gone!) than feed it to Americans who are already starving at home...Yeah, real good sense of responsibility there, huh?

Originally posted by Rockpuck
But even if another drought DOES hit the US, and crops fail for a second year in a row, it is NOT the Government obligation to feed the people! .. It is YOU responsibility to feed yOURSELF .. AND your fellow man.

Oh, come now...Even many of the Pharoahs of ancient Egypt prepared for the potential of having bad harvests, for any reason they may happen. They stored away grains (and rotated the stocks from year to year) & distributed them as needed during the lean times. This is known because there are archeologically-recovered records of Egyptians' own words as they suffered through a 7-year long failure of the Nile River's innundation & the subsequent poor harvests: They wrote of the Pharoahs' storage bins going empty after he let people come so they could eat, yet the famine kept on year after year.

Was it the fault of the people when famine hit? No! But you make it sound like the government has nothing to do with preparing for such eventualities, even though it has been done throughout the history of human civilization?

I do recognize that not all (in fact, not even very many) governments in history have recognized the inherent responsibilities between government & people...But I've also noticed that the governments that do live up to their responsibilities to the people have the happiest, most content & more productive people, regardless of what problems foreign nations have faced. Instead, the US government uses US food reserves that were produced by the People in the first place to manipulate markets (prodded on by their corporate "bosses & allies"), or otherwise use the fruit of the Peoples' labors as "diplomatic bargaining chips" or grant favors in foreign nations, even at the cost of American lives & suffering! Sure, I have no problem with the government using trade goods for bargaining with other nations (in fact, that's even included in the Constitution), but not when American lives are at stake!

Yeah, real good government, huh? Even as the Constitution describe the responsibilities of US government towards the People, the government ignores it just as readily...Regardless of the fact that they're required to swear/affirm a legally-binding Oath of Office to obey it as the Supreme Law of the Land.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

You know what maybe the government doesnt have the responsibility to feed us but when you use my money to give to farmers to NOT plant food I have to say to myself ok if you are that confident we have that much food you will use my money not to plant food then you better have a back up plan if we run out.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 08:57 PM
Vittorio Hernandez - AHN News Writer
Des Moines, IA (AHN) - Aside from possibly breaking the state flood records, the inundation of Des Moines may result in higher food prices as Iowa's corn, wheat and other crops are destroyed by the flood.

The threat of excessive downpour on the country's agriculture produce has been aired by farmers groups who had forecast a 10 percent reduction in national harvest this year even if weather conditions would improve in the coming months.

This early, the Department of Agriculture had forecast a 3 percent decline in the country's corn harvest. The lesser corn output, combined with competition from ethanol producers, could push corn prices beyond its current level of $7 a bushel.

Paul Zimmerman of the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation estimated 25 percent of Wisconsin's corn crop may have been damaged due to the Midwest flood. "We're talking a couple hundred thousand acres of corn and soybeans that could be in jeopardy" Zimmerman told USA Today.

Even the shipment of stored corn, grain and other farm produce could be affected with the plan by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to close by Thursday a 200-mile stretch of the upper Mississippi River between St. Louis and Rock Island in Illinois due to the turbulent waters along the route frequented by grain and cargo shippers.

Iowa Gov. Chet Culver pointed out three weeks of non-stop downpour caused the state's nine rivers to rise at record-high level and washed out various public infrastructures such as roads and bridges. "This could be a 500-year type of event," Culver said, quoted by USA Today.

Over 2,800 Iowa residents were evacuated on Wednesday, while there were indications the floods have killed 10 people. The Red Cross has established 37 evacuation centers in the Midwest, particularly Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska and Wisconsin, serving 115,000 meals and snacks to temporary residents.

Culver has declared 51 of Iowa's 99 counties disaster zones. State and county officials are still debating if they would order forced evacuation in parts of Iowa.

Flood control officials foresee the level of Des Moines River going beyond 1993's record height. The non-stop torrent has caused Des Moines Mayor Frank Cownie to comment, quoted by the Des Moines Register, "We cannot control Mother Nature... We don't know what's going to happen tomorrow or the next day."

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by Frank Black

I was talking to my wife about this today about the floods there and how it will affect the market. Look for food prices to continue to skyrocket. I have already stocked up about enough for a 6 month time frame if the crap hits the fan. Im to late to garden and my land that I am on is to small and my 17 acre deal didnt go through so now Im back to square one. People have to start stocking up because this is going to get ugly.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 01:03 AM
food shortage....smh...I seriously doubt it. Can you imagine all these fat Americans lossing weight because of a shortage of food? I know I can't. And if there is a shortage---that's alright because some of us could actually lose a few pounds.

[edit on 15-6-2008 by pak88]

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by Frank Black
The non-stop torrent has caused Des Moines Mayor Frank Cownie to comment, quoted by the Des Moines Register, "We cannot control Mother Nature... We don't know what's going to happen tomorrow or the next day."

Note this part of that quote..."We cannot control Mother Nature." Does it seem significant that the Constitution was originally derived from the Laws of Nature & attempts to establish a republican form of government that will abide by & obey those very same Natural Laws?

In fact, in legal terminology, the term "Natural Law" is defined as Congressional legislative enactment that is derived directly from the Constitution! Natural Law is what has been defined by the Constitutional limitations on what duties & restrictions must be applied to each Branch of government at both State & Federal levels. The Bill of Rights for all citizens (also considering that the Founding Forefathers also knew that the USA cannot guarantee to uphold these Rights with foreign nationals, because their structures of law will be different) are also derived from Natural Law. This is why the 1st Amendment specifies that "Congress shall make no law abridging" these Rights. The Supreme Court acknowledgment of the Right to Travel Freely is also a Natural Law, even though it's not stated specifically in the Constitution or Bill of Rights.

The basic fact that people must eat & the government's duty is to provide for "general welfare," stocking food supplies for times when Mother Nature reduces them would also be in accordance with Natural Law. But then again, it's pretty obvious that the US Government (as it's been running for the past several decades at least) has not been "acting in pursuance of" the Constitution...Preferring to assume Powers that it was never granted. And therefore violating Natural Laws all along the way.

Originally posted by pak88
And if there is a shortage---that's alright because some of us could actually lose a few pounds.

Perhaps...But pretty much any doctor that understands the integrity behind his degree will agree that the healthy way to lose weight is a combination of diet & exercise. Losing weight by forced fast (read: starvation) is not something that's up to the government to manipulate. People will be better to willfully choose to lose weight the healthy way rather than forcefully starve it off.

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor and bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government."--Thomas Jefferson

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by mybigunit
reply to post by Rockpuck

You know what maybe the government doesnt have the responsibility to feed us but when you use my money to give to farmers to NOT plant food I have to say to myself ok if you are that confident we have that much food you will use my money not to plant food then you better have a back up plan if we run out.

At this point in time there is no evidence what so ever that even a crop failure will bring about famine or even starvation of any kind. The surplus from American farmers is extensive, we are still a well fed and fat population.. EVEN IF there is wide spread reduction in food, the reduction would bring American food consumption down to that of other industrial nations!

It is not the Governments job to feed people. Simple as that. It's not the Governments job to look after ever menial, pathetic and self absorbed life in this country, at some point you have to fend for your selves, or we will all parish in the Nanny Socialist State we are creating!

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

I think you may have misunderstood my point. My point is I agree its not the governments job to feed the people but if your going to tax me and give my money to farmers to NOT grow crops then you better be able to compensate me if the crap hits the fan.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 04:14 PM
I guess its a good thing I keep extra food put away. I have always been brought up to know that in case of an emergency here in the US that the government had food in storage. That included the cheese, butter, powdered eggs, and much more. But according to this its all being sent to other countries. I guess the President cares more about them, then folks here in his own country. Sort of makes me wonder why we are all stupid enough to vote for a president in the first place if they care more about other countries then there own.

It is hard enough already for the poor people in this country to buy food. I dont want to imagine what it would be like in a crisis for these people. I guess, the government is trying to starve the poor, and elderly.

On the other hand for people that need it, there are food cupboards out there, where you can get free food, and if you need to save some cash for gas my advice is use them. Even if you dont use the food now, you may need it in a few months or a year. The more you have ahead the better. I always keep my pantry well stocked with an extra 10 pounds of rice and about 20 cans of can goods that I keep just in case. And tons of pasta.

My advice to anyone is buy some extra food when you shop even if its a few extra packs of pasta. Which runs around 2 pounds for $1. Pasta can be eaten by itself and its filling. And we all know we have to take care of ourselves, because the government couldnt care less if we live or die.


posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 04:54 PM
There is no food shortage in America. There isn't a fuel shortage either. The media and special interests have created these "scares" to justify the raping of america. I am sure someone will come along and smack me down, calling me ignorant but I can grow veggies in my backyard just fine in 106 degree weather. I don't see corn crops withering and oil rigs on fire. We are fine. Give it some time, just like the warm weather, it's a cycle. The prices will come back down, the weather will calm back down. The world isn't going to end and we aren't all going to be starvin Marvin's. Stop hoarding food and start sharing with the guy next door when he is going hungry because american airlines laid him off.

If we can only start worrying about each others needs instead of our own pathetic lives it would really be a big step in the right direction. I have seen storerooms on military bases larger than a football stadium filled with MRE's. Sure they make you gassy, but we have plenty of reserve food. It isn't all going overseas anymore. Since the ARNG was deployed they stopped the large shipments of relief food. Myanmar was an exception but we have ALOT of food.

[edit on 15-6-2008 by Ragnarok691]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 01:07 PM

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by Ragnarok691

Thank You!

It is the 16th. We are supposed to all be cannibalizing each other right now, right? Yet somehow there was plenty of food at the store. Every store. It has not doubled in price. We are not going to die.

I am also always able to get gas just as easily as any ofther day, there is no shortage of anything.
People need to stop panicking and stocking up on canned crap like nutcases so that speculators make money off the herding behavior.

Stop doing what they are indirectly telling you to do!

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 06:13 PM
Just heard talk on the AM radio about corn supplies falling short of demand by like 17 percent or something. (in the U.S.)

Story.."Corn sets all-time high on U.S. crop fears"

Story.."Floods push U.S. corn prices to records"


[edit on 16-6-2008 by BlasteR]

[edit on 16-6-2008 by BlasteR]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by BlasteR

You are witnessing the turmoil before the storm ..

Speculation is driving anything and everything sky high .. things that at one point would not have been so influenced by these matters are now at the mercy of those hedging funds to save their own arse at the consumer's expense..

Banks will speculate crops, oil, even water if they have to, just to stay afloat.

The Federal Reserve has chosen Inflation to stave off a Recession.. although, it can be said one or the other equals the same thing..

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