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Giants- The Mystery and the Myth

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posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:40 PM
There's no evidence that any ape existed that humans derived from either, nor any common ancestor of apes and humans ever found.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by Hollywood11

Yes, there is. We can just look at the DNA of humans and chimps, see how staggeringly similar they are, and from that deduce (with fundamental certainty) that an ape (or proto-ape) species existed that both humans and chimps evolved from.

Learn evolution. It's getting tiresome answering your ridiculously inane questions.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 09:01 AM
All ancient finds of human remains have not been significantly taller than we are, and just about all were shorter. Any find of human remains significantly taller than we are and not just a one-off mutation (giantism), it would go under great scrutiny as Occams Razor dictates that it would probably be a hoax.

Giantism would not explain a population of ancient giant humans because giantism kills people. People who are too big, ie 7ft and above, are prone to heart complications and joint failure.

But to be philosophically honest, if there were humans around when the air-oxygen content was far far higher, 2m humans would be possible. But humans weren't around 100 million years ago and without those oxygen levels, the human body can't grow, let alone, support that kind of weight.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by Good Wolf

Please forgive me Good Wolf, as I am not up on the statistics like you seem to be, but was hoping to ask a question you could supply your knowledge to.

Bringing up the oxygen levels. Around the time of the dinosaurs, as you said, the oxygen levels would have had to been higher then they are now correct? The point you bring up is a good one, I had forgotten, as I only knew it as trivia.

In theory, would the levels of oxygen that the dinosaurs had, need to be around the same levels in order to have "Giant Men" in the range of size being discussed?

Also, if the oxygen levels were higher during the age of dinosaurs, where did it go, or did it then combine or breakdown into or with different elements?

I appreciate your help.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 04:38 PM
There were giants. Some are documented, none better than Angus Macaskill:

However, there are other stories and legends. Perhaps Skyfloating will come by and share some of his vast knowledge on the subject?

If not, here is a good primer:

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

Well first you must understand alittle about how organisms get oxygen out of their environments (water and air). For instance the way insects obtain oxygen is very different to us, they pretty much have holes all up their sides that the air goes in to of it's own accord, so the insect doesn't breath.

However this system is dependant on a certain scale. If the bug gets to big the surface area to volume ratio gets too low and the bug suffocates. So with current levels of oxygen, they never grow larger than a few inches. Now if you look a the fossil record you'll find things like centipedes 6 ft long (don't quote me i don't actually know the exact figure). That's because there was far more oxygen allowing larger growth.

It's also why people who live in the mountains where the atmosphere is thinner, they develop barrel chests to cope.

The oxygen in the air is produced by certain plants and algae and when there is a significant enough disaster (like the massive collision event 65mya) then the oxygen levels change and may not return to previous levels.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by Good Wolf

Thank you

That being said, since the dino's reached a certain size, though I know bigger are being discovered, why would there brains not of scaled in size or are they proportionate to todays reptiles.

Do you know off of the top of your head if the "Giants" would have been in the realm of the same air consumption as the dinos relatively speaking to the sizes of "Giants" discussed.

Thanks for the info on insects, that's cool...i didn't know that.


posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

Well im no palaeontologist, what I've said is all I know from what I've been able to pick up from doccos n such.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by Good Wolf

Right on, I appreciate what you do know.


posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 07:19 PM
I saw something that may be relevant to this.

It linked the legends of Cyclopean creatures around the Aegean What the ancient Greeks had done was when a "Cyclops skeleton" became uncovered, normally through landslides. These were caused by the Eurasian tectonic plate, (i.e. Greece) subducting under North Africa and Italy, (under the Mediterranean).

These fossilised skeletons were taken and put over the porticoes of their temples as the bones of these mythical, revered, God-like beings. These were uncovered by archeologists when the temples were "discovered" but discarded as being "random bones - possibly as sacrificial offerings."

When they looked at the locations of the "legends " of Cyclops's (?) and sites of what we now know these skeletons to be, they are 99.9% the same places.

Now the legends of Cyclops, and by 'coincidence' of giants as well are described as mis-shapen, with deformed heads and with squat legs and strange hand / feet configurations.

Of course the Cyclops also had one "eye" socket in the middle of it's forehead - well what was put forward was that these cyclops were in fact Mammoths, the eye socket being where the trunk fits. Now It makes sense and as the Greeks ain't seen a mammoth / elephant before, they made sense of what the bones configuration "must have" looked like - i.e. moved them into a huamanoid shape. Stand a mammoth fossil upright like a human and you get a creature about 10 feet tall plus.

It makes sense and the fact that the legend sites exactly match the sites of Mammoth finds ... close enough for me.

Take Care,


posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by Normskiwell what was put forward was that these cyclops were in fact Mammoths,

Wow, I was just watching a doccumentary on exactly that! What a co-inki-dink.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 11:52 PM
So if we were to apply evolutionary terms, is he in evolutionary terms a "transitional" fossil?

most watched match ever in history



posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 12:26 AM
I don't think this link has been posted in this thread. I became interested in this subject when I read that near where I live, giant skeletons had been found in a mound. While doing internet searches I also seem to notice that quite a few of these giant skeletons had two rows of teeth.

Time Line of Giant Discoveries

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by Hollywood11

He's not a giant, he's a big man. And for goodness sake, every living thing is a transitional species.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 02:20 AM
Oh dear, Andre the Giant(His stagename), is as much a transitional fossil than any world record setting animal in their species.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:41 AM
Another thing is that in the past, some civilizations were more advanced than ours today. They had many healing technologies, like for example they knew how to use crystals to generate energy and vibration to restore the body and keep it young for hundreds of years longer than people live today.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by Hollywood11
Another thing is that in the past, some civilizations were more advanced than ours today. They had many healing technologies, like for example they knew how to use crystals to generate energy and vibration to restore the body and keep it young for hundreds of years longer than people live today.

Say what? Hollywood I realized debating you long ago is a pointless endeavour as you're either doing this to screw with people or so far gone, you're not in left field, hell you're not even in the parking lot tail gaiting. As I said before, I hope one day you can brace reality for the beauty it really is.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by dave420
reply to post by Hollywood11

Nope. The human skeleton can't support its own weight when we get to about 8 feet tall. Heck, some folks under 8 feet have horrific bone and joint problems. Our height is inherently limited by the materials and structure of our skeletons.

you sir, are 100000% wrong; you can add more magical percentage points to this if you'd like.
but seriously, think about it . . .

If the gravity of the earth was less back then; or if the bone density of these purported giants was greater, or any of the other countless possibilities; your assertion, that our current state of affairs concerning these variables prohibits giant people, is incorrect.

[edit on 10/23/2008 by JPhish]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by JPhish

No, jphish. you are 1000000% wrong.

The gravity of the earth would not change over time. To drop gravity below 9.8m/s2 you would have to remove considerable amounts of the earth's mass. ie. get a cosmic trowel and dig out upwards of a quarter of the earth equally to make it easier for man. And that will affect countless other systems in nature on earth.

And even if bones were denser, you'd still have both joint problems and cardio problems. Think about it. Denser bones means heavier bones.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 06:35 AM
The Aliens Came to Earth, Mixed there genetics with a monkey because they needed a work force, which produced US. Aliens found there created females Attractive and mated, mixed dna's produced giants. Flood comes and wipes them out, the rest are hunted done. there explained.

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