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Off Prompter, Obama Can't Speak

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posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by dariousg

darious, I found it....look at my post up above. [editting....I flipped to page four, you have to go back to page three....]

Cast ye eyes upward, and ye shall see the light....or, at least, Keith Olbermann

[edit on 6/10/0808 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory


I wasn't arguing FOR Obama. I thought I made that clear in the first place. I was simply providing the facts that you asked for. I already have had some serious questions in regards to the affiliations that Obama has had. Quite frankly, as I have already stated in other threads, I will be voting for a third party in this election. I believe that there will be more votes for a third party than there ever was. Unless of course the country truly is united behind Obama. Then I just pray that he really isn't riding the coat tails of the 'big money' as some are speculating. From looking at the people he is surrounding himself with I am worrying that this may be the case.

Again, I am pointing out the points to your question about McCain. Not debating Obama and his background.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

WT, the phrase is "Rose Colored Glasses"...

Anyways, while you boys were fighting, I finally found the video llink that I mentioned. Please enjoy.

Thank you for your post, stay Patriotic!!!!

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

As for the economy and business, well, since we have spoken about other 'MBAs' in this thread I may as well let it out that I happen to own one myself. Hard earned and fought for so I would say that learning about how the economy works is part of that program.

No, I did not graduate from Harvord. Unfortunately I didn't have the dough to go to such a school so, with my military background, I chose a military based university. Norwich in Vermont. You can research it. It's not the absolute best MBA program but it was a great program.

So, I DO know a lot about how the economy works. And NO, you do NOT reward companies that are pulling in record profits with more tax breaks. However, you also do NOT tax them harder. You work with them and if they continue their arrogant stance you look at other options. You try to play the other big oil companies against them.

It's a balancing act. Yes, I understand this. But this is NOT again what we were debating.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by dariousg

darious, you seem to be referring to the Bilderberg connections? There are threads right here at ATS that discuss this, and I find what I'm reading very disturbing. It certainly ties in neatly with the NWO ideas.....

Like I said, we are 'annointing' the candidates, not electing them, it seems.

AND, we seem to 'choose' based on the ability of their wives to look good, in photo-ops. Worked for JFK!

Just to add, in case anyone got was a pathetic stab at humor, it was! (or...'humour')... Bill Clinton tried to wear the pantsuit, and continue stumping in the campaign, for his, just a joke!!!!

I steal from the Letterman!!

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 12:57 PM
no disrespect to you our your nation, but it seems that you need to be thick as #e to be or run for the American President. Bush is a complete failure, Obama is not looking much better and McCann is just down right mental. Oh, I do feel for you Americans.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 01:02 PM
"Have you noticed how he tends to close his eyes as if he's in some kind of trance when he's speaking?"




anyone with an O in the front of their name always thinks him/herselfe as GOD

[edit on 10-6-2008 by meanmug]

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

I believe that Obama speaks quite well during debates which are neither prepared answers nor teleprompted. I saw just as many glimpses of McCain and Billary slurring speech and grasping for words, so I don't think this is an Obama thing, its an attrition of the presidential campaign thing.

here's an example of McCain to speak...McCain says "I will veto every BEER"...Huh? what a doofus!

[edit on 10-6-2008 by no name needed]

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

frankly, i really don't care what republicans think, your the ones that elected george bush...and your the ones (because of the 2 elections) that have to ...yes...take responsibility for what he has done. your the ones responsible for running up the debt from 6 trillion to 9 trillion, your the ones responsible for invading a country under false pretenses, your the ones responsible for letting lending institutions run wild on the sub-prime debacle. your the ones responsible for a president that committed treason by outing valerie plame (a cia undercover agent) in a time of war. your the ones responsible for killing legislation for energy independence and cleaner air through wind and solar, by wanting to drill more oil wells. your the ones responsible for trying to dismantle social security. your the ones responsible for over 26,000 injured G.I.s and 4000 dead G.I.s. in Iraq. your the ones responsible for letting oilmen bush and cheney profit from the 300% run-up in oil and $4.50 gal gas. your the ones responsible for creating a quasi-police state that infringes on every part of americans privacy....i could go on but i'm getting tired of typing

[edit on 10-6-2008 by jimmyx]

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

What the hell? It sounds like that Manchurian Candidate programming hit a glitch. The Bilderbergs better hit the reset button on their candidate and make sure the reprogramming at least makes Obama seem passionate and knowledgeable about the policies he believes in.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by meanmug
"Have you noticed how he tends to close his eyes as if he's in some kind of trance when he's speaking?"




anyone with an O in the front of their name always thinks him/herselfe as GOD

[edit on 10-6-2008 by meanmug]

maybe true...bill (just shut up) o'reilly comes to mind

[edit on 10-6-2008 by jimmyx]

[edit on 10-6-2008 by jimmyx]

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by wow23

wow23....If I had said that, I'd be considered a sedionist, or worse!

The country I was born in, and grew up in, and stll live in.....doesn't seem to exist anymore.

We all saw the 'end' of the Cold War.... (circa 1985) and we collectively let out a sigh of relief, and thought...."whew!" The idea of MAD is now over! No more Nuclear War

But, guess what....greedy bastards, who profiteered from the Cold War, needed to fiind a new way to rake in the money..... and we swee it now. Oil is the new Nuclear 'Cold War'.

Eisenhower, President of the USA from 1952 to 1960, warned us....wish I could find a link. He, as President, tried to warn, with an oblique message about the Military Industrial Complex. The MIC, et al, have been gaining power, all over the globe.

The MIC is woven all the way in to everything....but there is compartmentilasion, so only few know the whole picture ..... and the whole structure of what we've been lied to, if revealed, would rock your world!!!

An esteemed member, here on ATS....Zorgon, tries to point out the truth. Please look for his sites, and his posts. I like to "needle" him, but it's all in good fun!!!

Sorry...I have taken this well off-thread....but I hoped to show all that are reading that there are issues that intertwine, here on ATS.

phone call, interrupted my train of I will post now, expect discussions to follow...

edit- sorry about spelling, but I left my post STET

[edit on 6/10/0808 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
your the ones responsible for creating a quasi-police state that infringes on every part of americans privacy....i could go on but i'm getting tired of typing

Tell me, who has to actually writes the legislation, approves it and then funds the new policy or law? Answer: Congress, and who has the majority.................Democrats! So get off your high horse and realize that it is the Democratic led Congress which let everything you mentioned come to pass.

[edit on 10-6-2008 by WhatTheory]

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

WhatTheory....can I call you WT, if you call me WW?

Easier, in my opinion.

(please do NOT call me "weedwicked".....a bible thumper, in another thread, did that.....pretty childish, in ny opinion)

I posted the link to GWB talking about being a dictator.....didi you see it yet????

edit to, I did not accuse you of adding that moniker to my was horrible writing on my part, I did NOT mean to accuse you of such a dastardly action. It were others to blame.....

[edit on 6/10/0808 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

What makes me sad is that I was right there voting for this guy. I bought into all of the bs that we were fed because I was a 'patriot' with time in the service. I wanted to believe that a conservative would not blatantly lie to the people of his country. Well, I have since found that my trust was misplaced. I have since learned to question things before buying them wholesale. Although I did have suspicions that things weren't quite right with the way events were panning out I still held fast to being what my party preached to me to be. A 'Patriot' who loves this country.

I have since figured it out that I can show that I love my country MORE by being MORE of a patriot by questioning the actions of our presumed elected officials. When they blatantly lie to our faces to get us into a war that they profit from a great deal then I feel that they should be punished to the full extent of the law. They have just as good as pulled the triggers and set the bombs that have killed our soldiers and at least 100 thousand innocent civilians in Iraq.

So, am I to be blamed for this as well? Your post is pretty tough and the statement is clear. Does it mean that even though I have come to realize my big mistake that I am stuck with the blame? You see, at first I didn't listen to the ranting lunatics that questioned our president. However, I did eventually do so and I did what we were always taught not to do. Question him and his actions.

I do not support anything that this man has done. I believe that there is much more to the lies than we have even been allowed to see. I just pray that we can see justice done.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
(please do NOT call me "weedwicked".....a bible thumper, in another thread, did that.....pretty childish, in ny opinion)

Why would I do that? Are you saying that I called you that in a previous thread? Because if so, then you are mistaken.

I posted the link to GWB talking about being a dictator.....didi you see it yet????

No, but I will go have a look.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

Oops, yet another blunder on your part my friend. Majority doesn't mean squat when you have a president like we do in office. You CAN NOT get laws passed that he threatens to VETO!!!!!!!!!!!! So please get off of that case now. So many republicans use that as an argument and it is virtually baseless when it comes down to it. A simple majority like the dems have now is NOT ENOUGH to pass anything without support from the president.

I do not think you are trying to be a typical conservative who starts to flame but your posts are verging. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. Research what it takes to pass the laws. Then go ahead and make that statement again.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

WT, it wasn't YOU who called me 'weedwicked' I apolize. It was BW, or one of his ilk.

(hint...BW = BigWhammy)....just in case everyone should know!!!

my sign off...WW

[edit on 6/10/0808 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by dariousg
Oops, yet another blunder on your part my friend. Majority doesn't mean squat when you have a president like we do in office. You CAN NOT get laws passed that he threatens to VETO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you even read what you post? Or are you intentionally being disingenuous?
I am not talking about laws that cannot get passed, I am talking about the laws which were passed in the Democratic Congress. The same laws which you hate and blame on Republicans. It's your Democratic Congress passing the darn laws. Why is this so hard for you to understand?

This thread is not about Bush or McCain. It's about the lame duck Obama.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

'lame duck'? I couldn't help myself.....could you, please, first look at the YT video I posted? Then, comment on it?

OK...again, I got an interruption....lost my train of thought...

carry on!

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