posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 05:31 PM
Totally hypothetical scenario here I just wanted everyone else's opinions on what they would personally do if the draft was reinstated. Im 20 years
old and I consider myself a patriot but I sure as hell would run away from the draft if it were implemented. Not unless it is proven that we are in
danger and the threat is real, more real then terrorism.
I know most will think im not a patriot cause of my reluctance to fight, some might even call me a chicken, wuss, or wimp. But I KNOW i'm a patriot
because I believe our country should stop meddling in others affairs and start taking care of its own. How do we try to spread democracy when ours is
vile and corrupt? Our school systems are in shambles, I noticed this when I was in elementary school. Most Universities no longer care about the
individual but more for the individuals tuition, you can flunk out as much as you want as long as you or your parents keep footing the bill. Our
congress is more interested in steroids in sport then our administrations history or exaggerating or creating up news in order to complete their
It's a rant but these are my reasons why I would not support the army in case of a draft. We need the soldiers, army, and people in powers man power,
strength, and intelligence to help get this country on track before we can start worrying about others.