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Here Come the Black Haters?

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posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Perplexed

Call it what you will. You can call me childish or whatever name helps you feel better about your views. All I know is that when Obama took the nomination a lot of McCain stickers popped up in a state that heavily supported Clinton.

You can say that it's the anti-experience haters, if you will, but in a state where a former Wildcat Basketball player can get elected to Commissioner of Agriculture based on a diploma and no prior experience, it would seem it's more about who you are and less about what you know.

By the way, name-calling never helps your argument - it only damages one's creditability.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by WickedStar

Originally posted by JonInMichigan
I'm not voting for Obama. I don't like him and it's not because he is black or half-black or whatever. And, it's not because of the false internet rumors. It's because I don't like his platform.

Let me put it this way:

I wish Ron Paul was black so he could enjoy all the "slavery-guilt removing" boosts that the media has been giving to Obama. They have been sucking the Oboma Hope-Bong hard these days!

How often have you seen a candidate's obvious scandals get burried so quickly as in Obama's case. This is reverse-racism if anything.

don't get me wrong, I like Ron Paul and I'd vote for him even though he and I differ on several issues but he's not in.
At any rate, by your logic, any black presidential hopeful would be treated the same way because of "white slave guilt." Perhaps you're right but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Slavery is an issue that we've needed to move past for decades upon decades - why is it wrong for Obama to be the candidate who can finally move America past that dark period of history? And further, why is it so wrong to be hopeful about a presidential candidate?

Cool Cool...I like what you're saying. I just wish that all this frenzy and hope was being spun up about constitutional Conservatism ... and small government, etc. (doesn't have to be Dr. Paul - just someone who is into conservatism)

Unfortunatly for me, Obama is all about liberalism and big government. I think Obama is very very charismatic and I understand why people love him. I just wish he was neither a liberal nor a neo-con. I want a conservative president who is going to take us back a few decades to different ideals. I'd vote for a conservative black candidate any day of the week, if there was one.

As a side note: The stereotype here in the Detroit area is that all blacks are liberals. But, it's a stereotype for a reason... just look at our voting maps. Every black area of michigan votes dem, the white areas (with the exception of the university districts which are progressive) vote republican. (My view is that everyone is voting But, of course I know Black republicans, and white liberals too, but on a precinct by precinct basis you would be hard pressed to prove the sterotype wrong.

The media tries to offuscate the race aspect by calling it the "I-75 Corridor" and saying " I-75 Corridor voted dem again"

Voting Map:

Anyway - it's so purvasive that I have heard white suburbinites actually use it as code so they could speak in public about black people without being tagged racist. You might hear, "I was in Greektown the other day and when I left the casino, three liberals in gang colors started riding my bumper. I was really worried I was going to get car-jacked."

Take it for what it's worth. Just sharing observations.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by jamie83

You are kidding, right???

Try living in the Southern United States.

You'll find out very fast who is racist and who is not.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 03:53 PM
Personally, Gools, as a Super Moderator, I can't believe that you haven't given Eric a warning for his racist remarks. It's against T&C, right?
Aren't you the guy that posted that you feared ATS would be rife with racists? Yet, you do nothing about it?


posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 04:00 PM
I don’t consider myself a racist and have never known to have been accused of being such. That being said: so what if I am, or anyone else? Why don’t people have the right to be a racist? As long as they don’t harm other people, what difference does it make what they think of any given group?
Liberals love to decry conservatives when they’re trying to ram the Bible down our throats or impose their moral beliefs on us. But, strangely, they have no problem with trying to control our minds as well and looking down upon persons who they consider to have morally “inferior” viewpoints. Everyone has to accept their standard or risk being labeled with a scarlet “R”.
It’s one thing to say you can’t harm someone just because they have a different skin color. But why should anyone be forced to accept them just because they have a different skin color? Or any difference for that matter.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 04:02 PM
I don`t speak for the "black haters"

for me it matters not what the color creed race a candidate is.

I believe that ANY GOOD HONEST man or woman
can run for the job.

I believe that the candidate in question is one of the

and thats my reason for saying NO WAY.

RON PAUL is my main hope. but hope is something that "THEY"
dont give much of anymore

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 04:02 PM
well.. i shall post on your first post.

not all Americans are gun wearing....hate monger's...especially white folk..

i personally have been to every state in the united states.
and have seen with MY own two eye's...

a white man does not go into a black part of town..without a gun.
especially if you dress normal..aka honky style lol

everyday some black person says white's owe us..for slavery...

comon we stole the American Indians land you black people live on NOW....

so call yourself repaid.....for all the slavery...OR leave ...

i never meet one english american.. or irish american....don't you call us white..its a racial term.

if your a american citizen your a american.....

its ok to be PROUD of you 995 of the black's in America have never been to Africa nor there great great grandparent's.

look's like if it was that important would just go back ....or shut up...
it help's no one..just fuels fire because 99% of white folk will never pay you reprimand...

ps im not rasict... lol

just could give a crap less what color anyone's skin color's how the group act's....NO ONE OWE'S THEM A FREE RIDE... more welfare..united negro college fund...

u name it affirmative action.....a more qualified white man ..cant get the job cause they are FORCED to igive it to a minority race.

wich is messed up in it's own right..

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 04:09 PM
To the prior two posts:

The reason it's not "OK" to be racist ... at least in this country ... is because this country was founded on the principals of tolerance. It's why we left Europe. It's why this country was called "The Melting Pot". We wanted a country that would tolerate freedom of religion and speech. Tolerance of other people's religion, ideas and culture are what makes this the greatest country in the world.

If you don't like the idea of accepting others for what they are, I suggest you find a less tolerant country and ship out.

[edit on 9-6-2008 by tyranny22]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Gools I'll just say that the perception of many people outside the US (including myself) is that the United States is an extremely racist and violent (gun loving) place…

If one wants to AVOID ugly discussions of race then realize it is often best not to bring up crime, violence, guns, or prison statistics when mentioning racial bias as that will surely drag out a lot of inconvenient truths.

Typically the people that are the MOST tolerant of some groups have the LEAST experience with them. So the Op is from Montreal Canada huh? Hmmmm.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 04:17 PM
sorry for forgetting t&c's completely in their entirety, its been awhile. but is being A rascist, even against terms and conditions anyway?

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by agent violet

Being a racist can't be a T&C violation. Making hostile racist comments probably is. One must always be polite when expressing their opinions. : )

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by tyranny22
If you don't like the idea of accepting others for what they are, I suggest you find a less tolerant country and ship out.

You preach tolerance, yet it disturbs you that McCain bumper stickers started popping up in your area after Obama received the Democratic nomination? Is it really any of your business why they chose to support McCain over Obama? Aren't they entitled to vote their conscience just like everyone else without providing an explanation?

Tolerance cuts both ways..

[edit on 6/9/08 by LLoyd45]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by LLoyd45

They certainly are.

I've never discussed my observation with anyone until I posted the comment. Had I thought these flip-flopper's (if indeed this is the situation) warranted persecution, I would have raised alarm to family and friends.

It's not my place to say you can vote one way or another ... it's your vote.

I was simply stating an observation.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by tyranny22
To the prior two posts:

The reason it's not "OK" to be racist ... at least in this country ... is because this country was founded on the principals of tolerance. It's why we left Europe. It's why this country was called "The Melting Pot".

If you don't like the idea of accepting others for what they are, I suggest you find a less tolerant country and ship out.

[edit on 9-6-2008 by tyranny22]

look that's what im saying..

i am not the one demanding more right's than any other race on this earth..
yet affirmative action..proves the point some color's get special treatment.

akak black's mexican's..ect..

here is a good example i went to work last year was lunch time..
i went into the lunch room sit down...noticed INS standing beside the doors hiding lol

i sat down lit me a smoke...smiling cause i knew what was going to happen.
one mexican would walk in to the break room ..INS would point to other door where other guy was lol

well when our 30 minute lunch was over.....WE had to go home we had no men to work the line's....

in my county we have a 70% unemployment rate....wonder why lol

i watched 200 Mexicans get deported....that was 200 Real Americans...job's
that couldn't get to feed our American family's..

but yes skin color in our government...let's race matter.

Does iraq have a white american immigrant as there president?
no and they never will

every country is racist in a way...

i never saw a black Russian president.. why not cuss Russia out some.
ask them why russia is so rasict...

our black comunity's where drug's...white people started aid's to kill black people...BS...
they owe us for slavery..
they owe us this and that don;t fly well..

seeing as they was never a slave..they was set free a long ass time ago...
if they dont want to be here they can go ...not me...i just want piece and them to shut the heck up about slavery....

women are still slave's realy.. some are housewife's...clean house take care of kid's..cook you dinner....

idk lol

isn't there a old saying the Majority rules..not the minority rules.

so there ya go again idk lol

if america want's a unqualified black man for president based on skin color..

so be it...

the poll's show in every single's voted mostly for obama...
was it cause they hated's ya white's vited every wich way...look at the poll's..

but black's stayed with black candidate's...regardless

what if the white voter's said ok... we will all vote for the white guy ...

be rasisct then right?

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 04:54 PM
Personally I feel this whole election has become a circus created only to keep us distracted from the real issues plaguing the country. I don't care what race you are or what your gender is. I want to know what you are going to do to save our country. So far no one has impressed me. Obama by far has impressed me the least. He is the one who has done nothing but play the race card. He would do nothing but divide the country even more if he were to become TPOUS.

I don't hate any ethnicity BUT I do hate criminals and liars. I don't care what color you are.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 04:58 PM
This is what I think you're going to see in this election.

McCain and Obama will debate on things and disagree of course. The McCain party and Obama party will sling mud all over each other, except the fact that Obama is black gives the far left the opportunity to play the racist card, which I believe they will do in earnest this election year.

I really believe the left will be making non-racist into racist issues when they get backed into corners. The guys with the loudspeakers are going to be none other than Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Personally, I could never support Obama because not only is he a socialist, he's a Marxist. I believe he's worse than the current administration. So am I racist? I don't think so, because like another poster said, if you present to me a black man or woman with integrity and honesty that stands for what I believe to be in the best interests of this country then I would have NO problem voting for them.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Gools
One of the presidential candidates in the upcoming US presidential elections is "black" (despite the fact he's half white)....

blah blah

(although most of the planet is wondering what the big deal is -i.e. it's about time - same reaction if it had been a woman).

(despite the fact that shes actually HALF woman, Half man)

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by tyranny22

It is very school yard when you say that the only reason you see McCain bumper stickers is because they are a bunch of "black people haters"... It is childish and very disingenuous on your part. If this is your only argument then you have lost and there is no point in continuing...

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 05:32 PM
This type of nonsense has been the tool of Obama supports for months. Don't like Obama? You're a racist!

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by beforetime

Originally posted by tyranny22

Does iraq have a white american immigrant as there president?
no and they never will

No, but maybe in 100 years, since thats how long McCain wants American troops there. Maybe just like the US history the "American" Immigrants will will steal the country and its resources and sell the original inhabitants short...

Originally posted by beforetime

Originally posted by tyranny22
i never saw a black Russian president.. why not cuss Russia out some.
ask them why russia is so rasict...

So, explain to me why that even matters. Russian history is far different then the US, and they have a much smaller diverse population. However the US is a melting pot, with many races.

Originally posted by beforetime

Originally posted by tyranny22

women are still slave's realy.. some are housewife's...clean house take care of kid's..cook you dinner....

No, women in the US are not slaves. We choose to care for our homes, and children, we have a choice to work outside of the home, and no one has the right to Whip, Rape, or Sell us. These are all things that took place during slavery. You should never use the word slavery so lightly. For it is a term you obviously do not under stand.

Slave: 1. a person who is the property of and wholly subject to another; a bond servant.
2. a person entirely under the domination of some influence or person:

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