posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 07:01 PM
Hitler was not Christian... this is the truth..
Now about religion causing wars.. So has communism and communism will be the cause of WW3 and the freemasons... and these are the ones who create
There have been some evil, and I mean evilo communist in the last century who had no respect for human life whatsoever... they have no moral code to
live by..
What you say red 5, you sound like a good sincere person... But your goodness that is in you came from somewhere, you learned it somewhere... and the
person you learned it from learned it from someone else and it keeps going back until you reach the one who taught us moral code... and even the
pagans who have a moral code learned it from their gods...
so it comes from God.. he created love, and he injects it into our soul...
but I don't think you know what grace is yet, so i will not go further into that...
anyways... the priest who rape kids, let's get one thing clear, are NOT Christians.. they are evil men who infiltrate our church, probably communist
or freemaasons who in their own words have said they put communist memebers into the priesthood all the time to destroy the church from within and
make use of it....
basically these priest are nothing more then demons in human form to cause the churches ruins as was prophecied 100s of years ago but the church will
not be overcome.... God will not allow it..
God will sweep the house clean of all evil priest soon and he will rebuild the church like never before and I want so badly to see those days, but
those days probably will not come until after WW3..