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People With Cell Phones In Bathrooms - SOUND OFF

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posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 01:26 PM
Okay... we have all (men and women) been sitting on the porcelain throne, trying to do our business and there is someone in the next stall on their cell phone, doing their business and carrying on a conversation. It's bad enough that people have these glued to their ears while they are in their cars, much less in a public bathroom.

I was standing at a urinal in a movie theater yesterday and some idiot has one of those phones that stick in your ear. I'm on the left of him, his phone is on the right in his ear and out of my sight. He says "Hey baby.. You want to go get something to eat in a minute?" I respond to him " No Thanks!" He then turns his head to show me his ear phone and gives me this look....... whoops..... sorry.


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posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 02:02 PM
Sadly, I am one of them people who talk on the phone while doing my business. But! I also politely hang up if someone else comes in the bathroom. I do not think it is polite to be on the phone while at a urinal though, only on the "porcelin throne" as you put it. I think it can be done with respect, but I do agree that too many people do not take into consideration the fact that there actually are other people in the same bathroom as them.

As a matter of fact.. I need to make a phone call

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Dave Rabbit
sitting on the porcelain throne, trying to do our business and there is someone in the next stall on their cell phone,

Related story
Best of Craigslist: Yesterday was hell.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by makeitso

Originally posted by Dave Rabbit
sitting on the porcelain throne, trying to do our business and there is someone in the next stall on their cell phone,

Related story
Best of Craigslist: Yesterday was hell.

God I needed that! LOL. Too funny

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 03:31 PM
I envision someone on the throne with his boss or a client after taco night at the pub the night before. Then woops, fireworks.
Some things should just be sancrosanct.
No one should go about with their ear 'blinking'.
Reminds me of the one 'Boonsdocks' cartoons. The two kids sitting in a on a rock by the side of a park trail trying to decide 'cell phone, or off meds?'

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by jpm1602
I envision someone on the throne with his boss or a client after taco night at the pub the night before. Then woops, fireworks.
Some things should just be sancrosanct.
No one should go about with their ear 'blinking'.
Reminds me of the one 'Boonsdocks' cartoons. The two kids sitting in a on a rock by the side of a park trail trying to decide 'cell phone, or off meds?'

hahaha, I have never seen that cartoon but that sounds like a really good idea for a skit. I could only imagine how many people actually are crazy that I assume are on cell phones. I think the ear peice throws me off though, when I see a phone I know they are on it, but when I dont.. its very confusing, lol.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by makeitso

Originally posted by Dave Rabbit
sitting on the porcelain throne, trying to do our business and there is someone in the next stall on their cell phone,

Related story
Best of Craigslist: Yesterday was hell.

Omg i can't stop laughing .... this story made my day

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 04:11 PM
I personally have a really hard time getting a stream started when I've got background noise. Have to start doing mental mathematics to get old hoss going. Sometimes that won't even take him to the barn.
Wasn't there a Seinfeld on men's bathroom etiquette. No looking, no eye contact, NO TALKING!
Unless your a towel boy in a Turkish prison.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 04:42 PM
I would like to thank the OP for saving me some time today. No stomach crunches will be necessary.

Oh, and my sinus headache is gone.

Time to rehydrate and change my shirt.

And my panties.

Bless you, my son.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 04:12 AM
wouldnt it be kind of hard to concentrate on talking and taking a piss at the same time... I mean wow the things people do these days!

[edit on 9-6-2008 by SuperSlovak]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by Dave Rabbit

I hate cell phones alltogether. I think they should only be used for business and emergencies. I tell ya, I notice all day long people driving with the hand to the ear, like whatever they are talking about must be the most imortant thing in the world, and you know it could have waited until they arrived home or at their destination. And then there are the selective answerers, those who decide call by call whether or not to answer. Another words, dissing you when you call. The world was fine without them. The only people I feel like can really benefit from one would be children, in case they are lost or hurt, and then it should only be able to call parents, guardians, or police. It is just another device that takes away from the quality of something so simple, a phone call. IMO.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 04:38 PM
OMFG that Craigslist story is so freaking hilarious!!! That poor bastid in the first stall got what he deserved if he dropped his cell down the hole.

I absolutely despise hearing someone carry on a conversation in the restroom. Absolutely ridiculous and assinine. Other than an obvious emergency situation, there is no reason that the communication cannot wait.

Restroom time is important constitutional time for men; this must never be violated by the assinine use of modern technology.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 12:45 PM
I just have absolutely no desired to be that wired in. I don't get it.

I use my phone when I have too. I can't stand when you are out with people who text and take calls the whole time.

My husband and his family are so conditioned that no matter what they kill themselves to answer a phone. So ridiculous. I let it ring.

If it is an emergency, they will call back.

Drives me crazy.

I think it is part of our narcissitic society.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 12:24 PM
Do people think they're cool when they wear that stupid looking phone on their ear?

More than a few times I thought they were talking to me when they passed.

Other times I thought they were just people who blabbered out loud to themselves.

What they don't realize is how loud they're talking.
That's due to the lack of 'side-tone' like you get with a standard home phone where you hear yourself on the phone.

Every day I think that life isn't much more than an IQ test.

And . . . many of us are failing.

May as well wear an "I'm an Idiot" T-shirt if you're gonna use one of those weird, bothers everybody in the vicinity phones.

I know, someone's gonna come on here and comment about how useful it is etc., but you still look like an idiot . . . and even worse, sound like one....

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 12:35 PM
I don't get this, am I missing something here? Some people actually use mobile phone handsets whilst using the toilet?

I'm not exactly Howard Hughes, but isn't that a little unhygienic? Ugh!

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by space cadet

Thank you for your post .. you said everything I could have said on the subject and said it very well. Thank goodness there's at least one other person out there who feels as I do

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:07 PM
somewhere in the ether there's a blog entry that I put up about this. I can't stand it and I do my best to humiliate the person on the phone.

one of my favorites:
I walked into the bathroom, unzipped and started to do my business when I hear some guy on the phone in a stall. I start grunting and moaning. Sounded like I was in serious pain. I hear the guy say "just some crazy homeless guy...." Then I flush the urinal.

"no, I'm not in the bathroom, I'm outside. that was a bus passing by"

flush again

"no, another bus."

The guy is clearly getting annoyed.

I walk over to his stall and shout "dammit, there's no toilet paper in here. dude, do me a solid and pass some under the wall please"

the guy says "I gotta go, I'll call you when I get upstairs"

I walked out with a very satisfied grin plastered on my face.

I hate it when guys do that. For starters, it's nasty for the person on the other end. Second, when I'm peeing, I don't need to hear people talking. The whole stage fright thing comes into play.

Do not bring a cell phone into the stall when I'm there. I promise to make it as uncomfortable for you as it is for me.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 06:56 PM
what about taking pictures in bathrooms??

what are the rules on that?? lol

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 07:08 PM
LOL - This happens all the time at work...the ladies always call people while their on the toilet.

I like to chime in on their conversation. It's pretty funny sometimes.

As for the Bluetooth used to be you could tell the crazy MoFo's because they were the only ones talking to themselves on the you have to look at their ears to make sure they aren't Bluetoothed.

I refuse to have a cell...I hate answering my home phone as it is I can't imagine being so available that being unavailable (like in the bathroom for example) that I'd have a panic attack if I missed a call...

Same goes for people on the bus yammering away on cell phones...the whole bus can hear em...get four or five people all talking loudly to be heard above the surrounding noise and it's maddening!

How on earth did we get this dependent on technology??? And WHY??

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 07:15 PM
Dave, you crack me up! I wouldn't have had the sand to broach such a topic.

I can't help you. I'm one of those misfits that doesn't use public restrooms. It's home or the bush for me mate. No particular phobia, I'm just *cough* regular. I know, TMI.

Way back when I lived in a high population density, had cellphones existed then, and I was assaulted by a "talker in the next stall", I'm pretty certain I would've started singing opera, probably Nessun Dorma. Yah.

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