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I use my bible as a bathroom door stop

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posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 06:44 AM
and if this offends you then it's because you can't get past the fact that it is a book just like another written by men for use by men to lay down law, account for history, account for psychosis, perhaps even psychedelic visions not unlike ones any one of us could experience on mushrooms. Moreover, it has been manipulated over the ages and through translations and various plagiarisms it is now the amalgamation we all see. In light of our more modern works based on research findings, the bible has been rendered completely obsolete and utterly worthless. Well not completely, as it makes for a very good door stop, so the kitty can get in and get to her kitty litter box.

Let's make a list of all the things the bible can be used for (everyone add something if you think of it):

1. door stop

2. kindling

3. recycling material

4. pretentious coffee table ornament

5. toilet tissue

6. thumping item

7. evangelical television prop.

see how fun this is when you finally free yourself and let go of silliness!!!!

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by skyshow
And if this offends you then it's because you can't get past the fact that it is a book just like another written by men for use by men to lay down law, account for history

what a load of frakin' crap! come on man. deny ignorace! the bible is a historic book. nothing religious about it. all historical books should be treated with respect and cleaned, taken care of. You are a disgrace to all religions, christian or not. Not because you follow satan, but because you mistreat books. Books are wisdom and should be treated kindly. do you treat your other books like that? oh sorry, you don't have any books. I ask the mods to delete the silly thread.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

I happen to own many books, and more than one bible. Because they are all my books, and because there are millions of bibles out there, what difference does it make? I can do with mine whatever the hell I please. And why would you clean your bible? I've never heard of such a thing? Historical? Factual? That's highly debatable. And if God exists, wouldn't it be safe to assume he would rather one of his children get some good use out of the book? A door stop is better use, then just sitting unread on the shelf for years, because trust me, it's the least used book in all of my collection, and for good reason too, because it's completely irrelevant and useless as a resource that's why.

I probably have a thousand books or more actually...are you unread to the point where you totally don't see the point I'm trying to make here? Sometimes the best lessons learned are the hardest ones to swallow, and who is Satan? Can you produce Satan for me, for yourself, for any of us? How can you definitively prove Satan, or God for that matter actually exists? How can you prove the authenticity of the bible?

[edit on 8-6-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by skyshow
A door stop is better use, then just sitting unread on the shelf for years, because trust me, it's the least used book in all of my collection
[edit on 8-6-2008 by skyshow]

You are obviously not an educated person. Have you ever been to the library? Do you know that they care of their books and some of them have lasted 30 or so years? the older the book, the more collectible it becomes and in old libraries like the new york library they have people who restore the books and clean them off dust. it's against the law to mistreat a book and destroy it. For the bible it's worse, it's a 2000 year old book that you have no respect whatsoever. you are a satanic troll out to get people angry and you have made my neck's not even funny anymore.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 07:01 AM
I happen to agree with the OP. 100%
Let me add to your list..

*A piece of garbage

And for the record.. IAM a book lover, of both fact and fiction. I spent three years as a library volunteer. I have respect for written words...those that deserve it.

If anyone believes me blasphemous, that is your opinion. It does not make it fact.
This would be why I avoid the spiritual side of ATS.
The only heaven or hell their is, is the one you create for yourself in this life and beyond. Is that my opinion..? YES! It's also my reality.
I don't need a "Saviour" in my life. I'll pay for my own "sins", and I'll grant myself all the good things in life by what I do that's good. It's just that simple.
I don't condemn others for what they believe. Freedom of choice is my cardinal rule. No one has the right to judge another for the choices they make in life.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

Ha haaa! My bible is not 2000 years old!!! And ye' ole judgemental one...who are you to challenge my multiple degrees! If you want to follow religion be my guest, but don't tell me how to use my bible!

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 07:09 AM
When my friends and I were in London our hotel window wouldn't stay open, so we used the bible that was in the room to prop it up so we got fresh air. Worked a treat! We finally figured out why there's bibles in every hotel room.

Turns out bibles have their uses afterall.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by AccessDenied

1. door stop

2. kindling

3. recycling material

4. pretentious coffee table ornament

5. toilet tissue

6. thumping item

7. evangelical television prop.

8. a piece of garbage.

9. Window prop for letting in fresh air
Thanks for you post. as you folks on here come up with new things to add to the list of various uses for the bible, just cut and paste and we can build...make that create our new bigger and more improved list.

Hey, if the religious on ATS/BTS can post thread after thread of their messages for humanity, by cracky so can I. Besides, I happen to think a huge point here is being made, and it's tremendously entertaining as well.


[edit on 8-6-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 07:14 AM
You are my new foe. you just insulted all the people who did all the work for you in order for you to read the frakin' bible in english. why dont you show some gratitude to the people who worked years and years to translate it? you are a sad, little pathetic man.

easy to read timeline of the bible.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

And just think of how much better the world would be today had it remained untranslated.

Oh, to dream ...

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

So then by the same logic, when you throw out the Sunday paper later on today, or last week's Newsweek, or any other printed publication, are you then insulting the people that put in countless hours writing up those stories? You sir are apparently under the assumption that I have to bow down to your bible and cow tow the ridiculous idealism spouted by the frauds and lunatics who have given us what we now read in that today. I have every right to do with my bible as I please, and worship or not worship as I see fit. Thank you very much, and as far as I still know, this is still the Unites States of America, and we don't have an agency of virtue and vice forcing us at gun point to adhere to sum nutty religious authority. Are you starting to see where I coming from on this or????

Look, supposing God actually exists...would she rather the bible sit on a dark shelf and collect dust year after year or put to use, albeit something as trite as a door stop? I will submit that she would much rather it get some sort of use rather than nothing at all...

to each their own I guess, and that's the beauty of an open and free society able to talk about anything at labels, and no boundaries.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by skyshow

So then by the same logic, when you throw out the Sunday paper later on today, or last week's Newsweek, or any other printed publication, are you then insulting the people that put in countless hours writing up those stories?

you are throwing away a copy of that transcript paper. Do you think that the editors and writers erase all of their work? no. because of people like you papers are saved and stored at libraries around the country for future reference and today now, electronically. you have concept of writing and storytelling and you don't have an appreciation for the art of writing. religious or not, the bible is an account of what happened during those times. believe it or not. the best stories come from the bible. the bible is a historical book.

1384 AD: Wycliffe is the First Person to Produce a (Hand-Written) manuscript Copy of the Complete Bible in English (80 Books). Wycliffe had no access to Greek or Hebrew manuscripts and was thus totally reliant on the fourth century Latin translation of St. Jerome.

this man wrote the entire bible by hand to pass it down to you. thank the bastard and appreciate what others have accomplished before you and ask for forgiveness. and stop wasting people's time. thank you.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

Hey, if you feel your time here is being wasted, by all means excuse yourself to go forth and post to this thread no more! On the other hand if your interested in a discussion then your here in loving arms.

I'll make my comment short and brief as I myself am quickly loosing interest, although I think it's more due to the time of morning, the bright sunshine, dehydration and the onset of a nasty hangover. Um, trust me, there is never going to be a shortage of bibles. You can take that one to the bank!

I've even had to toss out some scientific journals...I gave you that one at no charge! And yes, there will be no shortage of those either.

[edit on 8-6-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by skyshow
I'll make my comment short and brief as I myself am quickly loosing interest. Um, trust me, there is never going to be a shortage of bibles. You can take that one to the bank!

Why don't you just destroy your bible? or give it to someone who knows how to read. Personally, I love to read about jesus, noah and the garden of eden. I appreciate the fact that people wrote that stuff up to pass it down. No cameras, no video, no one knew how to write. it was good to see some educated men wrote descriptively what they saw and went through. Otherwise I would have never known about jesus and his teachings. So if yo believe in god or not, it doesnt matter.

what matters is that you disrespect people. religious or not. i'm out.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

I would imagine that you might also enjoy Homer (The Illiod & Odysee), The Divine Comedy, Shakespeare, Machiavelli (no doubt there), The MIsanthrope, ...all the classics, and more recent ones like Jack Kerouac, Hermann Hesse, Tom Robbins, Steinbeck's East of Eden, and Salinger's Catcher in the Rye...oh and lest we not forget some Josepsh Campbell "The Power of Myth"...

There are some amazing litterary works out there, indeed hundreds and millions of books other than t h e b i b l e...yawn, puke, gurgle, gag!~ Of course it's all subjective and a matter of taste however...

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 08:57 AM
Absolutely disgusting.
I'm not even a christian, but seeing your disrespect for the written word, I cannot help but notice that all your 'multiple degrees' (it'd be hilarious to find out what they are about) are not worth the paper they are printed on. Might as well throw them all out. Almost as disgusting is your creating a 'hierarchy of importance' of books. One book matches your belief set more than another, so you toss the other. If every person torched the books that didn't match what they believed, we'd be left with no literature at all, and you'd have joined the legions of past tyrants ranging all the way from an ancient chinese empire trying to snuff out another ancient chinese empire, all the way to the Nazis who tried to erase part of their history.

Also: If nobody had translated the Bible into English (or other languages), most of Europe would probably still be under the thumb of a corrupt priesthood.

Also: 'A piece of garbage' is not a use.

Jedi is right. If you don't feel that you need to enrich your '1000+ book collection' (VCR manuals?), here is the number one use for your bible:

1. Earning a couple of monies by selling it (To note: I've regretted every single book I ever sold, even those silly Enid Blyton ones I read as a child).

PS: Apologies if I came off a bit nasty, but disrespect of books....I just seems evil to me.

[edit on 8-6-2008 by babloyi]

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 09:46 AM
Alot of rizzlers are in that book!

Nice thin pages and your on your way, to over a thousand roll ups!

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by jedimiller
it's against the law to mistreat a book and destroy it.

Where the heck do you live? In my state that's not against the law. Not that I condone the destruction of books, as I do not. I'd rather someone donated a book to a library, old folks' home or school (so long as if it is a religious book, it is not a public school) instead of throwing it out or otherwise destroying it.

Originally posted by jedimiller

Originally posted by skyshow

So then by the same logic, when you throw out the Sunday paper later on today, or last week's Newsweek, or any other printed publication, are you then insulting the people that put in countless hours writing up those stories?

you are throwing away a copy of that transcript paper. Do you think that the editors and writers erase all of their work? no. because of people like you papers are saved and stored at libraries around the country for future reference . . .

I don't think that Skyshow has the only copy of the Bible. I'm pretty sure that there are plenty of others that are, in fact "saved and stored . . . for future reference." I have been published, in newspapers (as a staff writer) and in scholarly journals (related to legal issues), and I couldn't care less what other people think about my work or use it for. I just hope that at some point in their lives they read something.

By the way... I once used my Bible to press flowers, as it was one of the heaviest books I owned at the time. Now, I'd use my Black's Law Dictionary, as it is the heaviest.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 10:33 AM
Looks like somebody wants some attention.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 10:40 AM
More knculehead antichristians... why did you allow or do you allow this garbage to be posted?


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