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Get This - We Are God. It all fits!

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posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 06:10 PM
In Hindu belief, this world is maya or illusion. Hinduism states essentially we are all one, but we only see the physical world because we are confused about our true nature.

I tend to agree with that belief, but I am not religious at all.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 09:30 PM
Isnt i according to the bible,we all should uplift ourselves to think like a god?

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by jakfunnyfun

"" Get This - We Are God. It all fits! ""

So, david icke is now posting as jakfunnyfun?

You have the exact same philosophy...

Anyone who falls for the tripe on that vid, is just in need of alot more information, than he has now...

so, just keep reading, and keep learning, you'll figger it out...

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

You have no clue how close to the truth you are. Very, very good Dimensional Detective, very good. I don't know if you care or not but I'll have to add you to my "My Sharp Friends." U2U me if you would rather I omit you, I'll understand.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 10:52 PM
I would imagine if we are all God, we are nothing but mere cells within the larger body of all that is. Since they say God says he is the alpha and omega, that would make sense.
How can a brain cell "talk" to a heart cell? I don't have any idea. Is there communication between us? I would say yes. Why? Because of all the unknowns involved. We, as humans, generally, think we are the greatest thing in the universe. Please!
We only see a small part of the light spectrum, hear a small portion of the sound waves available, and we don't even do those as well as 75% of the animals on this planet, so to think we can know it all without seeing and hearing and feeling it all is at least the ignorance, and the most arrogance.
The possibilty exists. Some of the cells thst make up the anal area may disagree, but remember what kind of view they have.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 11:08 PM
If we are God, then,

why can a disease kill a God?

Why airn't we immortal with eternal youth if we are Gods?

Why dont we know what happens after we die?

Why can we travel to mars so slowly in our solar system being powerful Gods you say we are?

If we are Gods, why do we think like primates on a natural earth?

Technology makes you think you are God. Technology breakthrough is a very small percent in your future/generation. Maybe in 2050 while your departed the future generation will living up to 400 years. You call the technology we have now makes us Gods? Pfft even the Egyptians had electricity. Sad thinking friend.

[edit on 7-6-2008 by UnderwaterPyramid]

[edit on 7-6-2008 by UnderwaterPyramid]

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 12:12 AM
I have believed for many years that I am my own god and this is my universe.

There is no "this" without "Me" is there?

Man came before god and we've only been here for a "blip"!

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by nerbot
I have believed for many years that I am my own god and this is my universe.

There is no "this" without "Me" is there?

Man came before god and we've only been here for a "blip"!

i assure you that if you were to die tonight, there would still be a "this". i can vouch for that. i see where you are trying to come from, but you are wrong. "this" would still be here.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 12:41 AM
So interesting that you started this thread. (I love synchronicity!) I was at the park last night watching the sunset and I had an amazing realization...
During meditation, I asked one of my angels how God creates a soul. The angel replied, "God (or Source whatever you wish to call it) simply wonders what it would be like for that soul to exist."
And then I thought... Wow! God thought about what it would be like for ME to exist... and every other being that exists for that matter!!!
So then upon this realization...My next thought is obviously how can I ever thank God/Goddess/Allah/YHWH/Source for this opportunity... and I was given the answer- "Just be."
Without the journey away from the Oneness with Source, we would never be able to fully appreciate how it feels to come back to that amazing realization.
So no matter what side of the journey you find yourself on at this moment... JUST BE!

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 12:45 AM
I once had a dream where I became omniscient and omnipotent. My mind seemed to encompass everything all at once and it was like I was outside the body that I once had. I could do anything and everything but I already knew the result of anything I might do before I even did it. I got bored. I was part of everything in existence and knew about everything in existence. I was very bored and didn't know how to end that dream. The solution, let mankind have free will and the option to choose to do something and you do not know what they will choose for a certain fact. That created a variability and ended the boredom even though I knew all the possible outcomes of those decisions already. That was a very weird dream I had.

I do not believe we are God but God touches all of us since God is aware of everything in existence. God is connected and everywhere. Maybe God shared that dream with me for some reason, I have no idea why. I just understood afterwards how boring it must have been to be God and know the result of everything under the sun before you decided to even do something.

The above is just my opinion though. It's also my opinion that God possesses something that we need to be complete. Therefore God wants us back and we have a desire to be with God even if someone doesn't seem to realize it. That may be why being in hell would be pretty bad because you know you will remain separated for eternity.
Just my opinions though.

[edit on 8-6-2008 by orionthehunter]

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 12:55 AM
This is not something the "newagers" created. It started with old eastern religions like Buddhism and others which got it right the first time unlike the western religion like Christianity and the one god concept. hehe. Many people are tagged as new agers as they are not part of any religion but use the philosophy of the eastern religions. Science is advancing in the field of quantum physics and it is showing by experiment that their is a connection between us. In the future I think there will be many angry religious people as theory is made fact. Well I dont need science to proof this because I can feel this connection and synchronization. Peace. The future is now. Peace

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by orionthehunter
I once had a dream where I became omniscient and omnipotent. My mind seemed to encompass everything all at once and it was like I was outside the body that I once had. I could do anything and everything but I already knew the result of anything I might do before I even did it. I got bored. I was part of everything in existence and knew about everything in existence. I was very bored and didn't know how to end that dream. The solution, let mankind have free will and the option to choose to do something and you do not know what they will choose for a certain fact. That created a variability and ended the boredom even though I knew all the possible outcomes of those decisions already. That was a very weird dream I had.

I do not believe we are God but God touches all of us since God is aware of everything in existence. God is connected and everywhere. Maybe God shared that dream with me for some reason, I have no idea why. I just understood afterwards how boring it must have been to be God and know the result of everything under the sun before you decided to even do something.

The above is just my opinion though. It's also my opinion that God possesses something that we need to be complete. Therefore God wants us back and we have a desire to be with God even if someone doesn't seem to realize it. That may be why being in hell would be pretty bad because you know you will remain separated for eternity.
Just my opinions though.

[edit on 8-6-2008 by orionthehunter]

i love this post and concur so far w/ everything it says. however, i always leave a bit of room for my own interpretation..... but for the most part, i concur.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by dgtempe

This is the way I feel about God as well. I came to that realization after reading the Celestine Phophecy about 10 years ago. Since reading that book I have never looked at religion the same way, I grew up in as Southern Church of God member, I could never grasp what I was being taught without thinking something wasn't right about it. I feel closer to all things now, I 'see' how we all fit together, with the animals and the trees and the water, ect. It doesn't leave me with questions or doubt.

edit = mispell

[edit on 8-6-2008 by space cadet]

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by justamomma
that thought scares me. to think that I am god, w/ limited experience, limited knowledge, etc etc.

If you are raised your whole life believing that something external to you is responsible for your life and you are like a cork floating in the ocean at the mercy to where the currents take you - this concept will be indeed a scary thought.

Its the equivalent to believing in Jesus your entire life, all the while your whole life you lived in one big struggle waiting for deliverance...just to find out that there is no Jesus out there (the way you thought) to help you - nor is there a God (the way you thought), and the evidence is supported by years of silences.

...its just you, alone.

Now words are pointers and you cant take them for face value, or rather you have to feel the essence of what is being said and dont get stuck in the details.
Doing so is great for dogma as well as for silly apologetics that are circular in nature and their reasoning, but do nothing in regards to helping one attain true wisdom.

So this feeling can be frightening, and as you put it..."you dont want it".
Sooner or later you will realize what many of us do - "the buck stops here".

One can lean on the crutch of ones belief system while it works for them, but for the true seeker, "who seeks with all their heart", eventually the crutch will be seen as just that...and nothing you can do will prolong its usage. - Sure you can use it like a security blanket for awhile, but soon you realize that its not really secure.

But in that time, your fear starts to alleviate, as you have begin to understand things at a deeper and more real level. The stories and parables you believed in and took for face value become more real and you see behind the stories and the symbols to that to which they point.

This goes on and at one point you feel release and perhaps enlightenment.
And you wish the whole world would wake up to this 'salvation' and beauty.

But then your hit again...but its not as hard as the first 'awakening', and that is you are only at the beginning and the road is there to still be travelled.

Life is a journey and a joy to be lived.
In your struggles and tribulations comes out a gem more precious than gold.



posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by space cadet

"" I could never grasp what I was being taught without thinking something wasn't right about it. ""

Perhaps if somebody had told you to find a different church, because the one you are in has been compromised, do you think that may have had an impact on you?

All I can tell you, in the anti-christ is going to come out of the church...and that in itself should tell folks they should be careful...that is what is written.

You were in the wrong church bro...really.

The popular churches are pretty much apostacy chuches, but they sure aren't gonna tell you that.

the churches have been infiltrated. You think I'm making this up?
you need to read the story of alberto rivera;

And alberto is only the tip of the need more info?

Check it out yourself, and you decide...


posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by toasted

Actually I had enough interest in my own religious well being to try other churchs, long before reading the book. I also had married into a Catholic family, I found that to be the strangest of all, the moment you walked into one of their churches the first thing you were handed was a list of what money was needed for. Then most of the 'sermon' was chanted and/or in latin. The funeral of my ex mother in law was so unlike any I had ever witnessed, and even her children felt it was too impersonal. Like it wasn't about her at all. Baptist church? Money is brought up about every 10 minutes, how you need to give to the church. That is all I was really getting out of any of them, we need more money. I studied the bible at home, it isn't easy trying to sort it out, I can't make sense of a lot of it, but I try. The church I was raised in was eventually swindled out of the hands of it's members by a real estate agent in the guise of a preacher. I have faith in the bible's teachings, I just don't have any faith in churches.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by space cadet

Just like I said. you were in the wrong church!

Everyone you picked, they were all compromised.

I don't know what else to tell you besides, read the book watch the vid, keep asking questions.

And don't throw the baby out with the in abandoning the church because of so many frauds.

And don't fall for this phony new age poop.

Read the KJV and find a real teacher...I found this guy who is a great teacher, on late night teevee.

you can watch him here and decide for yourself

I'm glad you still believe in the Book...

[edit on 8-6-2008 by toasted]

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 03:45 AM
I know this has been up and about before, but do you remember the talk about how all religions in the world even atheists and Buddhists are actually following the same code when you look through the cards?
You can even take "the secret" and apply that into this train of thought.

The "???" = the universe (or something bigger) = god = muhammad = evolution = what ever you believe in

We simply just use different words the sound better to each and everyone of us and of course purposely fit the society we grow up in.
The biggest problem is that some religious representative people are trying to make others believe that because they put a name on something you can't separate yourself from that and your life depends on that names favor >> and then in the favor of those who can "translate" what this name is saying.
If there's one thing that we can learn from history it's that the name certainly don't give a # about what happens to the individual. The amount of terror and pain amongst humans proves this... the fact that "good citizens" are struck by unfortunate happenings proves this.
Everything is random and will remain so. If we do find a pattern we can probably attribute this pattern to something on a cosmic scale.

So in a sense we are God, if you prefer using that denomination, I don't, but I understand what you mean!
We are all individual, and full of power, full of ability to change and effect our own life. The sooner we can agree on this and stop worrying about who uses what word to describe a universal thing the sooner we can reach the definition of ascension: extreme empathy

Of course we also have to find and strengthen the part of ourselves that tell us "I don't need more material goods than my neighbor to feel good about myself". Being strong and powerful doesn't come in tangible things or objects, but in a mindset worthy of putting a smile not only on your own face but on the guy next to you.

Imagine for a moment that there is no such thing as "God" "Muhammad" "Jehovah" "Jesus"... how would things look like between what is Palestinians and Israelis? They are fighting over a piece of land because they believe something special occurred there... and the irony is that what (may have) occurred is actually the exact same thing just by two different denominations.
Kinda tragic isn't it? Bickering over words...

Maybe I should start killing people because I want to worship the land where the first "spoon" as you call it was made... and by the way, it's not called "a spoon" but "a noops".

We are all the same... don't put your faith in those who say we're not. They will join us over time anyway.

[edit on 8/6/08 by flice]

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by dAlen

i understand where you are coming from and don't completely disagree w/ what you are saying, i just view it from a different perspective i suppose. i can not settle on any particular religion because i see too many flaws in all of them; i see the division it brings btw ppl; i see that most religions, at the very core, are very similar in their concept when you get past the surface bs.

however, i can't and won't bring myself to say i am a god. can't. i am what i am at the present moment in this life. i can not heal the sick, i can not stop the suffering that is so prevelant on the earth, i can not speak a physical world into being.. i may be borderline enlightened in some things, but i am far from being truly ENLIGHTENED by any stretch of the imagination. i am bound by my flesh and therefore i am limited... there is nothing infinite about me at this point and it WILL take something far greater than myself to allow me to become infinite.

unless one of you can prove that you have escaped your bond of flesh yet remained in a conscience state of being, i can not and will not believe that any of you are a god.

[edit on 8-6-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by justamomma

i can not heal the sick, i can not stop the suffering that is so prevelant on the earth

Neither can "God"...
or the name doesn't want to.

But it's a proven fact that people who believe, no matter what they believe in, even themselves and the power in their body, can heal themselves.
Your body was made to heal itself and if you just keep the focus on this positive thing then you can heal yourself... the problem is you have to believe in it blindly or knowingly, which kinda makes it dangerous when speaking in a religious sense.
If you learn to believe in yourself, then yes, you can help heal others by making them believe in themselves and making them use that power they have in their own mind, in their own body... just like you.

The greatest obstacle we will ever face is the limitations we set for ourselves. And since that hurdle is proving to be hard enough we shouldn't waste time listening to how other people say we can't do something.

It's fine that you believe in "God" or "Muhammad"... just don't forget yourself in the proces!

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